Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 85: Sentence to the required number of years

Hearing Yang Canghai's story.

Chen Feng almost didn't even think about it and spoke directly.

"Officer Yang, just do it according to the criminal law, don't give me face."

"Sentence as many years as it should be!"

"Don't worry, I won't accept the settlement of this case."

For such an unreasonable person, Chen Feng didn't intend to show mercy.

After all, he is not a saint.

As for this Rolls-Royce, it was a freebie from the system, and he didn't spend a penny.

What's more, the Rolls-Royce store has taken the initiative to bear the loss.

In general, he didn't lose anything.

"Okay then!"

Yang Canghai understood Chen Feng's idea.

Although this approach is a bit cruel, it is natural to pay back debts, so he didn't say anything.

"Brother Chen Feng, the other party has hired an excellent lawyer to defend, so this case will most likely be tried in court."

"Hire a lawyer?"

"Yes, this case may be a little troublesome."

"It's okay, just follow the process."

Chen Feng's calm voice came out slowly, and he said indifferently: "If there are any problems with this case, you can notify me, I can appear in court at any time!"

Although he doesn't like to deal with troublesome things, it doesn't mean he is afraid of things.

For those who infringe on his interests, he will never tolerate them easily.

What's more, this is in front of him, smashing his car.

"Okay, if there is any progress in the case, I will notify you."

Yang Canghai said so.

Not long after he finished speaking.

Chen Feng suddenly changed his mind and said, "By the way, Officer Yang, I remember that these two antiquities dealers are on the wanted list, right? Is the three million reward... um?"


Yang Canghai rolled his eyes at him and said unhappily, "Don't worry about this. When this case is closed, the reward will be automatically transferred to your account!"

"Then thank you for your help."

After Chen Feng chatted with Yang Canghai for a few words with a smile, he walked out of the police station.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing option three! ]

[Reward: Physical enhancement! ]

The next moment.

Chen Feng felt that his body was full of strength. The muscles that had begun to relax due to lack of exercise during this period also turned back into eight-pack abs.

Cool! !

Chen Feng grinned and instantly felt that he could beat ten people alone!

To be honest, this skill is really much more practical than other skills.

At least he doesn't need to exercise in the future, and he can keep his body in peak condition.

At this moment.

Chen Feng was walking on the street, originally planning to take a look at the small villa given to him by the system.

But the next moment.

He suddenly received a call.

"Hello, is this Mr. Chen Feng?"

"Who are you?"

"We are Zhu Qing, the manager of the 4S store. It's like this. We have replaced your previously damaged Rolls-Royce with a new one. If you are free now, please come to our store."

Hearing the voice on the phone.

Chen Feng replied: "Okay, I'll go there now."

After that.

The phone was hung up.

Then, Chen Feng said to the water friends in the live broadcast room: "Brothers, my new car is back. I have to go and pick it up. After picking up the new car, I will go back to play games for you live."

Having said that.

Chen Feng returned to the place where the car was parked, and then drove the Ferrari towards the 4S store.

"Playing games live? What kind of games are you playing!"

"That's right, you are an outdoor anchor! I hope you can recognize your identity!"

"Hey... Rolls-Royce! I'm so envious!"

"When can I become as good as Brother Feng?"

"If you want to be as good as Brother Feng, first of all, you have to have a physique like Conan."

Everyone in the live broadcast room showed a touch of envy.

At Chen Feng's age, at most in his early twenties, he owns a luxury car worth tens of millions at this age, how can people not envy him?

Chen Feng drove the car, listening to the north, and soon arrived at the 4S store.

As soon as he entered the door.

The store manager Zhu Qing came over with a smile and greeted him.

"Mr. Chen Feng, long time no see."


After the two of them simply greeted each other.

The store manager Zhu Qing didn't waste any words, and went straight to the point, taking Chen Feng to the side of the Rolls-Royce.

And he introduced politely: "Mr. Chen Feng, it was our mistake last time. We are really sorry. We have replaced your car with another one!"


All the expenses for the damage to this Rolls-Royce were borne by the store.

Of course, the reason for this is that the parties involved in the previous incident could not afford the required expenses, so they had to temporarily pay for it.

After all, these were their faults. It is impossible for Chen Feng to pay for it, right?

In addition, Chen Feng's Rolls-Royce had been smashed beyond recognition. Instead of repairing it, it would be better to replace Chen Feng with a new car.

"Okay then."

Chen Feng nodded very straightforwardly.

He had a good impression of the store manager.

Because the store manager did not shirk responsibility from beginning to end, and he was responsible to the end, which made him feel good.

"Then can I drive away directly?"

Chen Feng simply sat in the Rolls-Royce for a test drive, and then asked the store manager Zhu Qing.

"This is your car, of course it's okay." Zhu Qing narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"By the way, I'll return the keys to you."

Chen Feng took out the Ferrari car keys and returned them to the store manager.

After all, the Ferrari was given to him by 4s for transportation, not his own car. Now that the new car is back, it naturally needs to be returned.

After returning the keys, Chen Feng started the car and was about to drive home.


Two figures walked into the door of the 4s store.

"Stinky boy! I finally found you!"

Just entered the door.

The leading young man walked directly in the direction of Chen Feng, his look was full of anger and hatred.

Seeing this man, Zhu Qing's face immediately frowned, and he said angrily: "What are you doing back here? We have fired you! You are not welcome here, get out of here!"

That's right!

This person is Zhang San!

It was the car salesman who had secretly driven the Rolls-Royce out of the store before!

Thinking of this, the store manager Zhu Qing became even more anxious.

Zhang San's appearance at this time, isn't it obvious that he is going to provoke Chen Feng's anger?

"Manager, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Zhang San gritted his teeth and said to the store manager Zhu Qing, then gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Feng, and said: "I want to talk to this kid alone about this matter!"

Now he has lost his job, his money, and even his mother has been put in jail!

It can be said that his life has been a Waterloo!

(ps: Ask for a little free gift)

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