Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 88: I have to build a big villa to calm my nerves

"Brothers, since he wants to do it, we can't be afraid. We just have to fight him to the end. As for hiring a lawyer, let's not worry about it."

For everyone in the live broadcast room.

Chen Feng said without changing his expression.

Although this matter will be litigated.

But there is no rush.

After all, there are many steps required to open a court session, and it cannot be opened in a short while.

And Zhang San also seized on his fear of trouble and asked Chen Feng to retreat.

But unfortunately, Chen Feng did not intend to compromise.

not to mention.

This case of mine is a must-win case.

Not to mention hiring a lawyer, even if you go into battle yourself, you can probably win by shutting up and keeping your eyes open.

at the same time.

Zhang Yida Law Firm.

"Lawyer Zhang, look at this case, what are our chances of winning?"

Zhang San's face looked a little worried. He turned his eyes and looked at Lawyer Zhang and asked.

He really didn't expect that Chen Feng's attitude would be so tough.

Even though the odds of winning were not high, he had no choice but to confront Chen Feng head-on.

But now all his hopes are pinned on Zhang Yida.

Zhang Yida touched his chin and thought for a few seconds before speaking:

"Your case is not a matter of victory or defeat. After all, your mother smashed someone's car in public. The best I can do is defend you to reduce the fine."

"Reduced fine defense?"

Zhang San was startled for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he said: "Lawyer Zhang, you must help me get this done. I will depend on you for the rest of my life! You must give me a little less of this ten million." ah."

He definitely couldn't afford to pay back the ten million.

If the fine can be reduced a little more, that's not impossible.

The worst case scenario is that he bites the bullet and sells all his house and cars, and it's okay to raise a few million.

But he didn't want to do it unless he had to.

"You can rest assured that I am a professional lawyer and I will definitely do my best to help you."

Zhang Yida patted his chest and promised: "In addition, you have to provide me with some detailed information. This will also make it easier for me to collect some favorable evidence to prove my words."


Hearing this, Zhang San let out a heavy breath and cooperated very well with Zhang Yida's work.

In fact, it was not him who wanted to hire Zhang Yida, but among so many lawyers, only Zhang Yida took his case.

Because in the eyes of other lawyers, the chance of winning this case is really low.

After all, what do lawyers value most?

That must be the winning rate!

And at this time.

Chen Feng has returned to his rental house.

But he came back here not to live, but to move things.

Because he plans to move to a villa given by the system later.

They all have villas and live in a rental house in Hammer.

In this way, Chen Feng went up to the rental house and simply packed his luggage.

As a bachelor, he actually didn't have much, so he quickly sorted it out.

"Anchor, what's going on?"

"With so much luggage to pack, is it possible that Brother Feng is going to run away?"

"Don't panic. You can win this case with your eyes closed. Brother Feng, don't let your mind wander."

"Run away? Are you kidding me? Even the God of Death is afraid of a man. Can you imagine what he has to fear?"

Seeing Chen Feng packing his luggage, he looked like he was about to run away.

Everyone in the live broadcast room also showed a hint of curiosity.

And looking at these barrages.

Chen Feng responded with a smile:

"Brothers, I'm not running away. I'm moving to a new home later. When we move to the new home, let's live stream and play games to add to the fun!"

As soon as these words came out.

The barrage became even more crazy.

"Damn it! That's awesome! It's only been a few days and you actually bought a house?"

"Don't even think about it, what is Brother Feng's identity? With a signing bonus of more than 100 million, buying a house or something, isn't it just a matter of having the skills?"

"That's the same reason. Brother Feng is also a person who drives a Rolls-Royce. Now he still lives in a rental house. It's really inconsistent with his status."

"Why don't we build a big villa to calm our nerves?"


Chen Feng quickly packed his luggage and put it in the car. He clapped his hands, looked at the luggage on the car, and nodded with satisfaction.

To be honest, the biggest advantage of this Rolls-Royce is the large space inside the car.

So much luggage was packed in easily.


The worst feeling that gave him was the sense of ceremony of Rolls-Royce.

You know, people who can afford this level of luxury cars almost always have an exclusive driver, and few drive the car themselves.

And really speaking, it is not as comfortable to drive as the previous Ferrari.

I'll have to buy another car when I get the chance in the future.

Chen Feng moved his things and got into the car.

The first thing he has to do is to return the current rental house. After all, he still has the deposit with the landlord.

"Sister Qi, are you there?"

Chen Feng came to the door of a room and knocked politely.


The door opened.

What came into view was a beautiful young woman with fair skin, gentle and quiet beauty. Although she was over thirty years old, her face was extraordinarily beautiful, vaguely revealing the charm of the past.

She is her landlord-Ye Qi.

"Chen Feng? Is something wrong?"

Sister Qi said lightly.

At this time, she was wearing a simple white shirt, holding the door handle with her right hand, and wiping the moisture from her hair with a towel in her left hand.

She looked like she had just taken a shower.

Smelling the faint fragrance in the air, Chen Feng couldn't help but think:

Although Cao Ze is dead, his spirit will be passed down through the ages.

"That... I plan to cancel the house."

Chen Feng scratched his head, quickly gathered his thoughts, and spoke directly.

"Canceling the house? So soon?"

Sister Qi looked at Chen Feng carefully with her beautiful eyes, and then said: "If you find a cheaper house outside, we can talk about the rent."

These days, many tenants have canceled their leases, and some have even disappeared inexplicably.

This caused her income to plummet, so it would be best to retain her.

Of course.

The main reason was that she liked Chen Feng, and his quality was much higher than other tenants, so it wouldn't be a big problem to reduce the rent a little bit.

"No, Sister Qi, I have a house outside. Thank you for your kindness." Chen Feng smiled and shook his head at her.

"You have a house?"

Sister Qi stared, a little surprised.

You know, the house price here is at least several million, and this is relatively remote. If it is a house close to the city center, it will start at at least 10 million.

I still remember that when Chen Feng moved to her place, he was still a poor student.

But now, in less than a year, he has bought a house?

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