Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 102: Going underground to the location of the fourteenth decision-maker

Do they want to go underground again? According to the current situation, once these technologies flow into the underground, all the balance will be broken. Even if those people previously praised the path of alienation in order to survive, technologies that can survive well without alienation have emerged. How could you continue to choose alienation?

By the same token, Merida was thinking what You Ge and Mr. Cheng were thinking.

"Haha, how about it? It seems that you have noticed our purpose." Seeing the chaos on the other side, Mr. Orange stopped covering up and looked at Merida opposite and said slowly:

"Are you interested in in-depth cooperation? These technologies are actually just obsolete civilian technologies for us. I can even provide you with complete sets of equipment and related equipment manufacturing technology for free and send them underground.

In this way, what you call [deep alienation] can be completely replaced by foreign objects. how? "

Having said that, Mr. Cheng stopped talking.

Anyone who thinks about it knows that Merida can easily facilitate this without having to pay anything from above. How big will her momentum in the underground become? Factional disputes? More than half of the other twelve decision-makers will switch to her side once she brings out these skills.

"Okay! But I need you to join and become the fourteenth member of the decision-making team!"


Without any hesitation, becoming the fourteenth decision-maker has no conflict with Mr. Orange's original purpose.

Moreover, Merida's move clearly told the other party that even with these techniques, she would not be able to successfully suppress her opponents, but if this person who was once called the "Mechanical Demon" came forward to help her, , the other party not only obtained the supreme status, but also based on the purpose of the other party's cooperation with her, this decision-making position will play a decisive role.

In fact, starting from the center of power in the royal city, the jurisdiction over the city is very loose. The only starting point is to expand humankind.

The underground people are also a group of humans who were separated from the original, but the other party has always been hostile to surface humans, and they don't even care about the other party in the royal city.

Now, as long as Mr. Orange integrates the underground people and reports the power situation to the high spire in the royal city, this group of humans can become his own private power.

At first, I just thought about how to plan it slowly. After the underground people completely relied on machinery, they could further implement the next plan. However, I didn't expect that Merida in front of me had such strong courage and dared to bring the former mechanical demon into the decision-making level. , of course, this has a relationship that cannot be ignored with the meaning of the name Mechanical Demon.

How could Mr. Cheng give up so easily on something that could lead to success in one step?

"This is the early construction method of the information cover." Mr. Orange no longer regarded Merida as an outsider. After sending a few robots from the rear, he said: "Take them with you. Wherever they go, they will Will tell you how to build, and help with the initial construction.

After the underground is completely covered with information, subsequent equipment and materials will be sent down continuously, changing the underground living environment. When all the dust settles, I will tell you about the location of the fourteenth at the right time. Appear! "

The stone in Merida's heart was finally put down, and the blue light in her eyes became hot: "Okay! I'll wait for you, Mr. Orange!" The situation that was originally completely unfavorable to her was easily resolved, and her people also There is no need to become strange aliens because of those strange policies.

And You Ge, who had been unknown at the back, was just listening on the sidelines and was completely confused by the changes in things. How could he become a member of the underground people's decision-making team so easily? And judging from what the other party said, firstly, Mr. Orange is an old acquaintance of the family, and secondly, this old acquaintance is not just a simple old acquaintance. It seems that he had a huge reputation during the period of the underground people's split.

You Ge, who was looking for death, also secretly muttered the name Mr. Cheng just said. The moment he opened his mouth, he was stared at by a huge will. After conveying a naughty mood swing, he kicked You Ge. Out of connection.

There is no need to think that this is Mr. Cheng's true strength. The embarrassment for You Ge can only be treated as if nothing happened.

The cooperation matters came to an end, and it was finally time for You Ge to appear.

Mr. Cheng pointed to You Ge beside him and said:

"This is Hall Azatos, my current scheduled partner. I believe you will have many opportunities to cooperate in the future."

The mask disappeared, and a rather handsome European and American face appeared.

"He is also a human being?" Merida recalled the strong malice just now, and thought that this adult had captured some kind of extraordinary person.

"Pure human beings." After watching it for so long, Yu Ge became familiar with Yu Ge no longer having to pretend to be an alien. The slightest hint of Yu Ge reminded Merida of many interesting things.

"Oh~, little brother is really good at playing." Merida stepped forward and said with a wink: "I scared people to death just now. I thought you were going to kill them!"

After all the new humans in the underground turned into [Sea Anemone Eyes], Merida felt that she would never be able to love again. The other normal people were all very old married people, even if a high-ranking person had She doesn't like any interesting male descendants.

No matter how you look at this time, this one is countless times better than those second-generation ones. Especially, he is a partner that Mr. Orange values ​​​​which fully illustrates the other party's gold content.

How could we not let Merida flirt with her a few times?

Unfortunately, Yuge was not a good guy. Just when Merida wanted to continue to go up, the mask of the Slander appeared again, and the big bald head even reflected the blue light emitted from Merida's eyes appropriately.

"Hall, I'll leave this to you, just follow the plan!"

Seeing the antics of these two people, Mr. Orange chose to evacuate very cleverly. The important things had been done, and there was no need for him to stay.

After that, without giving Yuge any chance to speak, the robot controlled by Mr. Orange also returned to its previous appearance.

Now it's good. After Merida lost Mr. Orange, she completely let herself go. Facing such a powerful existence, even if the other party is her own, she still has a lot of concerns in her heart.

"Little brother, why did you put on the mask again? Don't you know that your human face is super handsome?", twisted body, delicate voice, if it was such a beauty in the previous life, Yuge would have fallen long ago.

Unfortunately, now Yuge is thinking about the development of the underground floor in the plan and the laboratory that Mr. Orange promised to him.

As for Merida, a woman who was far beyond his tolerance, she was a dangerous item that he absolutely could not touch at his current level! Who knew if there would be some strange power that he could not tolerate that would kill him.

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