Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 113 An unexpected ending

Finally, I finally have a good person to use.

Suddenly, I am more looking forward to the hatching of Elosli!

Youge's rapid change of opinion of this middle-aged woman finally reminded Nina who she was. The house where the adults asked her to deliver letters, the woman who never stopped talking!

She was the one who made trouble outside these days! It's a pity that I answered her all the time when I delivered the letter to her.

Nina just hummed a few words in her heart. At least the other party also had something to ask the adults. The adults were busy every day and it was impossible for them to tell her where they were going. But next time I encounter such a thing, there will be guards to help me! I just need to clean up my house!

Just as she was thinking this in her heart, heavy and neat footsteps came from outside the door again.

It felt like more than 10 people. The heavy metal boots hit the ground, mixed with the sound of some parts hitting each other, and then stopped at the door of my own house?

Nina just looked at Youge,

a mechanical asexual voice sounded: "Sir, the guards you need have arrived!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work!"

Youge waved to let Liliana go into the house first, and then walked towards the team of mechanical guards outside.

It was still the design style of clockwork machinery, but this time the cheeks were blocked by the flat mechanical panels and nothing could be seen. The joints on the body were also covered by various thick-looking armors. Only the huge shield was flashing with some light blue halos, making the overall look not so monotonous.

The team of ten people, from the information displayed on the watch, these ten people can also be combined into a simple energy shield, which is enough to support for several hours in a stable state.

But it is enough. Generally speaking, it is impossible for any high-level aliens to attack the royal city. If any human is not careful, the public security station will definitely be the first to arrive at the moment of energy explosion!

"Come in! Find a suitable place to deploy according to your design!"

The layout of Youge's home had been uploaded to the data center by 01 long ago. The ten-man team naturally got the most reasonable defense plan in the data center. Five people upstairs and five people downstairs just defended the main part of the house, and the upper and lower parts could also echo each other to form a protective shield.

This also saved Youge from thinking for a long time.

After Youge finished speaking, the ten people quickly walked into the room and stationed at their positions.

"Nina! From now on, there will be a team coming to take over the shift every week to replenish energy. You can just let them in when the time comes!"

"Okay, sir!" Seeing this type of robot for the first time, Nina also became excited, especially since the sir called it to protect me. Unconsciously, the robot that was not very likable in the past became cute in my eyes: "Hehehe!"

"So. Liliana? Or", after explaining to Nina, Youge suddenly found that he didn't know how to call this servant. Calling mother or calling her name didn't seem so smooth, so tangled!

"Master Hall, just call me by my name. Now there is no need to cover up the identity of mother and son!"

".Okay, Liliana, you? Why are you here?"

According to Nina, they have been guarding me for a week, and they don't look like people who are fine.

"It's like this." After briefly describing what happened to him, Youge also understood what went wrong. It seems that Fink's transformation is not just to become stronger, maybe there are some forced reasons!

"01, check the noble's affairs!"

Although he is now in a pivotal position in the clockwork factory, he must find out the enemy's bottom line.

"Ico Dak, a marginal noble, has no real power. He made his fortune by selling slum population. After receiving an inspection report about Ico Dak from the Public Security Bureau seven days ago, his whole family disappeared."

"Disappeared? Why disappeared?"

"The staff is tight, the affiliated industries are tight, and a large amount of funds are converted. No one is stationed in the original residence except Ico Dak's direct descendants. It is suspected that they are afraid to ensure the continuation of the family."

Now Youge didn't know what to say. Did he find out the relationship between him and the clockwork center? But since they are like this, there is no need for him to go up and do anything to hunt them down.

"You heard it too, it's okay." Youge supported his hands, which was also funny.

How could Liliana not hear what Youge meant? The other party might have found out something and then sold the industry and ran away. It seems that her "third son" has really become a soaring star.

"By the way, doesn't Noel know about you?"

"I don't know. After getting rid of his previous impetuousness, he came back more frequently."

Ha, such a gentle wife, how could she not want to come back, especially after going through the "hell" life before.

"Well, then continue to maintain it, slowly let him accept your situation, since there will be things to give you in the future." As his own servant, he can't waste this resource for nothing. There is no one in the Orson family who can hold it. Although those vengeful spirits can be used, their strength is nothing to look at.

It's better to let Liliana go over and get in touch with it first and get familiar with it.

Later, arrange a new job for his cheap father. At least he is his "father", so help him a little.

"Okay, Lord Hall!" Liliana, who looked straight ahead, had no discomfort at all. Whether from the perspective of a son or an adult, perhaps he was the one she deserved to give to now.

Waving his hand, Youge didn't want to say anything more. Now he just wanted to go upstairs and have a quiet rest.

Leaving two women alone, Nina smiled awkwardly and went out to do her own things. After being scared for so many days, she just wanted to breathe the air outside.

As for Liliana, she had already established a connection with Youge. As long as the other party wanted to contact her at any time, she turned around and left here, and began to think about how to make her husband accept her current changes.

Poor and lucky Noel didn't know what to think after knowing that his wife had become his son's servant. Although there was no hat to put on him, from the perspective of the servant's relationship chain, Youge's casual words were Liliana's holy orders, and Noel was like a light bulb in it. Not only could he not resist, but perhaps one day once there was a disagreement, he would definitely be the first victim in this relationship.

And don’t forget, there is also a second brother, Fink, who is still undergoing transformation. This is truly an unexpected and huge change for the family.

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