Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 133 Changes after worm sequence collection

That seems feasible.

The territory is not occupied, and there is no need to provide a large amount of high-purity essence. There are still some corpses to occupy. It seems that he has a complete advantage!

Luo Yinta thought about it and found no problems that were detrimental to him.

And You Ge, who was waiting on the side, was not afraid of the other party's regret at all. In fact, it was just a use of waste.

People in this world have absolutely no development in this kind of brain-eating behavior, let alone underground people.

Only the aliens would take it for granted. I remembered that when Martin's mother Emma seduced him, she thought she was a fallen and alienated human being.

It seems that it is the existence of aliens that makes humans have an inexplicable resistance to food like human brains.

But that’s fine, I’ll give the scraps from the farm to Rointa.

Rointa's waste is handed over to the factory, which processes it and sells it to humans.

It's completely like the wool comes from the sheep, but Youge made a huge change in the middle.

"Okay! No problem. When will it start?"

"You sort out the passage, and I will arrange the rest."

This kind of thing is said to be an arrangement, but in fact it is handed over to 01 for assembly line operation. It is basically Youge's temporary entertainment idea.

After the discussion, they left Rointa's lair.

Mary, who had returned long ago, was called in by Youge again, and became unilaterally responsible for some transactions between Youge and the underground people.

The purification and transportation of Poison Fire, as well as the soon-to-launch "Huale" drink, is called "Essential Happy Water".

Taking advantage of the time difference between Mary being called, he slipped into the coffin and directly summoned the creator of a certain happy water - John Stice Pemberton. The interesting thing about the same process as that of Explosive King is that it also has a nice skill [Pharmacology].

Unfortunately, You Ge didn't have any good ideas at this stage, so he could only put it down for the time being.

"01, are there any plants with similar ingredients?"

With a quick stroke of the pen, the ingredients of Happy Water instantly appeared on the console screen.

"Sir, there are records of plants with similar taste in the database."

"Oh? What will happen if we add the purified and contaminated Tentacle Sea Essence to this combination?"

"Simulation calculation in progress!\

,"In just a few words, the room fell silent.

The understanding person Youge is also silently waiting for the result.

"Dip! The test is completed, it is the same as the formula record.", there is no need to think that 01 has done a quick test in a certain laboratory, and must have certain raw materials in stock, just wait.

"Can these similar plants be scarce?"

"There is a small amount of planting outside the royal city, and there is a large amount of land in the warehouse area."

"Okay! Let's make 10,000 bottles of this kind of portable first!" He casually drew a universal soda bottle and gave it to 01. Although I have trust in happy water from my previous life, I still try the water first before saying: "The cost has been reduced to a range acceptable to ordinary people. Remember to put a sign on the bottle that it can be recycled at one-tenth of the price!"

Quanquan has the mentality of cutting leeks, and with the technology of Clockwork Center, 100% of the recycled bottles can be reused, so there is no need to worry about not earning back the cost.

The matter was settled simply, and Mary twisted her waist and came to Youge's room.

"Sir!", bowing slightly to show respect.

"Look at this, after 01 has produced the first batch, you will take half of it and try to trade it with the underground people. The price will be kept at 9/10 of the normal selling price, and everyone will be able to buy it easily every day. !”

After clicking on the bottle on the screen, he continued: "I'll leave this matter to you. Find a way to collect the underground people's recognition of this drink, and then come back!"

Something has been done again, and it seems that the adults still have a high degree of recognition for her.

"Okay, sir!" Although Mary is not outstanding in terms of martial arts, she is definitely smart about these things.

Rointa's lair,

After the incident came to an end and a wave of poisonous fire was added, You Ge quietly returned here.

First of all, I have to admire the huge space for the watch given by Mr. Orange. A space as big as a stadium is enough for Youge to do a lot of things.

The purpose of returning here is actually for the abundant attribute aura surrounding Luo Yinta.

In order to provide a better environment for Eloris who is about to be born, we must make complete preparations.

After throwing down a simple quantum portable house given by 01, You Ge also got into it.

Luo Yinta on the side looked at the familiar You Ge and cursed in his heart: "I really think I added this place to myself!"

However, the two sides talked about the so-called "territory" and there were almost no good topics other than "subjects".

inside the coffin,

Looking at the large number of insects showing off their power in front of him, You Ge was also quite emotional. If this was really displayed on the battlefield, no one would be able to face it easily.

"Burrowing Monster - Macrophagic Worm - Gula: Characteristics: earth, corrosion, strength, tenacity; Characteristics: worms, saliva, fangs; (can be extracted)"

In contrast, You Ge finally chose toughness. As his understanding of attributes deepened, he actually thought that this attribute that seemed to be more physical was actually closer to the attribute itself in terms of matching.

It seems that the several general abilities originally planned as the most basic by Wangcheng are not as simple as they seem.

Although it cannot be used to the maximum extent, it can still be accumulated little by little after being assigned to several bodies.


After leaving three as the choice of "rest", the others all turned into a breath beside the cold bed.

"?", just when he was about to give the crystal stone he had harvested this time to the giant egg next to him, a wave came from the coffin.

"Superior race sequence: macrophagous worm; collection completed;"

"Sequence chapter opens!"

While still thinking about what the so-called chapter was, Youge's consciousness picture changed instantly.

I don't know when the first macrophagous worm was born. It was strong by nature and kept devouring everything around it.

With the changes in the environment and the alternation of times, it has been living underground and has gradually eaten up little here. It was the first time it saw the sun, and a dislike for light made it full of malice.

And for it that suddenly appeared, those creatures on the surface completely turned into the same existence before they could react, weak and newborn little bugs.

It felt its own kind for the first time, and forgot its disgust just now. In a moment, it took these little friends to go deep into the ground again.

I don't know how long it will take for these weak ones to become giants like themselves.

This place can no longer accommodate so many beings, and the idea of ​​migration appears in this population.

And at this time, it seems that there are some special changes in the vicinity.

After discovering the horror of living on the surface, the life that originally lived on the surface had already started various plans. Unfortunately, the adult superior races were not something they could easily destroy, so in order to protect their homeland, they began a transfer plan.

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