Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 135 Changes after half a year

Youge actually observed this from Luo Yinta.

Being called pan-consciousness already shows its representativeness among its own people. If it is an alien species that mainly destroys chaos, it will definitely not show the intention of cooperation when Youge comes in.

In addition, the behavior of those special people who protected the core hinterland at the beginning fully shows that the other party must have had a significant relationship before.

Moreover, after Youge integrated the red seal, the feedback between ordinary people and Thatcher on the red seal was completely different.

In this way, how can Youge not pay attention to the strength of these people?

"It's still a long-term job." After getting ready, Youge also thought of Luo Yinta's age. Strength is never something that can be improved just by wanting to improve.

Finally, after obtaining the macrophage worm sequence, the insect pollution changed.

In the process of creating worms, it is actually a kind of information injection. When you first encountered insect pollution, Youge had tested it many times, but unfortunately it didn't work.

Instead, after completing the sequence, this information method was observed from another perspective.

It was also thanks to the coffin that this information was fully displayed. Otherwise, even if Youge had improved two stages, he would not have been able to gain any detailed and extreme gains.

From the perspective of human DNA, it carries the genetic information necessary for the synthesis of RNA and protein, which is an indispensable factor for the development and normal operation of organisms.

Generally speaking, different DNA fragments can interpret important physiological processes in life.

It looks like a very reliable combination, but it can produce greater mutations according to different combinations.

It is equivalent to a kind of building blocks. Aren’t genetic diseases, mutations, etc. caused by the lack of fragment combinations?

However, when Youge obtained the sequence, it was directly [replicating] information at its fundamental properties, or at a level smaller than particles. It can also be called replicating and modifying the "pan-consciousness" of the particles themselves, completely changing their mutual reactions to the objective world.

For example, there are gravitational and repulsive forces interacting between adjacent molecules at the same time, which is a unique way of molecules themselves.

After being copied, the molecules will no longer have inherent interactions, but will automatically disassemble and reorganize into [worm particles] to continuously replicate themselves, change adjacent substances, and achieve the ultimate purpose of insectization.

The change of the substance itself means that it cannot be directly restored, unless different information fragments are injected to reorganize the changed particles.

This pollution nature is worthy of being the "rank suppression" of the upper race itself!

"It's just that I understand it. So what, I don't have the ability to create this kind of information now." Perhaps I can rely on the coffin to create a certain amount of "worm pollution" to create my own followers. Let alone before, even now, it's not good!

But can't the simplified version be made?

Youge doesn't need to fully master [worm pollution]. Is it a happy thing to see everyone around him turn into worms and salute him every day when he goes out?

Half of the 8-type particles carry Youge's spiritual particles. After the [Red Seal], Youge doesn't believe that ordinary professionals or aliens can resist it!

He suddenly turned himself into an extremely dangerous person. Anyone who approached with malicious intent would be killed or injured!

Moreover, the red mark itself was born from Yuge's own spiritual attributes, so this simple reproduction is still very simple.

Just like a tattoo, after the red mark is transferred from the back of the hand to the core, a faint red mark will appear in all the 8-type particles that are born.

To mark the uniqueness of the particle!

Time flies, half a year has passed,

Yuge, who lives alone underground, has finally ushered in the most important moment, the birth of Elosli.

As early as a month ago, after absorbing the crystal stone, Yuge and Luo Yinta's relationship just entered a sweet period. At the other party's initiative, he simply circled a separate essence pool outside Yuge's hut for Elosli.

The fully exposed [Essence] pool is much more conspicuous than when it was under Luo Yinta, just like where humans gather, there must be countless treasures and knowledge piled up, and where plants are lush, there must be fertile land.

In the last month, Elosli's body has grown completely. From telepathy, I learned that she wanted to take advantage of this rich essence to break through Lv10 in one fell swoop, so she has been delayed in coming out.

While waiting, Youge has long disdained the feedback of the desire information of the flesh, but looking at the other party's body is also a little embarrassed.

Information exchange from nature, the followers born from Youge will choose the gender and image that Youge likes more. From the perspective of the honest Youge, why choose a man when you can choose a woman?

"Hey. Qitian, I hope you can come out early." After half a year of leisure and re-optimization of his own strength, after the inevitable upgrade to Lv12, Mr. Orange also sent a message yesterday.

"The King's City Show will officially start in seven days, get ready!"

According to Mr. Orange's suggestion, all major forces will send several hidden seed players, which can be said to be comparable to Youge.

And most importantly, Fink has finally completed the transformation.

Completely taking over You Ge's attention, Fink's transformation was upgraded by several levels by Mr. Orange. After completing the first step of compatible transformation and his life becoming more and more stable, 01 also sent the transformation plan approved by Mr. Orange to You Ge. After all, he is my second brother, so it’s better to make sure before the transformation.

To be honest, when You Ge took a look at this thing, it was okay. Anyway, he had begun to transform, and his future development path was completely handed over to this road of no return. But after comparing it, it was actually good. His current body is to a certain extent It is also equivalent to a foreign object.

"The face is sealed, the waist core is modified to rotate 360 ​​degrees, an additional launching device is installed on the chest, and assembleable buckles are installed on the joints to facilitate the connection of other external facilities, and the legs are connected to the blades."

It was originally a transformation test for population migration in new urban areas, but now it was completely designed into a combat machine by Youge after a few words. However, after the final transformation, even Mr. Cheng praised Youge's design level. This kind of The style seems to completely overwhelm the previous four-dimensional transformation.

After all, you are someone who has watched blockbusters. Doesn’t RoboCop’s black armor look good?

People here don’t like the Clockwork Center’s renovation plan. Can’t You Ge start with children? After abandoning those weird design styles and turning to a more gorgeous science fiction style, these adults will be dead in a few generations. How can the children who grew up under this style reject it like they did?

Yes, even Mr. Cheng was alarmed by You Ge's idea.

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