Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 146 Show Rules

"Hehe~ Aren't these people of yours afraid of death?"

We can lose the game, but we can't lose face. No matter what you are, the Snake King or the Dog King, our Gray King is not afraid at all.

"Tsk~", Ouroboros saw the mature look of the other party and knew that there was no way to make any trouble: "Read it, read it, why are you still standing there!"

After turning his head and giving Dalia a fierce look, he stood side by side with the Gray King without saying a word.

In fact, even if they fight, it doesn't matter. Both of them come here with the ability of clones, and the power between the two kings cancels each other out. The facilities in the inner king city can definitely protect the people below in the first place.

As for those who lead the team, it is impossible for them to be slaughtered. It is still very easy to defend and retreat.

Otherwise, so many people would not gather here.


Dalia was worried about himself. This man was very "casual". He didn't dare to have any bad thoughts about a king. He calmed down and started to speak loudly:

"The 15,486th show in the royal city is officially open! Now read the show rules!"

Dalia's voice full of personal voice characteristics shocked everyone's mind. The voice went straight up along the spirit, as if afraid that others would forget.

"It's started again," Mr. Orange showed a familiar smile.

Soul entanglement is Dalia's special skill. After clever use, after entanglement with others, not only is it not threatening, but it can communicate with this power at any time. Of course, it only lasts for seven days.

In this way, even a big fool can remember it passively.

"The first restriction is that only professionals below Lv20 are allowed to participate in this show. Those who break through on the spot after participating in the competition can continue to participate!"

"The second restriction is that it is forbidden to borrow the abilities of high-level professionals. The dependents of high-level professionals need special certification before they can participate."

"The third restriction is that it is forbidden to use special props that are not made by the person himself or made indirectly by the high-level."

"During the competition, several observers recognized by the adults will confirm whether the contestants meet the rules at any time from different angles. Even if you escape the restrictions, you will be disqualified on the spot.

So please show your abilities to your heart's content!"

After hearing this, You Ge instantly understood that the soul-entangled sound just now was actually a disguised warning. If cheating is discovered, it will probably not be a good thing.

After a pause, Dalia continued:

"Due to the presence of special guests, the original venue of this show has been changed. At the same time, we will use various methods to determine your abilities in order to win the favor of all the adults."

"The first individual battle will be held in the underground arena of Li Wangcheng. Please ask the leaders of each force to divide your team into two groups and put the corresponding numbers into the containers in front of you!"

It's really casual. As the commentator, Dalia used to say a lot of long speeches before officially starting, but this also saves everyone trouble.

Alas, it's a bit worrying to let Lord Snake be in charge, but it's still good!

As two containers, one red and one blue, appeared, Mr. Orange also took out a few special metal cards,

"Write your names on them, Fink and Hall blue, and others red!"


The nine people in the original team froze on their faces. They gave up these two people before the show started? One Lv12 and one Lv15, they would never have thought that the Lv19 talents here were the ones to be abandoned.

Yuge was too lazy to explain. After taking a card, he used his ability to write his name on it. Fink seemed quite embarrassed. It was also the first time he met so many big names. He was not at ease after being named by Mr. Orange.

After everyone finished writing, Mr. Orange gathered his hands and threw them. 9 blue and 2 red cards were thrown into the container in front of him in an instant.

After the names were written on the cards, glass bottles, balls, knives and swords, they all flew into it.

This is good. Everyone can see what is inside. I just don’t know whether the opponent will be selected autonomously or randomly!

If it is the first one, it will be much more interesting. The hostile forces will choose the representative nameplate of the other party without thinking.

"Okay! Throwing is over. Two hundred and thirteen contestants, after the game starts, the red and blue matches are over, and the remaining people among you will decide more than half of the winners in a melee!"

In addition to being casual, Dalia could not make any comments. Anyway, it was decided by the adults, so it was okay to start a melee directly.

After seeing the unhappy faces of the people below, Dalia smiled sinisterly and continued: "This is the rule set by the adults~"

Slapped in the face, slapped hard in the face, the unhappy faces immediately turned into smiling faces, and nodded repeatedly.

However, Mr. Orange's obvious throw just now was also seen clearly by those who were interested.

"Clockwork, why are you going to give up a few people now?\

,"A middle-aged woman wearing a black tight-fitting uniform and a few red feathers hanging on her shoulders suddenly appeared on one side of the team. After staring at Mr. Orange with slightly narrowed eyes, she didn't seem to be friendly at all.

"Oh, Sophia, why are you in the mood to come to me today?", Mr. Orange's face did not change at all, and he continued to stare at the various throwing objects flying around on the field: "Have your men caught all the rats in the city?"


Answering the question irrelevantly, Sophia laughed and pointed at the ratmen on the other side and said, "Are you talking about them?"

When did they appear? Youge looked in the direction pointed.

Standing in the front was the ratman general Abel that he met on Gray Street at the beginning, followed by several ratmen with the same aura, tightly surrounding a ratman with white eyebrows in the middle.

Surprised, he didn't even notice that there were ratmen in his team. It was not until he was pointed out by Sophia that he gradually realized that there were ratmen around him all the time.

"Tsk." Mr. Orange pointed out something: "Do you think they are rats?"

This sentence seemed to poke a hole in the three parties. The sharp teeth on the mouth of the ratman general Abel instantly split towards several people. If the white-browed ratman behind him hadn't spoken, Abel might have rushed up first.

The relationship between humans and ratmen has always been hot and cold. After all, the rise of each race represents the decline of the neighboring race. A race like ratmen, which has more than enough numbers but lacks high-end combat power, was eventually surpassed by humans.

And if we start from the initial relationship, ratmen can actually be regarded as a branch of humans.

Ratmen, human rats,

If a professional of the animal system is willing to spend money to spread the species, then it is not considered a human.

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