Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 159 Worm's Opportunity? Disaster?

The crawling earth, or the collection of new races, is almost the same size as the royal city. These 28 contestants barely even meet in this place.

Not to mention that Dalia didn’t think about letting them collide too much at the beginning. Of course, if Youge looked in a certain direction and rushed hard, he would really meet others. Who didn’t know that it would be a fierce battle? Absolutely indispensable.

However, it is too late to make this decision at this time.

After all 28 people arrived, as soon as Dalia canceled the gate, the entire earth seemed to be activated, and it was instantly separated from the quiet and safe state.

The white ground began to squirm, and countless fleshy waves undulated. Countless pores appeared on the barren ground and began to exhale, releasing the excess energy inside.

The rotating fleshy tentacles floated up from the ground, and the knotted rotating patterns on the tentacles were still dripping with some original and fragrant "gravy". They fell into the ground, flowed into the pores, and merged and disappeared.

There was another wave of mass destruction. The two groups were lucky enough to be on top of a pore when it was activated. The gas that seemed to have special effects such as high temperature, corrosion, and melting rushed into the bodies of several people instantly, and they were miserable. No one appeared, and after being painted into "gravy", several people merged into the squirming earth.

It was a bad fate, I had escaped so many things, but in the end I was defeated by an accident.

"Lan Risa!" After standing in a slightly safer place, pointing at the countless air holes in front of him, You Ge suddenly asked: "Can you withstand the damage of the gas?"

After hearing this, Lan Risa turned around and stepped forward to try to touch the traces of diluted gas floating out from the edge.

"Corrosion weakens the flesh structure, separates flesh particles, erodes the structure, reorganizes, and activates the surrounding structures." After carefully savoring the injured area on her hand, Lan Risa scratched the skin with her nails. After falling, he said again: "Activate Rebellion, this ability is really interesting!"

After looking at You Ge, she said softly: "It's a bit difficult, Brother Hall, I can't last long!"

"Watch your surroundings."

It is understandable that she has not exceeded Level 10. She was able to maintain her beast form before because of some help from the inside of her spine. Now she only has human-sized pores. Let alone her beast form, she will definitely be the best in this land after she grows bigger. The first professional to be targeted.

After You Ge finished speaking, he took Lan Risa's arm, and the Type 8 particles in his body instantly began to spread. After wrapping the two of them, they were tightly together and jumped into the pores.

fleshy synapse,

fleshy villi,

sticky flesh fluid,

Just as he jumped into the blowhole, the danger came instantly. Like the fleshy synapses of Enoki mushrooms, they began to sweep wildly across the alien substance that suddenly entered. The tiny barbs on the fluff were also frantically tearing at the power particles outside Youge. The final The juices flowed down from the down, wrapped around the two of them, and continued to penetrate deeper.

This is the real danger,

The scary-looking villi and synapses actually rely on quantity to achieve their effects, but these flesh fluids, through constant contact, began a long-term tug-of-war with Youge's Type 8 particles.

You disintegrate and melt me, I destroy and destroy you,

Although it is the same at the onlooker level, most of Youge's particles can still maintain complete controllability after the structure is destroyed, which also results in that they can still protect two people with ease.

After enduring all the damage, it was actually no big deal and he was suspended for a short time.

The two of them finally landed,

The interior suddenly opened up, and the ground and top were completely occupied by dense synapses, and a slight passive energy was exuded in the swing.

"Fibre synapses: assisting in action and transmitting energy"

It's obvious that the suspected target must exist here, so it's better to keep a low profile until we fully understand it.

"Lan Risa, be careful! Let's search first!" As soon as he finished speaking, You Ge stepped forward first. The swing of the synapse would obviously help push You Ge's steps forward slightly. After Wei Wei got used to it, it didn't matter. Nothing serious.

On the contrary, Lan Ruisha who was following behind had a stern look on her face. Ever since she entered this place, she seemed to have been targeted by some natural enemy. Without Youge's help, she felt like she would be melted.

Although she had some thoughts of quitting, the decisive move of the people in front of her only allowed her to give up the idea temporarily. She came in without seeing how it would work, and it was such a strange place.

Synaptic promotion, the two of them looked around,

Even though the ground was still deserted, it was not a time to relax.


On the other side, as an outlier under the Gray King, Worm Blood Food can be regarded as the biggest beneficiary of this game.

When he first entered this crawling earth, he basically fully understood the differences of these places. The flesh covering the entire area made him completely excited.

As for the competition, I have long forgotten about it.

What was ringing in his mind was how to completely occupy this place, and once he integrated his flesh-and-stone addiction into it, he would definitely be able to get a big improvement.

How could we give up this rare opportunity so easily?

The moment Dalia closed the door, Worm's whole body immediately turned into a mixture of strength and began to drill into the interior of the earth.

Whatever corrodes, melts, and fleshes are all devoured by him in an instant,

As one waxes and wanes,

The area he was in was really under his complete control.

And everyone in the square soon discovered Worm's performance,

"As expected, the aliens still put their own position first!" A man in black robe whispered,

"Otherwise, if there is no system like Wangcheng, why would you give up when you encounter an opportunity that can enhance your strength?" The companions around Heipaoren also whispered.

"I can't help but stop here, and that food is not that delicious!" Heipao Man said again, watching Worm's control area gradually expand, and said: "I didn't even investigate, the team in the royal city back then There are also greedy people among them, so the final outcome will be the same?"

It seems that these two are the people in charge who were sent to check this race.

"It's just fate." The friend of the man in black robe smiled slightly and said: "The predator and the prey are just a change of status. There is no sadness or distinction between high and low!"

"Hmph, don't talk about your destiny. Who doesn't know that thousands of destiny choices are just assumptions, so just fool those little brats who don't know!", as the man in black robe made a sound of disgust, Nothing more to say.

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