Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 167 The True Face of the Old God's Eye


After a tense moment, everyone turned back to look at Youge who suddenly spoke,

You don't know whether you are lucky or unlucky to meet such a teammate. You said that he helped you get rid of the tension, but he was so inhumane that it made them very uncomfortable.

Yes, it's just uncomfortable.

Especially for those powerful teams that play support on one side, it always feels like the protagonist of this show has been completely snatched away by others.

Since the end of the first game, that inconspicuous guy once again refreshed the understanding of all the professionals present, and instantly stepped into everyone's sight with a high profile.

The invitation from the new king, the wooing in the second game, and now a subtle reminder,

He is really "lucky" and makes people jealous.

Especially those boys who secretly like Velvet will feel jealous and angry when they see their goddess being attracted by this person again.

But these trivial thoughts are not what You Ge cares about at all. Even if he feels some intensification of emotions that suddenly turn towards him,

so what,

Instead, the Eye of the Old God in front of him completely attracted his attention, and he didn't even bother to pay attention to the minor emotions of the two ladies beside him.

"tui~", Velvet snorted softly, it was really bad taste.

"Brother Hall is so funny~" Lan Risa licked her lips and cursed with a smile.

Hey, fortunately, he is a tool man now, so he doesn't need any reaction at all, just know it.

"Elementary Totem - The Glory of the Intelligent Races of the Old Era - The Unknown Great Pupil Virtual Image - The Infinite Eye of Cthulhu"

What a long name,

"Characteristics: light of race, flesh, bloody evil, traits: eyes, whiskers"

It was completely beyond You Ge's expectation. I originally thought it was an enemy with that kind of unusually high-end ability, even with the glory of the old gods, but I didn't expect that these eyes turned out to be totems.

right! totem.

I didn't even think about it. I knew before that it was impossible for Wangcheng to put in a place that was outside the scope of their abilities. An object that was really connected to the old gods, let alone these contestants, would be directly distorted after entering here.

And this so-called Eye of the Old God is actually the same thing as the traditional totem.

It can even be said to be something similar to a red seal, except that he has a sense of autonomy.

In the universe where Youge did his mission, in the old era, the intelligent creatures that dominated the earth at that time also accidentally saw the great shadow of the old god.

Fortunately, technology and personal power have also reached a peak. After feeling the endless power emanating from that great body, they abandoned their existing development and turned to this great faith.

Unfortunately for greatness, faith? Ants? life? He didn't even know there was life here falling for him.

In this way, countless intelligent creatures from the old era began to worship, and countless thoughts gathered into the eyes they saw at that time, and finally turned into their totems.

It has been passed down like this for tens of thousands of years, until the race self-destructed in time, and this totem was buried in the earth.

As for the beginning of everything, it is impossible to find out why the great one appeared in this universe, but this eye is still accumulating.

After knowing that the mermaid found out, and then You Ge appeared, and finally used his accumulated abilities to catch the meaning signal left by the space anchor when You Ge left, he found this completely different world.

Abundant energy, infinite possibilities,

As a result, this race that it didn't like has developed into something it never imagined.

That's good. He doesn't have to worry about it. It's much more convenient to have a bunch of younger brothers to help him.

At this time, that familiar smell appeared again. The man who passed by in the old universe,

The Eye of Cthulhu looked closely at You Ge, and the method of exploration was exactly the same as when he was still hiding in the statue.

You can't go wrong,

I really have to thank him, otherwise there would not be the current development.

The slit in the eye instantly opened, and a blood-spurting mouth full of sharp teeth appeared above the eyeball.


Eat Yuge! The Eye of Cthulhu only has this one thought in mind, and then find the other party's secret across two universes, so that he can have countless resources!

The evil aura full of blood filled the entire underground space, and the whiskers on the eyeballs began to swell. The smaller and smaller micro-eyeballs that split from the eyeballs also aimed at everyone present and fired out quickly.

The battle between the two sides is about to break out.

"Back off!" Velvet immediately hid behind the rat man after seeing the eyeballs fired by the other party.

Al didn't hesitate at all. His main duty was defense. As soon as he stepped on his feet, countless bone walls began to appear, actively facing the flying little eyeballs.

The rotten smell came out, and the eyeballs that exploded after the impact turned into viscous liquid one by one, trying to penetrate into the bone wall.

"Ah!" Sure enough, someone was still tricked.

You Ge took the opportunity to hide underground and looked away. Several people belonging to the city defense army relied too much on their own defensive weapons. When resisting, they did not expect to be directly pierced by their eyeballs.

These poor guys never thought that the power of weapons also depends on the power of ability.

Could it be that none of the people present were stupid enough to carry it directly? The aura of death permeating the rat-man's bone wall was just the right amount of defense.

At this time, the word "bloody evil" is particularly accurate in describing the power of the Eye of Cthulhu.

The skin of those affected was wriggling, and countless small balls protruded, and then continued to split and multiply inside.

The last scream, bursting instantly, blood dyed the earth red, and more small eyeballs began to fly out after the explosion.


Before those professionals who wanted to go up to help these people reacted, there was another wave of heavy casualties.

Alas, Velvet could only say that she tried her best and reminded everyone who should be reminded. What happened next was up to them.


While everyone was still paying attention to the casualties, Youge secretly bypassed everyone and quickly condensed a blood-colored mountain under the Eye of Cthulhu and attacked.

It was the sound of the eyeball cracking slightly, and a thread of black viscous liquid gushed out. The Eye of Cthulhu trembled, and the huge mouth directly bit off the bloody mountain.

With unimaginable power, it slammed into the earth fiercely.

The huge mouth roared!

The earth sank.

Youge smiled secretly, and you took the initiative to help him create a favorable environment?

The power of blood gushed out, and in the sunken area, before the Eye of Cthulhu flew up again, it came from all directions.

Ha! A perfect blow!

See if you live or die!

No! , No matter whether you live or die, he, Youge, will come a few more times!

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