Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 17 Twin Ghosts

Continue to go deeper, a brightly lit building appeared in front of him.

Such a house appeared in such a deep alley, needless to say, there is something wrong.

Youge walked in without hesitation.

The scene in front of him changed, and two young girls were sitting in the spacious hall, with light blue eyes showing their slightly covered faces.

"Lv4-Twin Ghost; Attribute: Voice; Attribute: Mouth"

Another dual-attribute ghost.

At this time, the jammer in his arms also vibrated slightly, as if there was something important to remind him.

At this critical moment, Youge naturally knew the importance of it, ignored the jammer, and continued to walk to the sofa on one side.

"Sir, is the singing nice?" One of the girls smiled and pointed with her finger.

"It's nice. I don't know which lady sang it. It really sang into my desperate heart." It's just bragging. How can Youge, who has been influenced by countless online articles, not say dirty words?

"Oh hahaha, sir, you do understand my little sister's singing."

The two girls stood up with a chuckle, and the empty singing sounded again, surrounding Youge.

The twin ghosts have actually been entrenched here, and only desperate people can hear their cries. If the former is already in despair after being disturbed by the crying, they will have the illusion of empathy, and there are people who are as miserable as themselves. People who exude such feelings are the best delicacy for the twins.

This is why they are attracted to the home of the twin ghosts. The singing of the two sisters constantly entangles the attracted people, wandering in despair until they lose hope of survival and their souls are annihilated.

And Youge's intention is extremely pure and superior despair, and the dead despair contained in it is incomparable to ordinary people.

The twin ghosts who originally attracted others are now all attracted by Youge. The greed that has long been uncontrollable forces the two to stand up and surround Youge, greedily absorbing Youge's despair.

But that is just absorbing. How can the intention that has been condensed into characteristics be easily eaten away?

"Delicious! Such despair, what have you been through?" After approaching Youge's body, the twin ghosts felt the pure despair he exuded even more.

"Eat him!"


The twin ghosts could no longer bear it, and their faces that were originally covered were completely exposed. On their handsome faces, there was a big mouth with sharp teeth dripping with black mucus, and their flexible tongues kept licking the nearby edges.

"Pah!" Before the two men came forward, Youge stood up and blasted out with a fist cannon.

The despair exuded by the thick "blood" and "intention" wrapped around Youge's arm made the twin ghosts more obsessed, like food actively delivered to their mouths.

Open your mouth and swallow!

At this time, the power of Bajiquan, which had been trained for two months, was finally revealed. Knowing that it was impossible to be targeted by fists on aliens like humans, Youge focused on how to explode more easily.

Compared with traditional boxers, it is almost impossible to condense strength into one, but professionals are born with the ability to use energy. The boxing technique condensed energy and easily beat out the "blood".

Coupled with his own "intention", the twin ghosts' heads were pierced before they could react.

Of course, things were far from that simple. After the head was shattered, the originally bright hall instantly became dilapidated, and the elegant twins also had disordered breath.

"Eat! He actually broke our faces! Eat him!" The bodies of the two young girls were entangled together at this time. The elder sister standing in front was carrying the more twisted younger sister on her back. The younger sister's twisted limbs tightly hugged her elder sister. The hair on their heads was scattered, and only a bigger mouth could be seen.

"Singing? Why is there still singing?" You Ge, with a serious face, actually heard the melody of Kongyou just now.

If You Ge looked from behind the ghost at this time, he could actually see that there were more than a dozen different mouths of different sizes on the younger sister's back, gently closing and opening to hum the song that attracted You Ge just now.

"Kill!" No matter how good the song is, it can't disturb Youge's heart, not to mention the help of the jammer, even Youge's own will can resist this weak temptation.

The fibrotic muscles, all tensed and heavily slammed into the twin ghosts, and the footwork surrounded Youge and saw the mouths behind the ghosts!

Without hesitation, the continuous attack made all these mouths close tightly, and the twin ghosts also screamed.


I thought the so-called mouth would be as wild as the pregnant woman last time, but I didn't expect that the real mouth was hidden behind to confuse people. This is the true attribute of the twin ghosts, "sound" and "mouth"!

The mouths behind the sister were grabbed and torn apart by Youge one by one, and the sticky black liquid gushed out of the broken lips.

The mouths were torn apart one by one, and the breath of the ghosts became weaker and weaker.

When there was only one left, the sister couldn't stand up, and the twins who collapsed on the ground completely entered the period of detachment. Who made Youge just restrain their singing and not be confused at all.

"Lv4: The regret of the twin ghosts (can be collected)"

Before Youge continued to tear the mouth, the twin ghosts' coffin hint floated out.

It's easy to understand. The corpse last time was a material entity, and the ghosts were beaten and lost their resistance before they were about to dissipate, so they could be completely subdued by Youge. These can also be regarded as items belonging to Youge.

So should I collect it or not? If I collect it, I should be able to extract the characteristics of the twins, and if I don't collect it, the crystals that appear can be upgraded.

Mouth harmony, although it is a good choice, it's a bit tasteless, and I don't need such an ability at all now!

"Not included!"

Then Youge tore the last mouth of the ghost.

Like dust falling to the ground, the ghost's body dissipated and only a crystal remained. Although the twin ghosts were sisters, they were of the same origin and ultimately became one.

Easily done, Youge also took out the jammer that had been vibrating

[Warning: Alien force invasion detected! ]

[Interference turned on! ]

It was quite automatic, but unfortunately not sensitive enough. There was no reaction at all when I was on the street just now. However, Youge was completely immune to the abilities of the twin ghosts, and he didn't know how effective the jammer was.

After turning off the jammer casually, Youge picked up the crystal on the ground,

"Crystal of the twin ghosts: Upgrade"

"Sure enough, it's just like what I thought!" Youge put the crystal into his trouser pocket with a happy face. As for the mission, he would submit this location after returning, and the exploration mission would be completed. As for how the investigators of the Golden Association reported what happened here, it was not what he thought.

After going out, he didn't meet the patrol team of three just now, so Youge went back alone.

Inside the "coffin", You Ge wiped out the crystal and decided to upgrade.

"Level upgrade: Lv5, please choose the career upgrade direction"

"Choose from: (1) Fighting: After abandoning everything, only blood can satisfy your heart. Make full use of the power of blood and fight madly. The battle will not stop until the blood withers!"

"Choose from: (2) Research: Long-term contact with different blood has given you a special perception of blood. You are better at studying different types of blood"

"Choose from: (3) Control: Compared with other powers, you prefer to explore the potential buried in your own blood. After long-term research, you have mastered the first step of blood's form change."

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