Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 173 The end of the second game

The eye-shaped mouth opens,

Under everyone's gaze, countless fist-sized "Infinite Devouring Eyes" gushed out like fountains.

The sound of smacking smacking sounded,

First, the remaining limbs of the meat mountains closest to You Ge were directly swallowed by these small eyeballs, like a bottomless pit, bitten into pieces and swallowed in one bite, without any chance to stop.

The sea of ​​eyeballs begins to spread,

Missed from many professionals,

The wave of eyeballs, the tentacles connected with the eyeballs, and the huge mouthparts composed of eyeballs quickly rolled up those evil aliens who were still biting the body of the meat mountain,

There are countless smashed eyeballs, but for them between the virtual and the real, after the opponent is staggered, they swell from the flat state again,

And there was also a guy who swallowed these eyeballs, but it only stopped for a short time, and was chewed up bit by bit from the inside. It came out from the wounds on the body that were eaten away, and opened a new hole again, and again Drill in.

Of course, this is just the beginning. With the Red Seal backed by seven billion lambs, after clearing away the enemies here, You Ge put the eyeballs in his hand directly into the sky.

The meridians connected to the eyeballs on the back of the hand gradually became larger, and the size of the eyeballs above also doubled many times in an instant.

Just like the planetary eyeball that turns from virtual to real in the outer space of the Red Seal Universe,

His red pupils stared at the "delicious foods" below,

A group of eyeballs floated out of the mouth, doubling in size instantly, like a waterfall pouring down.

Directly drowning those aliens who were still fighting on the crawling earth regardless.

A slow and low chant suddenly appeared,

As they chanted and awed the majesty of their gods, the Infinite Devouring Eye in the sky became very busy in an instant. All movements, as well as the small eyeballs below, doubled and doubled again.

In just the blink of an eye, the squirming earth next to the sunken area where the professionals were originally was swallowed up by the eyeballs.

A long arc slope appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, the contestants who were in the original sunken place also heard clearly the content of the chant.

It was those red words that the Lamb had been chanting silently, but the content of the words had also changed at this moment.

"The faceless man in red, the indescribable one from the lightless pot land, remembers the gaze in the sky, sings and rises, the blood light will never fall!"

In just a few words, they were able to contact the Hall Azatos in front of them.

"He? Wants to become a god?"

Not only these contestants, but also the superiors watching from a distance were stunned by You Ge's ability.

I really don’t know how high the sky is, if it were so easy to become a god, then the human beings in the royal city wouldn’t only have king-level existences.

But it’s good to have goals. Isn’t it that every professional works so hard to become an existence that transcends the world? Although it is still too far away for him, a person with such a talent may not be able to make some achievements in the future. Of course, if you don’t die on the way to growth.

"Hahahaha!" The big boss of the city defense army was the first to laugh: "Clockwork your partner is really interesting, why do I want to go back and let my little brats borrow my power again? , calling for such a long paragraph.”

"Indeed, why didn't I realize that such an interesting guy could appear in your clockwork center? He even found many intelligent creatures as his dependents."

Although it is not obvious that Youge is actually looking for seven billion humans, Ackerman is very clear that those who can become dependents must be intelligent creatures, and the "totem" eyeball that Youge placed high in the sky, it seems now Only intelligent creatures can enshrine it.

However, his face changed, and Ackerman said seriously: "I hope it won't become a mystery. This easily obtained power, although it is very powerful at this time, is ultimately a borrowed power."

Mr. Orange also nodded: "I will remind him."

After seeing this eyeball, Ms. Rakshasa Bird, who originally planned to exchange eyeballs, sighed slightly in her heart: "What a lucky guy. It seems that Velvet can't get this thing."

However, Youge's behavior of bypassing the other party also made everyone sigh in relief. Nothing they were worried about happened, so they were still happy.

But we also know that the final winner of this show has been roughly determined. Judging from this battle, who can resist You Ge?


And the focus of everyone's attention, You Ge, who kept his eyes wide open, also let go of his obstruction to the other contestants.

"Okay, this race is basically finished. When I finish devouring it, or if any of you have any ideas now, just put them forward. I will accept any return or fight."

We're just standing there, there are all eyes looking at us. Even if we can fight, we don't want to be abused for no reason.

Velvet simply put away her attack and said, "I quit."

In a flash, he appeared directly in the square. Looking through the ground of the square at the person who had gained the most, his mind was full of thoughts.

After everyone exited, only Nalan Risa was still on the court waiting for Yu Ge to finish.

She has been watching from afar without making any moves from the beginning, which is basically equivalent to giving up everything. Now she is just curious about what the other party wants to do, so she does not choose to quit, and it is basically impossible for her to do so. What a good rating result, it is better to satisfy your curiosity.

Youge didn't care about this woman.

Just stand there and watch. It doesn't matter to him anyway.

He turned to devour the land and the remaining evil creatures with all his strength. Countless energy substances were sucked in and then transmitted to the eyeball in outer space at the other end through the connection.

As time went by, after devouring the creeping land, the eyeball stopped growing. It was just one-tenth the size of the moon.

The blood-red pupil and the slightly opened mouth stared, intimidated, and herded the lambs on behalf of Youge.

"Eyes, huge mouth, a comet made entirely of meat and evil?"

Youge was thinking slightly. How could he find that this thing looked so much like an interesting planet? But it didn't matter. Give it some time to grow. He believed that his eyeball was not much worse than that thing.

"Let's go." After packing up, there was no trace of the Creeping Earth on this land. After reminding Lan Ruisha who was still in a daze in the distance, Youge called out to quit and disappeared.

"What an interesting ability." Lan Ruisha raised her lips and looked at Youge's disappearing figure. She seemed to have thought of something. After a slight hesitation, she also chose to quit.

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