Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 178 Anthony's Assistance

After Youge and Anthony had been in a stalemate for a long time,

the other party finally let down his guard. Although he still had a lot of doubts in his heart, he would not look at him with hostility.

"Hey, if I want to deal with you, do I need to talk nonsense with you?" Youge looked disgusted. This guy was also scared. Let alone taking action, just throw it out. The rabbit was eager to find the outsider who resonated with him.

"You take out such a terrifying thing every time. Do you think I am afraid or not!"

Since meeting this guy, he has never been quiet. Even Anthony, who never likes to talk, has "broken his skills" and completely let go of his pride as a cleaner.

Talking is actually a violation for cleaners like Anthony.

Sweepers are naturally divided into many categories. The most common "city cleaners" and "corpse collectors" on the battlefield are more popular.

And Anthony is a cleaner who destroys corpses.

The special ability that he has can completely destroy the messy scene, thereby indirectly removing some fuses that will cause large-scale chain disputes.

Such people must speak less and have a low sense of presence when working.

Although being sent to participate in the show is not in line with their duties, as a newcomer, his curiosity about the show is not inferior to his seriousness in his duties.

In addition, he was finally chosen, so it was natural for him to participate.

At this time, after thinking of these things that made him more entangled, Anthony was even more depressed.

"Calculate it yourself. Every time you show off, you hold some weird things. Even your power is what big eyeballs fly out. I really don't understand why others are rushing to stay away from such disgusting things, but you take the initiative to move yourself over there!"

He kept talking about the game, the power of Youge, the creepy malice, the full smell of blood, the tide of eyeballs, and the light ball like insects.

He said more than ten points.

As a person who has experienced it, Youge just rolled his eyes. This guy was really scared by himself. The guy who just established cooperation with him wisely disappeared in an instant.

But I always feel that he is praising himself?

No matter what, it is his own power. It is good to be strong. This level is just scary, not disgusting.


At this time, in the square,

it has been laughing for a long time. Anthony's words were heard by everyone without missing a word.

Even Mr. Orange's face couldn't help but twitch.

Although it was his own people who were complained, what the other party said was not bad at all. Each of Hall's abilities was heading towards the direction of the alien, or even more strange, and he had reminded himself that

Few professionals in the blood system choose the control type. Even the aliens use it as a secondary attribute to assist and strengthen other attributes with a heavier attack tendency.

But now Hall has also walked out of his own path, and the fluctuations that have emerged are far more powerful than those professionals who use it as an auxiliary.

"Clockwork, what? Are you going to go back and teach them?"

Ackerman asked curiously after seeing the slightly stagnant expression on Clockwork's face. In his opinion, humans should look a bit human, otherwise they are completely equivalent to aliens.

I just don't know if Clockwork has the authority to make the other party listen to him.

A genius will always have something different.

"No need, he will grasp it himself."

Mr. Orange gestured to the other party in a stroke, and new changes began below.


After the other party had complained enough, Youge stretched out his hand, holding up a slightly less profound worm group and asked: "Can I borrow your plague ability to spread it?"


Anthony's face was speechless: "You have such a powerful thing, but you don't have the means to spread it autonomously?"

"Yes, the effect is not very good, so I ask you."

It's nothing more than stimulating the sequence and then spreading the pollution and consuming energy, but Youge wants the kind of controllable, targeted spread,

just like the plague before.

Although I don't know how other people are doing now, at least Youge doesn't want to kill his teammates for no reason, and the energy of these worms' pollution still relies on himself to catalyze, so it is impossible to become a high-level alien after pollution, but just to start a silent struggle with the green god.

"Just like your plague, I want to spread this attached to your plague ability outward, pollute a piece of green land in the designated direction, and other teammates may be thinking the same thing.

Although this is the final victory, there may not be a possibility of a union,

For example, we can reveal a little bit of the operator behind the scenes to guide them."

Uh, union, this is not a union, it is clearly trying to pit others.

Anthony understood that this guy is black-bellied. He doesn't mind showing his fangs when he has the ability, but he will become more cautious than anyone else when the situation is wrong.

Anthony guessed wrong about this, Youge just made reasonable use of resources.

If these professionals didn't exist,

Maybe he would have gone up and started it directly. If someone can work for him and there is no conflict, why should he do it himself?


When you can't find the target, you are reckless, which is also to open up new targets for yourself, not just reckless.

"Okay, you have to control your ability. I don't want to choose between rabbits and bugs again."

After pulling out two loose knots from his back, Anthony said: "This is my main attribute link interface. When I'm ready, you can put the things in. If you want to let go, tell me in advance."


This guy has other mechanisms behind him. I really don't know who is weird.

After watching the other party take off his coat,

there are rows of various liquid crystal tubes behind him, and the various liquids bubbling inside are not much worse than the abilities used by the other party before.

The sound of gears turning rang out, and the liquid behind Anthony began to surge continuously.

In the continuous flow, countless yellow and black plague poison mists burst out from the other party's head.

"This is my ability copper rust, a slightly harder plague, at least it won't be easily swallowed by those plants." Anthony stretched out his arm, blocked Youge's action and said: "Wait a little longer, the plague is not enough, accumulate a little more, then you can start again."


Seeing that you look weak, Youge will wait.

Anyway, the rabbit has also left, it's very quiet.

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