Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 182 A special rabbit appears

(Is anyone really watching? Even if it’s for free? I’m so cold~)

"how much longer?"

"Ten minutes, I've absorbed it with all my strength." It was obvious that the boss was already a little emotional, but Jacob couldn't do anything.

"Hurry up, the bugs have already started charging!"

Jaina was already a little anxious. According to her own thinking, if there was really a large-scale battle happening here, she would definitely take part in it this time.

Jacob's ability is just enough to cause damage steadily without exposing himself and others.

For this reason, Jacob began to accumulate strength early.

"All right."

As a combatant, he naturally understands timing very well.

After identifying the enemies in this area from the beginning, they naturally knew that they could not search effectively and could only use large-scale means to force them out.

Although they don't know what the purpose of the bugs is, it doesn't stop them from giving the Green God a hard blow.

Jacob, who was behind him and devoted his whole body to gathering strength, blushed on his face,

He gasped and said: "This is really a lot of effort. I'm ready, just hit it?"


Without thinking, Jaina pointed directly in the direction of the Green God.


With his hands raised high, the clouds above Jacob instantly turned pitch black.

The breeze blew, and all the creatures raised their heads except the bugs who were bent on eating each other.

In just such a short time when I raised my head, the natural dark clouds split instantly, firelight flashed, and silk-like streams of light quickly fell from the clouds.

"Streaming light, fire and rain!" Jacob, who grunted at the same time, completely let go of his control over the clouds in the sky, and the power he had accumulated for a long time was instantly released.

The countless streams of light dripped down like crazy, and all the materials they came into contact with were burned through. In an instant, all the creatures in the Green God's side, including those under the clouds, died.


"Hahahaha! It looks like someone is taking action too."

Fortunately, when You Ge fell into the stream of light, the insects began to burrow underground. After all, they are a race called burrowing monsters. They only went ten meters deep underground in an instant.

Fortunately, the stream of light only penetrated deep into the ground and was quietly dispersed soon after. Otherwise, these bugs would have continued to dig deeper.

"Anthony? Did you find anything?"

Anthony, who retained some control over the peripheral plague, finally said something worthwhile at this time.

"If it weren't for this streamer, I really wouldn't have discovered anything." He smiled happily and said with a smile: "There is an area that is still inaccessible. Judging from the situation, it should be a professional with protective capabilities. Do you want to go up and try?"

"Wait a minute, we'll tell you when we find it. Write down the location. They'll be in trouble later!"


"Looks like that Hall found those little guys of yours."

A few guys hiding far behind in the square looked at the scenery in the green space and spoke quietly.

"After a long day of work, I still made a wedding dress for someone else. It's bad luck.", a sigh: "It seems that the final winner is basically determined."

"Yes, we will also develop a new attitude towards clockwork next."

The sound of thin discussion resounded in the square,

No matter which force it is, they all know that the outcome of this battle must be towards You Ge.


Until the stream of light ended, large pieces of corpses that had been burnt to pieces fell to the ground.

Continue to wait until the dark clouds clear,

Only then did the underground bugs rush to the surface again, devouring the corpses crazily.

With the terrifying mouthparts biting, it just opened and closed and then disappeared in the mouth.

Energy was replenished, and those low-level insectoid creatures also began a new round of evolution.

Devour, devour, devour again,

Before the rabbits came up again, the insects' desire to eat was at its peak.

"Gianna, what's next?"

"Wait, wait for the rabbits' movements!"


You Ge and Anthony below also made the same decision.

It's just that Youge arranged a lot of interesting things at the feet of Gianna and others.

At this time, the green space was completely silent.

I don’t know when it will start,

The area originally occupied by bugs began to sprout, and even the bugs that had stopped eating began to turn green.

Young shoots, vines, and tall grass began to intersect and mix with the insect pollution in the area.

Under white and green,

The two forces gradually reached a balance, and the contaminated area instantly became more dangerous for professionals.

At this time, the rightful owner You Ge and others were waiting for finally appeared.

Surrounded by vines,

In the center of the area grew a huge rabbit made of tall grass and vines. It was more than three meters tall, had green eyes, and occasionally had tall grass tips on its body, making the rabbit instantly look cute. It became extremely scary.

Not far away, the eyeball bug specially cultivated by You Geshou also stood up from the ground.

With an insect body that is more than ten meters long, it is not inferior to its opponent in terms of visual effects.


Youge, who had been watching from behind, gave an order. Not only the eyeball bug, but also the bugs that were still alive and able to move, all started to pounce on this special rabbit.

"Hall? Is this our target?" Anthony's voice was a little unhappy. If you want to take this thing away, you must destroy the other party. Just the body that has gathered together, I am afraid that ordinary attacks cannot cause effective damage.

"It should be. Have other rabbits like this appeared here for so long?"

Although after entering the green land, no one said that the son of the green god that Dalia reminded was the rabbit in front of them, but when everyone saw this rabbit, they instantly had a sensitive perception of the other party's existence.

"Special son of the green god!"

"lv20: Son of the favored green god; characteristics: sound, green vine, elasticity; characteristics: favored by the green god, voice of green plants, tall grass body, rabbit;"

The insect rushed up instantly, and entangled the rabbit's body with a circle,

tightened, bit, and polluted,

causing countless green juices to flow out of the surface of the rabbit. During the contact with the insect, small branches and buds emerged from the juice, frantically probing on the surface of the insect, trying to find a chance to drill in.

The rabbit roared,

After wrapping new arms around its body, it grabbed the insect's body and began to tear it apart frantically.

The insect's mouth, which was aimed at the other's head, swallowed the other's head in one gulp.

The countless small eyeballs that emerged from its sharp teeth began to eat away at the other's body.

The body was broken, and the tall grass was reorganized.

The countless tall grass branches and leaves that grew one after another rolled up the small eyeballs and attacked again with green.

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