Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 196 Dazhong Town-Magic City

The other party was actually able to eliminate that terrifying black fog?

If he had this ability at that time, maybe his female companion wouldn't


Dagu was completely sluggish,

Seeing that my long-standing nightmare was wiped out so easily, countless thoughts came to my mind.

"Can you teach me?"

"Are you sure you want to learn and aren't you afraid of another bottomless abyss?"

After eavesdropping for so long, You Ge also saw the helplessness of the other party. If he wanted to learn his own ability, it was really too easy. Are you sure you want to learn it?

Under the kind reminder, Dagu finally raised his head.

"Xue, even if it's an abyss, I don't want to die here."

"Okay, let's first talk about what happened here."

Dagu, who was leaning on the pillar of the pier, completely relaxed this time. Didn't he just want to meet someone who can help him after staying at this pier for so long?


"What kind of stories did you hear to come here?"

"We were just passing by."

"Uh," Dagu didn't get too entangled. He didn't expect that such an extraordinary person was just passing by: "Ten years ago, I was making a living by helping others clean up rat infestations. I accidentally heard someone say that the Dazhong Town here appeared. There were a lot of rats, so I took all my belongings and headed here.

Like you, my wife and I also met Mr. Gerner who was unloading the goods here. At that time, my wife was too tired from the long journey, so she agreed to his invitation.

There were only five people at the same banquet that night, including us. Unfortunately, I left for a short time due to internal anxiety. When I came back, my wife had completely changed her appearance. "

After Dagu took a deep breath of air-conditioning, he continued: "Now I discovered the anomaly there. I didn't expect that the strangeness was hidden under the eyes of the human town. If I had known better, I shouldn't have come here because of my greed for money.

Later, I was lucky enough to escape because I was infected with a trace of that black aura. When daylight came, I couldn't help but walk back. In the end, I could only become a claw of the devil.

And she has become neither a human nor a ghost."

Well, after hearing the other party's words, didn't you have any doubts when you came to this weird town?

Even if the humans here are born with extraordinary talents, they can't just break into any place so boldly.

"You?", pause for a moment, can't the other party see it? That weird scene can really crush the spirit of ordinary people. Perhaps we should ask this poor man tactfully: "What does Gena look like in your eyes?"

"Gana? Blonde hair, pink face, and aristocratic clothing?"

Well, the poor man really didn’t even know where he had entered, so it’s no wonder that the tragedy happened.

"I understand, keep talking."

Dagu, who looked confused, realized that he must have encountered something beyond words when he saw that the other party did not continue to explain.

In other small towns, those demon hunters have made similar statements before, so it is better not to know about such things yet.

"I have stayed here for ten years. Apart from the foreigners who come to Dazhong Town for various reasons to seek fortune, what I know most about is the changes in the town.

Rather than change, it is better to say it is unchanged.

In the past ten years, the king has changed twice, but the people in the town repeat the same life every day.

Carpenters, blacksmiths, farmers, weavers, etc., all doing the same thing in the same place every day. Fortunately, I found it quickly. If I hadn't run so far here, it could just block the sight of the town, maybe I would be the same. one of them. "

At this point, Dagu's face became extremely sallow. After looking at Youge, he asked: "Mr. Foreigner, you should have felt it when you entered the town. This is why I dare not look up. Once the other party Seeing me, I’m afraid I won’t be able to help but stay and completely become one of them!”


Nodding, indeed, the sight from that sky mark also made him a little frightened.

"I heard some demon hunters passing by here say that Big Bell Town is a magical city, and anyone who goes in has no chance of coming out. But they also said that if you are tired of running around, choose Big Bell Town as your place. Retirement homes are also a good choice.

Hey, I only know that at night, the gnawing sounds coming from Big Bell Town are getting louder and louder, but the people living inside are not aware of it. "

Dagu finished speaking,

But You Ge understood it,

A banquet for five people, an unchanging town life, a lair, the gnawing sound becomes louder, a magic city,

In summary,

This is the greenhouse used to breed demon rats.

This is clear, but there are still some questions about how this magic city appeared and what role Nagna played.

After all, there are demon hunters appearing, so it is impossible to just leave this city alone.

And as for the abnormality in Genna, didn't anyone notice it?

"Do you still know anything about Magic City or Gena?"

"Well, it seems that Mr. Gena has always hated this city." Dagu pointed to a mark on the pier and said: "This is Mr. Gena's family emblem. It is said that this city has always been owned by their family. In the private town, Mr. Gerner stood in front of the family emblem and scolded Big Bell Town several times. "

"What did you curse?"

"That this city is ungrateful and has never seen him as a human being. Then Mr. Gerner also talked about rats and how it was destroyed by his own hands."

It's almost the same, although there is very little information, but after thinking about it together, everything can be explained a little bit.

This guy is a ruthless person,

Planning to destroy the entire town directly,

Calculating the hundreds of thousands of demon rats underground, it is enough to destroy this city. Why wait?

It seems that this magic city also has some special abilities.

Moreover, the clan emblem that Dagu pointed to just now is really the same as the floating logo in the sky. Apart from the same appearance,

The mark in the sky has two more mice ringing the bell.

So do you regard the Demon Rat as a member of your own town?

I think so,

As a member of the ecological circle, rats have always played an indispensable role.

Only when it goes beyond the scope of this magic city's ecological circle can it become a factor of destruction.

"Here, try to communicate this seal in your mind."

Things in Big Bell Town are not in a hurry. I think the Demon City is also looking for a way to get rid of the Demon Rat. If he really finds it, he can wait and see. Maybe he can use it against the Royal City when he returns to the Royal City. Sewer rats.

But since the person in front of me has agreed to the other party, why not let him become his lamb?

With a little more training, it would be great to make a splash in this upcoming war.

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