Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 202 The True Face of Elosli

(Thank you readers for your votes~)

Dark and dead silence,

The move Youge named and used just now,

When it comes to the destructive power of foreign objects, nothing can come faster than malicious intent.

All three appear at the same time,

It perfectly explained the original might of the Slanda people, but unfortunately it was restrained in the end. Perhaps if the other party was born in the world of the royal city, it would definitely not be an ordinary alien.

Elosili smiled slightly while flying. The master was really kind to her.

Between thoughts,

Elosili's body also began to change.

To describe it in one sentence, [thousands of tentacles end everything].

Elosri's body looks humanoid, but it's just a form that imitates Yu Ge's appearance.

In fact, her body is made up of countless tentacles, even tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of tentacles gathered together.

This is Elosri's true face,

Infinite tentacles, infinite entanglements,

The entangled Elosri.

And at this time, she

Finally, I have the opportunity to show my true side in front of my own adults, just like my own adults, and occasionally show my "true face" to destroy the enemy.

The swelling tentacles instantly occupied a large area,

Dozens of huge tentacles stretched directly towards the two people exposed from the black mist. A huge white rat organ? Stump? of a polymer?

And Gena, who is still going crazy with himself.

"Lv16: Jealousy - Abdullah; Characteristics: rat, flesh, stitches, sinful heart (jealousy); Characteristics: rat nest filth, plague black mist, jealous body;"

"Lv17: Demonic Rat Man-Gna; Characteristics; Rat, Sinful Heart (Seven Deadly Sins); Characteristics: Demonic Rat's Heart, Calling the Rat's Nest, Seal of the Great Horned Rat."

After seeing Gena's characteristics, You Ge finally found some clues in this mission.

The seal of the horned rat,

It seems that the source of the opponent's ability is also traceable.

When you print this thing, you can think of some extraordinary existence from the red seal.

But Dagu is involved,

It was enough for Elosli to go up and kill the more arrogant-looking Abdullah first.

"It's that woman!"

The sudden appearance of a larger body and countless tentacles flying crazily did not hinder the understanding of the two of them.

The familiar smell, the pink tentacle appearance, and the motionless You Ge in the distance,

The identity of the attacker in front of him was immediately determined.


The eyes on Abdullah's stitched-together rat heads were all open.

Every breath,

Started screaming repeatedly,

"Chirp (skin)!"

Among the knights on the other side, one was the first to be affected, and he also started roaring like crazy.

in a blink,

He charged forward and bit into Elosili's tentacles.

Poor child, let alone whether he can bite it open,

Immediately afterwards, it was melted by the tentacles pouring out of the body and merged into Elosili's tentacles.

And at this time,

The attacks from both sides finally met,

Elosri's tentacles penetrated directly into the opponent's body,

entangled, knotted, squeezed,

The tentacles that followed immediately pulled up,

Pulling Abdullah away from Genna.

Part of the tentacles turned black,

Part of Abdullah's body also began to melt.

After the scattered black mist was secretly killed by Youge from behind,

Abdullah was completely enveloped by Elosili's tentacles.

As the earth rises and falls,

After this parcel was separated from Elosili's body, it was directly sent deep underground.

Even though the tentacles seem very powerful,

But it is powerful from the infinite earth.

Abdullah may still have a chance to resist on the ground, but underground, let alone resist, don't even think about moving.

Attribute advantages, perfectly displayed.

"Sir, how are you?" After thousands of tentacles wrapped around the adult form again, they immediately wrapped around Youge and started acting coquettishly.

"Not bad.\

,"As Youge's most powerful dependent at present, he is indeed very good.

After seeing the entanglement between Dagu and the crazy Gena who was still on the ground,

Then he turned towards Ahmed and the others, whose perceptions had been completely overturned by everything they had seen before.

"Rat Flute: A flute made by an eight-eyed mouse. It contains special spiritual information of rats and can control rats."

After seeing this flute from a distance,

You Ge knew that this was the real gain this time.

One can imagine how humble those sewer ratmen will be after the flute's ability is brought to the royal city.

He glanced at the man whose face completely merged with that of Shudi,

You Ge couldn't help but smile,

This guy actually activated his abilities like this. It's no wonder he didn't get eaten.

Although I don’t know who the eight-eyed mouse is,

Some of its spiritual remnants left on this flute are full of hostility to humans or other creatures.

By arousing this hostility and then blowing the flute, you can control the rats.

As long as you use it a few more times, absolutely, after this flute bites off the opponent's head,

blow? Blow with your ass?

Grab it,

The blood surges,

The flute fell directly into You Singer,

"Let's go, this is not a place for you to stay."

It's enough to remind him kindly. It doesn't matter whether the other party is dead or alive.

As for,

Xiomaer, whose heart was surging, had already weakened his legs when he saw Elosli, not to mention that his face was covered with blood.

Yuge turned around and fell to the ground in an instant, motionless.

He was not dead, but he was almost dead, scared.

"Dagu, be ruthless."

Now that the things are in hand, there is no need to continue to waste time. It's time to see who the final boss is.

With Yuge's order,

Dagu's eyes condensed, and he stopped teasing Gena on the ground.

The condensed ground spikes lifted the opponent high,

and began to rush to the opponent's body from all directions.

However, it was not as smooth as expected.

After the first spike pierced his body, the opponent grabbed the spike and jumped over.

Countless rats surged out of the city,

After changing their formation,

a heart composed of magic rats appeared on the field outside the city.

The Magic City-Rat appeared in front of him.

The pattern gradually became three-dimensional,

the flow between the Magic Rats began to become blurred,



only the eyes of the Magic Rats were still clearly visible in the blur.

When the heart became completely three-dimensional,

it suddenly beat,

and after being lifted by more Magic Rats, the eyes of the rats all over the heart looked at Dagu who was still attacking.

And Gena, who was already standing motionless beside the Magic City, seemed to have completely lost his self-awareness.

"What do you want?"

The heart beat, imitating the sound of a human Adam's apple,

"What do you want? What do you want? What do you want?", beating continuously, asking continuously, and finally all pointing to Youge who was still watching from a distance.

The Magic City was not stupid, and naturally could see that the person who rarely took action behind the scenes was the biggest threat here.

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