Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 213 Strange emotional fragments brought by Anthony

"Hall, how about including your mechanical biological magic rats in the outer protection of the new city?"

This is the first thing Mr. Orange said after he came back.

After ignoring Marcello who was constantly trying to show his presence with a charming smile, he also handed over a special intelligence provided by the underground people.


In fact, without him saying it, Youge also had related plans.

The mechanical magic rats will inevitably have an inseparable connection with the clockwork center. When the new city is established, the undeveloped areas outside the city will also be valuable resources.

The power of the royal city is now only expanding in one direction.

Compared with the dense forest on the other side of the river, it is more convenient to live on the plains here.

Turning over the information in his hand,

"Deep species? What is this?\

,"Just by looking at the special reminder slogans in the information, Youge discovered the special thing in it,

"Giant creatures spreading tens of thousands of miles underground, countless symbiotic individuals, special cities hidden in the dark space, a complete underground society?"

Looking at Mr. Orange who was silent in front of him, Youge continued to turn over,

"Huh? A sleeping god? What?"

"Yes.", Mr. Orange's face also showed a rare solemnity: "Just getting close can completely transform you into a subordinate of this god, this is also the underground people The reason for stopping the digging is that if this underground society is not active only within a certain range, it might have already started to attack the ground. "

After a pause, he continued: "Attack. If their social structure is the same as that of humans."

A complete underground society

must also be added with a society that relies on gods,

you can imagine how powerful it is.

Looking at Youge's face of surprise and curiosity, Mr. Orange smiled and said: "I will tell the upper level of the royal city about this matter. Someone will naturally investigate it at that time. As for you, just know it and prevent yourself from being deceived by others."


It is indeed possible. Once the information is leaked, this situation will really happen.


In the deep underground, there is a sleeping god. He will never go down before he has the ability to look directly at the god.

"This is the badge of the underground people's power. Although the area below has been included in our power sphere, it does not mean that it is absolutely safe. When the underground information is fully connected with us, the new power map will be re-released."

"Yes." Information connection,

Since Mr. Orange mentioned the reintegration of the underground people into the Royal City at the show last time,

There have been many prompts of areas to be opened in the information center of the Clockwork Center and the Golden Club,

A warm-up for all middle and lower-level professionals,

If not handled properly, it will naturally lead to many problems,

So in the current confidentiality stage, it is natural to wait until 01 completely explores the so-called huge underground cave range excavated by the underground people for many years, and establishes a certain communication base station,

It will be handed over to the Golden Club's detection personnel for further testing before being delivered to the Royal City.

At that time, the original underground passage entrance will be dug again,

In addition to the several areas that Youge just saw from the intelligence, it will definitely make some professionals crazy.

With a little management, the entire first floor will definitely be brand new.

However, this sea of ​​tentacles still blocks the arrival of most ordinary people. Perhaps it needs a little arrangement, but that is also what 01 does.

After talking with Mr. Orange about some changes in the underground people,

some special points were also re-listed in 01's database,

which is still about the construction of an information society.

With the existence of 01, the term "informatization" was naturally proposed by Youge early.

Industrialization, automation, informatization, reshaping the new social structure from the concept, is far more profound than the so-called assumptions before.

With the key points, the design of 01 naturally has a stable goal.

And in the core headquarters of the clockwork center, the core of 01 has also undergone a slight unusual change.

When the concept is separated from nothingness and gradually moves towards reality, it will naturally transform into a special meaning.

This is also one of the purposes of Mr. Orange to develop 01.

Why did he study so many robots and still put the transformation of the body first?

Isn't it because strong intelligent manufacturing is too complicated, and the robots maintained by intelligence are completely not flexible and have development potential under human control.

It can be said that it will always be maintained in this constant state regardless of how it is manufactured.

Mr. Orange naturally hopes to be able to create a more perfect product.

From the perspective of manufacturing, Youge's sequence is a little more advanced, but if Mr. Orange can develop perfect wisdom in the machine, it is inevitable that a mechanical sequence will be created.


"So when will your god come?" Anthony, who had been waiting under the sky bridge for nearly three hours, began to ask again.

"Come when my god comes." The rat man's face that has not changed for thousands of years, the extremely indifferent voice.

"Can you say something?"

"My God is here."

"Huh?" Anthony reacted instantly, but didn't realize that there was someone standing behind him.

"What's wrong? Do you need help from the Clockwork Center again?"

Will the sweeper encounter any trouble? Let alone You Ge, Mr. Cheng won’t believe it either.

Dandan is that none of the old guys in it are simple.

"Aha~ You're finally here!" Hearing the sound, Anthony turned around and ignored the other party's question. Instead, he asked his own doubts: "You guys are really never short of tricks. This rat man is simply That’s awesome.”

"Let's get to the point." This guy started to be verbose.

Smiling awkwardly, Anthony also knew his character. After several strange lumps fell out of his mechanical body,

Passed them over one by one,

"Dark Emotional Body Fragments"

"Is this???", the familiar feeling seems to have a lot to do with the Rat Man,

And after seeing You Ge’s confused expression,

Only then did Anton Zhu solemnly remove a similar mass wrapped in layers of texture from his body.

"Look, it's yours."

mine? What do you mean? I watched inexplicably as Anthony peeled off the outer texture bit by bit.

A strong malice began to spread,

The white mask flashed past, and then disappeared after being suppressed and destroyed by Anthony again.

"Where does this come from?", the ability is exactly the same as his, or it is his ability, but where does this come from?

This level of richness cannot be captured casually.

Full of doubts, the other party has successfully aroused You Ge's interest. It seems that he has to go away this time.

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