Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 221 Black Market Murloc

nice one?

Better than a bar?

You don’t need to think about it to know that it’s those “dirty” things.

"If I don't go, who knows what disgusting job you'll take on again."

"No, let's go together, finish it early, and we can leave early tomorrow~" When Anthony heard this, he burst into tears: "We are brothers who have been born and died together, are you so willing to let the two of us go?"

"You are seeking death on your own, do you need me to see you off?"

"Ahem, cough, cough." The modified part of Anthony's mouth almost collapsed. He was looking for death. How could he be looking for death after accepting a mission? He is not a noble like you, he also needs income to live.

"Why don't you go? We are finally teammates for once. Why don't you get familiar with them in advance?"

"Are you determined to let me go?" Velvet stood up and stepped on the table with her thigh, staring fiercely at Anthony who had completely sealed his mechanical body.

"going or not?\



After coming out of the Magic Mouse Bar,

"Hall remember to come at night~"

After Anthony shouted, he stopped his pretentious behavior.

"Velvet, do you really want to ask him for help? I always feel that he is a time bomb. Every time I see him, I feel a little panicked."

"The teacher said that he is the only person at the same level who can help me. Moreover, the previous king from outside the city seemed to have approached Hall in private, but he seemed to have completely resisted."

Velvet looked at the surprised Anthony who was taking the test. She had the same expression when she heard the teacher tell her about this matter.


"The people above have spread the word. If our friend and Clockwork Center hadn't tied him tightly, countless people might have come up and taken the opportunity to win over him."

Looking back at the Magic Mouse Bar that was gradually moving away, Anthony also began to re-examine Hall's position in his eyes.

When the king meets in private, even his avatar carries the power of the king, unlike at the show where he is offset by everyone at the same time.

And there is also the king of the royal city appearing again. Basically, the alien king will not affect the people present.

What's more important is the king's corruption of other people.

If ordinary people look directly at the true appearance of the king, it is equivalent to leaving a trace in their hearts that cannot be erased.

Change is a matter of time, and more importantly, as a person develops, he will continue to get closer to the imprint in his heart. If the king he sees is great, then this person will continue to get closer to the word "great" in his heart.

Naturally, one's own humanity will be wiped out by this word, and one will become a walking zombie who lives for this word.

"For the sake of the great king, we, the small ones, will serve the greatness all our lives."

Great, mysterious, radiant, majestic, these are all common words, and they are easy to describe. Once the person looking directly thinks of other words, it is indescribable? Deep fear? Or twisted darkness will inevitably produce some more troublesome consequences.

During these contacts, Anthony obviously did not feel any abnormal changes from the other party, or even the stable energy fluctuations, which made Anthony a little envious.

"Okay, let's see you tonight. I have to go back and prepare."


And after these two people left,

You Ge also felt a little confused.

No matter how much trouble Anthony and Velvet had, he always felt like they were acting for him.

Although it doesn't mean that they may have a secret connection with Nataka's letters, there is always something special about the way Velvet looks at him from time to time.

I don’t use the red seal to detect the other person’s emotions.

As the only "friends" you have, you should not be too cold.

at dusk,

You Ge arrived at the black market dock area early.

Although I've been here twice, I haven't spent much time wandering around here.

The black market, what these two words represent, is naturally a large part of the reason why You Ge is very interested.

"This gentleman looks quite unfamiliar. Is this your first time here?"

Just after he came in for a short while, many young children came to him wearing tattered clothes, and among them there were also many alien beings wearing children's human skins.

It's really wonderful to use the appearance of a child to lower other people's vigilance, and removing that appearance will make it easier to contact strangers.

However, it wasn't You Getiao who could make him interested.

"Lv5: Riverside Murloc-Male; Characteristics: Skin;"

Thinking of the mermaid I had seen before, the mermaid hidden under the child's skin, the true appearance is probably even more disgusting.

Just glancing over, the eyes covered by bangs were already filled with countless floating lights, flashing with psychedelic colors.

"I don't know what you want to buy, sir. I can serve you for free~"

"Come and take a look, but what can you provide me?" You Ge really doesn't have any needs for what he wants to buy.

Perhaps after his ratman is completely stabilized, he will set off to the other side of the river. This is also the next plan of the Clockwork Center.

"Huh?", the fish-man duo moved his bangs a little, looked at Youge's face carefully, and made sure that he didn't look like someone looking for trouble, and then said:

"I wonder, sir, would you like to visit the fishman black market?"

"Mercemen black market? Here?"

"Ha~ Sir, this is your first time here. Of course, it's here. There are also members of the heretic among the mercemen."

While speaking, the twins also showed a hint of excitement, and the kid's face slid left and right a few times.

"Tell me what goods you have for sale first. If there's nothing I'm interested in, I won't go." Judging from the situation, it's probably somewhere close to the sewer exit and the riverbank.

You Ge doesn't want to go to those places in vain and get infected with the smell after coming back.

We? The twins' eyes flickered, and it seemed that the other party had discovered him.

It seemed that this gentleman didn't mind the mercemen very much. Maybe he could really make a small profit from it.

"Hey, sir, please look." A light screen appeared in the hands of the twins.

"The mud at the bottom of the river, the corpses of the aliens at the bottom of the river, deep-water minerals, and different kinds of alien women. If you want any special ingredients, we can also supply them in a fixed quantity.

Of course, among us, ossification is more popular."

The twins smiled and raised their other hand hidden under their clothes.

It's called a hand, but it's actually a hand-shaped polymer composed of many sharp teeth of different colors.

"Anything else?" This is the first time I've heard of ossification.

You Ge, who was full of curiosity, reached out and grabbed the other person's palm to look at it, and asked casually.

"Uh, sir." The twins only felt that their eyes were blurred, and their hands had fallen into the hands of the other party, and the tooth hand that they used to think would definitely scare others away,

was like a good baby, without even the ability to resist.

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