Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 234 Do you like tea?

Go into the house,

The inside is pretty normal.

Except for the sound of boiling water coming from the kitchen, there was nothing unusual.

"Did you find anything wrong?"

Youge asked curiously, and Anthony, who was still looking around,

After entering the door, the inspection of the coffin seemed normal. The house was still the same house. Except for the occasional traces of rotten lake invasion, basically no problems could be found.

"Yes, but I still have some questions."

Anthony looked up and looked at the door of the kitchen and the blacksmith shop:

"I'll go there and take a look, just drag me along."


Shrugging, although You Ge has just arrived at the rough factors, but with an expert like Anthony, it’s okay to wait.

"Hall, come and have some tea."

A figure flashed from the kitchen door, followed by the sound of pouring water in the living room.

Youge and Weiler also moved away,

In terms of body shape, Taka is much thinner than when he was in the royal city, and the new scars on his bare shoulders also show that the other person's life is not what he thought.

"Does that gentleman look at my blacksmith shop again? Oops, they are all old gadgets brought from the royal city. They have been corroded since they arrived here, and are no longer in use."

After giving Youge a cup of tea, Taka sat firmly on the seat opposite Youge.

"Drink, this is the special tea I carefully prepared for you."

There was a hint of ferocity in his eyes, but he still kept a smile and said nonchalantly: "Oh, I don't know if you like it or not. If you don't like it, forget it."

Special tea,

Weller on the side was still looking forward to why he didn't have it. He just took a look at the contents of Yu Ge's cup and almost vomited it out.

What kind of special tea is it? It’s clearly high concentration of rot lake pollution, and there are several tentacles stirring in it.

If it weren't for the scent of tea, Weller wouldn't have taken a curious look.

"It smells pretty good." You Ge's hand holding the teacup was steadily raised.

This kind of high concentration of pollution is still very beautiful simply from the color point of view.

Especially those few substantial tentacles of pollution are indeed worth appreciating.

It didn't matter whether he drank or not. After holding it in his hand, You Ge observed it carefully.

"Corruption polymer: the secretion of completely corrupted organisms."

Tsk tsk, secretions are starting to appear.

His eyes flashed across the teacup, and Taka's body across from him had begun to show signs of distortion.

"Does Hall really not like drinking?"

Looking into each other's eyes, Taka's voice was directly distorted, and his waist was instantly stretched,

"Hall, I understand~" Anthony's voice came from outside the living room,

Before the other party enters,

Taka's body has turned into a centipede, and several of the corrupted tentacles hanging from his body are connected to the shadows at the feet of Youge and others.

"Um, has this friend of yours become a stranger like this?" Weller was excited and quickly retreated, leaving only the old monk Chang Ding, Yuge, motionless.

"Hall, why don't you drink tea?" Taka appeared fully, with a rotten breath exuding from his mouth. In just a moment, the whole room began to become dark and rotten.

"Is this guy even more polluted than those people from Fuhu? Could it be that all those people from Fuhu have become like this?"

Through the door, Anthony took a look and immediately grabbed Weller and started asking. Sure enough, there is no safe pollution. As long as it is pollution, there will be problems.

"I didn't know that this guy's aura is exactly the same as that of the Fuhu people. If he hadn't transformed, I would have thought he was a normal resident."

"Didn't anyone find out about this?"

"Even if there is, do you think the Violet family will announce this kind of thing? Instead of asking me, why not wait until Velvet comes back?"

After looking at each other for a few times, the two of them started to prepare at the same time.

Regardless of whether the opponent was a human before, but now he has become an alien, even if he is the first half of the enemy, as for the remaining half, he is an alien from the heretic.

And Youge in the living room put the teacup down.

"Although I feel a little pitiful that you have become like this, there is nothing I can do! And I really don't like this tea."

The blood gushed out from behind, and the tentacle spear condensed by the dead blood directly inserted into the opponent's stretched out body. It was better to give some face to such an obvious target.

"I don't need your pity!" The lower part of the mouth became rotten and shrunken, opening and closing, and the only remaining intact upper part of the distorted face was full of hatred: "You are responsible for all this. , If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be like this.”

He retreated and pulled out the spear that You Ge had pierced into his body.

With a twist, a huge eye appeared on the punctured hole.

An eye the size of a human head, with tiny pupils only the size of a normal human eyeball. His gaze was locked on You Ge. Countless black liquid flowed out of the wound. After blinking and solidifying, the wound disappeared.

"Hall, these are your sisters, right? They all like to play with their eyeballs?" Anthony walked into the living room. The smell of plague that filled the air from his hands had blocked the rotten lake pollution spread by Taka, and he joked casually. , and also made a green eyeball out of his own plague,

"How about the eyeball combination? The green one looks cool too."

His abilities will naturally make him look handsome.

Youge didn't even think about it. The moment the darkness spread behind him, thousands of eyeballs opened from the darkness and stared at Taka.

"Hiss!", he sucked in a cold breath. When Willer, who was still outside the door, saw Youge's action, his back was terrified. Sure enough, what the teacher said was a bit euphemistic. Seeing it in person, Willer couldn't accept the visual pollution alone.

Facing Taka who attacked again, Youge had given up using the blood of death to attack.

The stab just now also caused a lot of blood of death to flow into the opponent's body.

The moment the eye appeared, everything was corrupted and disappeared, and even Taka was supplemented.

Corrupted eyes, corrupted body,

This guy's power can even offset the impact of the red mark and other pollution in the blood of death. When it is completely corrupted, the burst of red mark eyeballs and other attribute pollution will also be corrupted.

In that brief moment, when the red mark came into contact with the eyeball hidden in Taka's body, Youge sensed the even larger true form of the Eye of the Corrupted Lake under his feet.

That was not an existence that could be easily defeated by relying on numbers.

Fortunately, the other party was just a simple manifestation of a phenomenon, not an existence of wisdom, otherwise Youge would not be able to resist it.

Taka's arm, which was approaching, also turned into a hammer-like shape,

aiming at Youge, with a scream, it instantly turned into raindrops and fell,

line after line of blood crystal walls stood up,

"This guy's skills have really improved", every three seconds a wall would be broken, and they were all broken from the same point, Youge could only start passive defense.

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