Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 24 Chaos

The sudden sound brought everyone back to their senses from the panic.

The first person to react was the young policeman. If we start from the beginning, this policeman was really relentless.

It was he who discovered Newton when Youge let him walk past the police booth accidentally. He crossed various obstacles and climbed over various walls along the way, which completely put Youge at ease and worried that he would not be able to catch up with him.

Of course, we should also give credit to Guchang. When talking about the nearby humans, Guchang was once dealt with by this policeman. Although Guchang is just a small ghost story, he also has self-esteem!

The two would fight secretly from time to time. If it were other deadly ghost stories, this policeman would have been the first to sacrifice.

In this way, the chaos caused by several people continued to brew, and it broke out completely at this moment!

The monster took the child away!

"Call the police! Hurry up and ask for support!"

"Chase! Catch him! We have more people!"

"Yes! Find weapons to kill him!"

All the men were so arrogant at this moment. Even if you are a monster, you can't easily take away our human children!

By the time the police arrived, everyone was gathered at the entrance of the sewer shaft.

"Superintendent! This is the picture taken by the public!"

Under the streetlight, an extremely ugly humanoid monster was seen carrying a child and running wildly.

"What? Are you sure you are not kidding me?" The superintendent was already unhappy after being woken up in the middle of the night. How long has it been since such a large-scale police dispatch! He was even shown such a weird photo?

"This is the first patrolman who found a monster snatching a child. The child's family has not been found yet!" The person in charge of the report also pulled out the original policeman.


"Just tell me what happened!" The superintendent's eyes were extremely fierce

"Ding ding ding!" Before the person involved spoke, reporters interrupted everywhere,

"Mr. Superintendent, I heard that a monster took a child. Is it true?"

"Ah~ How could there be a monster? It's all a lie. Our subordinates will catch it soon!" The superintendent's face changed instantly and waved away the little policeman beside him.

"Really? According to reliable information, the monster has taken the child into the sewer. Can you really catch it?"

"It's not a monster! It's a person in strange clothes!" The police officer emphasized the word "monster": "Please don't make false reports to cause panic among the people. At this stage, our police have not made any effective response! Especially because some perverts keep talking about monsters. Our police will definitely rescue the child and bring the pervert to justice."

"Mr. Police Officer, we have obtained reliable video evidence. Is it really not a monster? Could it be an underground black operation of the military? Experience! Just like in American blockbusters!"

It seemed that this sentence angered the police officer, who turned his head and ignored the reporter's question: "Everyone, get equipped immediately and enter the sewer to hunt down the pervert!"


Seeing this situation, the reporter could not continue to ask, otherwise he would not have a good result next: "As you can see, the police have begun to search the sewer with all their strength. I believe we can definitely rescue the child! The local TV station will report for you!"

However, the instigator of all this, Youge, had already hidden inside the sewer at this time. As long as the police came in and guided him step by step to the mermaid village, it would be ok!

"Ah, human Hall, how about Newton! That human can't catch up with me, ahahaha!"

If ordinary humans can catch up with Lv4 mermaids, Youge can't play. However, the bounce of this mermaid is amazing. After hugging himself, he jumped repeatedly in the town hundreds of times without breathing at all. It is worthy of being classified as a special ability in the attribute column.

If I hadn't quietly stopped him on my back, the policeman would not be able to see him after he went out, let alone chasing him.

"Awesome~ Newton is all thanks to you this time!"


"My Lord, have you forgotten me?", the short Guchang on the side also looked at Youge silently. Speaking of which, this Guchang also played a big role in it. Every time the crowd screamed "Save my child", it was Guchang who was stirring up trouble. If it weren't for him, it wouldn't be so easy to arouse human emotions.

"I didn't forget that there are polluted fungi growing deep in this sewer. Most of them trap humans for a living. I encountered them before and stepped on them after some processing."

Seeing Guchang's impatient look, Youge didn't stop him. He had done what he should do. Even if he stayed, he couldn't help himself wholeheartedly: "Go, I have nothing to do with you here!"

As for whether Guchang can be found safely, that's not Youge's business!

Next, Youge kept wandering around the human police, occasionally making life-saving calls, or letting Newton show a trace of his figure. It took nearly an hour to finally lead them to the polluted area.

"Newton, go to the mermaid village to seduce those monsters. I'll watch here!"

"No problem, human Hall!"

After entering the contaminated area, these humans also began to undergo various subtle changes, such as sudden anger and abnormal limbs. They constantly disturbed the progress of the search!

"Baga! What kind of pervert would choose such a deep sewer?" The policeman walking in front was already impatient: "I really want to kill all these perverts!" He punched the wall hard, and the blood oozing from his hands mixed with the unknown pollution on his clothes!

"Captain! Be careful. We still have at least an hour to get out after we catch him so we can deal with that pervert!"

"Yeah, hehehe!"

The policemen at the front all laughed knowingly. Many small, shining tentacles grew on the distorted faces reflected by the lights.

"Help!" This time, Youge's cry was unusually clear, and the huge sound was transmitted back and forth from the left and right of the passage!

Sensing the movement from both sides, Youge breathed a sigh of relief. It's finally coming!

A huge cross passage, this is the battle point carefully selected by Youge. Even if humans can't resist it, it's enough for the people behind to ask for help. And he also kept a hand. I don't know who got the camera from, which will definitely make this place the focus of the human world!

"Lv1: Mutated patrol leader, trait: cluster"

"Lv1: Mutated patrol, trait: cluster"

You Ge, who was hiding and peeking from above, was the first to discover the mutated humans. In a short period of time, two people actually adapted to the environment of the sewer. Seeing the remaining people's pale faces, You Ge couldn't help but praise these two people for their good luck.

"Lv3: Mutated mermaid, trait: flexible"

The humans on one side hadn't walked out completely, and the mermaids on the other side appeared.

With a strange cry, the mermaids pounced directly on the humans in front of them.

Massacre! The flexible mermaids, with sharp claws, clawed one by one. Except for the two mutant humans who dodged, the rest all lay on the ground.


The colleagues who didn't come in from the back also retreated frantically.

Only the two mutants in the front risked their lives to block the entrance.

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