Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 242 The battle is over

And here,

The moment You Ge scratched the opponent,

Two different pheromones were directly infused into Nick's body.

Death Pheromone and Fuhu Malicious Pheromone,

Definition - Corruption is not death,

Then, when the other party does not feel the threat of death and destruction, he will naturally have no fear of the power that You Ge has injected into his body.

As for directly defining death, it requires absolute power and will also arouse more violent resistance from the other party. Youge does not have such ability now.

After Nick's body surface only showed a trace of corruption,

I feel completely relieved,

"You want to use the corruption and pollution here to control me? Are you thinking too much?" Nick chuckled. Although it cannot be eliminated immediately, it is still no problem to control its continued expansion.


Smiling in return, Youge didn't say much. After dodging the attacks of the shooter and Yvette at high speed,

Corruption and malice spread instantly,

All enemies showed signs of corruption.

This time is not a mental attack, nor an attribute attack, but a malicious attack equivalent to pheromone transmission.

Naturally, the means they used to defend themselves were completely useless.

Although it doesn't look very powerful, this method is more rogue than attribute power. As long as the other party accepts it, or sees or feels You Ge's malice, it is equivalent to actively accepting this piece of information. transmission of elements,

Compared with the information contained in the original worm contamination, the worm copied information to continue the race. This was mainly for continuation, not propagation.

From a behavioral point of view, the worm will modify the other party at the same time when transmitting information, so it means that there is a sequence and can be resisted.

This is to tell you, ha~ this, and then immediately tell the next person, ha~ this, this is completely assembly line behavior.

As for what I have told you, some people who do not have the details to control themselves will naturally not realize what is more.

When the cells and other substances in your body completely absorb this information, changes will naturally occur.

Foreplay is over,

Next is You Ge’s dinner.

Corruption ability,

What's the point of this ability if it's just corruption?


And then grow an eye inside the body?

Even in the area of ​​Fu Lake, it doesn't know what it is doing, corrupting living beings? Become a plant?

Symbiotic pollution?

These are just human thoughts. The eyes under the Fu Lake area didn’t think of anything.

But You Ge thought about it,

Under his control, he can naturally impart different things to the corruption and pollution under his control.

After the conscious brain of a corrupted person is finally corrupted, they will naturally enter a state of death. What if Youge redefines death at this time?

If this is the effect of Youge on the remaining [essence of life] in this "corpse\

,"What would that be like,

New corrupted life?

No, life is too troublesome,

You Ge only needs to drive a faint [consciousness tendency] to reappear in the corrupted matter.

To put it simply, after the corrupted area is completely out of the control of the original owner, it is enough to use the [Life Essence] to create corrupted mutated parts that are completely outside the control of the original director.

It's a pity that Youge cannot control [Essence of Life],

You can only extract some from the coffin, along with your own corrupt malice, and transfer it to the other party's body.

At this time, Nick had no idea that something strange had grown inside his body.




Or rather, it’s a hybrid creature that I don’t even know what it is.

Because he was born in Nick, for Nick, these are part of himself.

Naturally, there is no feeling of invasion by foreign objects.

These are exactly where Nick's problems lie.

They started fighting for body control with Nick,

Stealing nutrients from the body,

They do not have complete consciousness, but they can instinctively drive themselves to do and grow.

"Has it started?\

,"It only took more than ten seconds from the time Youge attacked Nick to when something went wrong.

Half of Nick's body has many eyes growing out, each one is a separate individual, and there are some synapses.

Around Nick, they began to seize territory and occupy resources.

"It looks like your companion is about to die." Not forgetting to interfere with Yvette who was still attacking, Yuge's blood gun also burst out with a trace of energy and light. The moment it touched Yvette, Just disappeared without a trace,

"??", Yvette clearly felt that this light group did no harm, and even had some attributes that were beneficial to life.

Looking at Nick in confusion, Yvette felt the changes in her body very seriously this time.

The place that was contaminated by You Ge’s malicious transmission of infection just now,

The mutation has already begun.

"Ha, you are very decisive." When Youge looked at Yvette, the other party immediately cut off the contaminated area.

"Unfortunately, this is not enough."

Youge looked at Yvette teasingly: "Do you know where the most powerful pheromone is? It's not a simple infection problem, but you have already regarded her as a part of yourself."

Accepting pheromones is like storing memories.

As long as you receive them, the other party's existence is equivalent to accepting and sharing this information.

You only need to stimulate it again.

The parts of the body that Yvette didn't know about also began to change in the same way.

"Information state." After walking a few steps, Yvette also knew the difference in the other party's ability. He could entangle himself so much, ignore contact, and be regarded as his own ability quietly.

This is clearly the ability of the information state.

It's terrible. I turned around to look at other people. Although there was no abnormality, the pollution had already entangled on the surface of the body.

As long as it is activated, there is nowhere to escape.

It's a pity that although she has heard about the power of the information state, she has no chance to touch it, unless she can experience it herself, and now she still hasn't experienced it.

The unified Lv24 team fell into the hands of a Lv15 kid,

They can only accept their fate,

Nick on the side has also completely completed the transformation,

The various strange organs all over his body are like the piles of meat with discarded organs in a slaughterhouse,

Although they are all the same things, the size, breath, and appearance are completely different.

Nick, who is in chaos, doesn't know if he is still alive,

Yvette has long been disgusted and doesn't want to see this former partner again, and at this time her consciousness began to be confused, as if countless of herself appeared in her mind,

While constantly murmuring,

A sense of comfort suddenly appeared, as if it was a warm nest,

Yvette, who was immersed in it, forgot everything.

"Finally killed it", the moment he turned around, the essence light ball burst out in his hand and also locked the remaining few people, but it was just a brief entanglement, and they were all hit hard by Youge.

"Retreat first! We don't know who is coming, let's hide!"

Anthony, whose whole body was turning red, was about to collapse. After retreating to Youge's side, he sat down directly.

"What the hell is this? Did we meet the regular army? I was scared to death. I thought I was going to be on the blacklist of the royal city!"

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