Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 270 The War Begins

"The Clockwork Center actually started a death-match agreement with the Rat Man?"

The bounty hunters who had been fighting in the sewers for a long time finally understood.

"I didn't expect that I would also have the opportunity to participate in a fight to the death! This is a competition between big forces. No wonder the mission bounties are so generous. I must make a good profit."

fight to the death,

This is an honest robbery.

After knowing this, they no longer held back. They were still worried about the rat people's revenge before. Now that the death battle broke out, all the blame was placed on Clockwork Center. Naturally, they were no longer afraid of Qiu. Then he started looking for trouble.

"Charge! Steal all the rat resources here!"


At the moment when the fight to the death begins,

"Sir, Ellie can't hold it anymore~", an annoyed voice sounded.

Velvet was the first to take precautions: "Who?"

Apart from You Ge and her, no third person has been found here.

"It's Elosri."

You Ge signaled, and Elosli's head grew out of this gorgeous coat again.

"Eh, that dependent of yours?" Velvet did know that there was such a person, although she had never seen it before.

I thought that Youge, a guy who hadn't changed his clothes for ten thousand years, finally started to trim his appearance. I didn't expect that he would be transformed into his dependents.

never mind,

Now I no longer even have the thought of getting close to the other party.

Seeing the tentacles protruding from Youge's body when Elosili appeared,

Velvet suddenly felt that there was nothing objectionable about her current appearance, except that she had an extra big mouth.

"Fink! Set up three turrets! 01! All mechanical rats enter the preheating state!" Youge also started preparations at this time,

Elosili can't hold it any longer, so it's time for them to officially start.

Even if You Ge cannot let everyone directly enter the city at this time, the rat people must come out to fight the attacks outside the city.

Otherwise, they won't end well afterwards.

"Start attacking!"

With the double assistance of the death battle agreement and the mark of the residents of Youge, our attack was not misleading. The moment the veil of Tomb Town was torn apart, all the artillery fire fell on the city wall.

Stones were scattered in all directions, and countless ratmen were blown up.

From the gap, you can see that most of the place is filled with the Tangled Touch substance left by Elosri in the wall. At this time, except for the rat men who were constantly supported by the two sides and could take some defensive measures, everyone else fell into passive chaos.

"Support from the Knights."

The armored man who appeared on the wall was not the same armor as Ian’s team before.

The sound of artillery fire continued,

Even if it's support, so what, now is the time for a fight to the death, and since it's coming, you have to be prepared to be affected.

You Ge took a step forward,

Their eyes locked, and the roaring giant alien also locked eyes on Youge.

Nearly four meters tall, half of the body is made up of tentacles, and half of the body has three faces. It has hands and feet but no head. The faces are all on the piece of meat extending upwards from the chest.

His own son, daughter, wife,

The three finally gathered together,

Without explaining anything, he signaled to Velvet that this was their goal.

He rushed towards this enemy first,

"Ellie, cooperate with others to force the Knights off the city wall."

"Okay, sir~"

"01, the main target of the attack is the rat people. After capturing the city gate, someone will take you to the rat people's residence."

"Okay, sir."

Jumping up to the top of the city, the two sides of life and death below were only used to restrict aliens at the city gate. Generally, no one would dare to attack Tomb Town by force. He just glanced at it. At this time, You Ge no longer needed to think about these small problems.

The mission of 01, Fink and others is mainly to involve the rat soldiers. As long as Youge eliminates his "Tomb Town family", he can successfully attack the rat palace.

Moreover, these two places have already begun to entangle themselves with Konggui, and they are just waiting for You Ge to arrive and join the battle.

Malice permeates the air,

The hatching and devouring eye with three or four floors instantly appeared above You Ge, and his body merged into it.

He rushed towards the alien family in an instant,

At this time, a black shadow had rushed towards Youge's alien family faster than Youge, so no one except Velvet would take the initiative to provoke this guy.

The black tentacles condensed on the arms all stretched out and penetrated into the fused body of Ian.

"It's so fast." This is the difference in level. Even if Youge has the [Speed] attribute bonus, he still can't compare to Velvet who has reached Level 22, especially when the opponent is in this state.

The white skin has completely turned black, and the black line on the top of his head has now become a slightly white cracked mouth, completely alienated.

After Velvet attacked, she immediately retreated.

As You Ge's attack finally reached the opponent, You Ge took out all the tender means under the big mouth bite at once.

Tentacles of the sea of ​​blood, torrent of eyes, corruption and pollution, etc., all attacked at once,

Even the human qualities of all the lambs in the red seal were crazily injected into it by You Ge. This kind of enemy, whose level could not even be seen, had to be taken seriously by him.

Fusion Ian also counterattacked with just a slight flicker,

His target was only Youge. If Velvet couldn't kill him with one blow, she really couldn't attract much of his attention.

Limbs wreathed in flames,

After the body expanded, the flesh, blood and flames all turned into spikes and rushed towards Youge.

A roar sounded,

After the energy impact caused several craters to be knocked out of Youge's eyeballs, Fusion Ian's attack was also successfully neutralized.

"It's a bit difficult. If you just do this, I'm afraid I won't be able to break through the defense." You Ge, who was in the Eye of Corruption, sighed in his heart. The level gap was too big, which made his own methods somewhat ineffective.

And even if it is a substantial corruption pollution, it can only leave some superficial traces on the opponent's body surface. In addition, except for the corruption information attacks triggered by the first few times, which have some effects, the latter few times are suppressed to death. of.

"Hall, give me a chance!", but there is also Velvet, who was able to pierce and fuse with Ian's body just now, which means there is still a chance!


The pits on the eyeballs are restored,

If you can't defeat it, is it too difficult to defeat?

The body of the eyeball expands again,

Five or six-story eyes appeared in the sky,

This time, the eyes of all the strangers in the melee were also focused, and Youge successfully attracted everyone's attention.

"01 Increase the intensity of the attack!" If you are surrounded at this time, it will be really miserable.

The sound of artillery fire from behind instantly began to increase, and the thermal weapons and equipment near Funk were once again arranged in a row. Under the desperate bombing, even the place where Ian stood was not spared.

A roar rushed out from the smoke of the artillery fire,

Fusion Ian jumped directly to You Ge,

The big-eyed mouth opened, and a stronger force than the previous attack attacked the opponent again,

"His core is three faces!" In this raid, Youge clearly sensed the specialness of the other party.

When countless flames erupted in the eyeballs and mouths, it was the energy fluctuations that erupted from the original Ian's face.

"Okay!" Velvet's heart moved, and she changed her attack target to the back opposite the opponent's face.

The tentacles of injustice stab,

Aiming at one of them, he also leaped up and stretched out his tentacle blade.

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