Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 279 Map

"It's a pity that this human only gave some brief information. He knew the direction, but he didn't know the specific location."

Going downstairs, You Ge looked in the direction of the town.

It seems that he doesn't even know his direction and position,

As a beggar, he doesn't even have a mobile phone or anything that can provide positioning, except for the ten dollars in his pocket. For a beggar, ten dollars is a great wealth. Unfortunately, You Ge doesn't need food or accommodation now. Ten dollars. Worthless.

"thumbs up?"

There were no vehicles entering the town, and even if Youge wanted to learn this all-purpose hitchhiking gesture, there was no chance.

"It can't show an abnormal state, but it can show extraordinary abilities. Then it's my body. Still."

After running around for a few times, You Ge also briefly understood the triggering mechanism just now.

He didn't know if the townsman had any special abilities, but he did not cause any discomfort after showing an athletic ability that far exceeded that of the town citizen who was crushed into a pulp just now.

Judging purely from the feeling, it is possible that after entering this world, his current abilities are included in this identity.

If he also shows a slight change in his current body, I believe there will be a corresponding rejection reaction.

"Status.Personal status."

As You Ge got closer to the town, he also discovered a hint of something special about the townspeople. Especially when there were more townspeople, You Ge himself would have a certain aura blending with them.

It's as if the entire town is part of one big family.

The big family still can't see anything special for the time being, and You Ge can only take one step at a time.

Hawkins Mall,

"Tsk, it seems reasonable that such a commercial center has developed in this era." Along the way, Youge also determined the approximate time period he was in,

Around the 1980s, except for the previous town citizen, most of them had the hairstyle and style of the American hippies in the 1980s.

Compared to where I lived in my previous life, in the 1980s and 1990s, it was indeed rare to see such a commercial shopping center in a town.

"Find someone who sells maps. It's ten dollars, well worth it."

Being unfamiliar with the place, there were no smart phones in this era. You Ge wanted to determine the general situation around him without triggering the repulsion effect. Maps were indeed the safest and most stable thing.

Ignoring the strange looks from other people around him as he entered the shopping mall in rags, You Ge directly picked a grocery store where he looked like he could buy a map and walked slowly in.

"Hello~" The clerk's eyes were normal, and he seemed to be somewhat familiar with You Ge's identity. He looked at You Ge with a smile and said, "Mr. Hall, can you finally enter the shopping mall?"

"Huh?", so does a beggar also have to face questioning from so-called acquaintances? You Ge couldn't help but feel helpless: "Yes"

The hoarse voice was like the feeling of not drinking water for two days. Unprepared, You Ge could only use some physical conditions to divert his attention from the method.

"Ah? What's wrong with Mr. Hall? Is there something wrong with his health?"

The clerk came over immediately, and the name tag on his chest allowed You Ge to successfully know the other person’s name.

Cindy Gere looks to be about 30 years old. Her red hair makes her look very feminine even in her shop assistant clothes.

What I have to say is that You Ge's appearance at this time is also around fifty. No one would believe a beggar who looks around twenty. And the thing that makes him look older is also assisted by Elosili ,

The entangled touch rooted in Youge's cells can be perfectly simulated by simply pulling some wrinkles under his skin. However, Youge's skin condition is like that of a beggar who hasn't even washed his face, so what can be seen.

"I'm a little angry, just rest and it'll be fine. It's okay."

Then a hoarse voice came out, and You Ge also walked to a chair beside him with the support of the other party: "Cindy, do you have a map of the town for sale here? I want to buy a map."

"Map? What did Mr. Hall think of doing?" After Cindy poured a glass of water for Youge, she asked Youge happily: "Is Mr. Hall finally willing to do something? Although the Hawkins Welfare Center Those people always dislike Mr. Hall, but as long as Mr. Hall makes changes, everyone will accept you normally. "

Welfare center, do something, dislike, change,

It's true that in the United States, as long as you are a citizen, you can receive benefits from the state. Without starving to death, everyone in every family can have a homeless place to live.

You Ge didn't know much about these in his previous life, but from Cindy's words, he could tell that the other party knew him so well.

And he also knows about the welfare center. It should be a community volunteer who has helped him before, or a volunteer who has great goodwill towards his identity.

"Ah, yes, I want to see what the town looks like and make some plans." You Ge's hoarse voice sounded as he stumbled. He waved his hands impatiently and continued: "Map, map, hurry up."

"Ha, Mr. Hall is still so anxious. Okay, wait a moment and I'll get it for you right away~" Cindy chuckled. It was very satisfying to see the people she helped finally regain their confidence in their lives.

"Ahem." With Youge's coughs, Cindy handed a large map to Youge.

"This is a newly remade map, which was just released last month. All the building information in the town is included here. By the way, what does Mr. Hall want to do? Do you want me to help you? The child and mother went out to play these days. Apart from going to the welfare center, there is nothing else to do."

Cindy's face was full of smiles, full of kindness. If it were someone else, she might have agreed long ago.

"No, no, I'll see it myself!" Youge put the map away, walked away from him a few steps, and then continued: "How much is it, I don't need your help here."

If this guy is entangled, it will be difficult for him to act alone.

"Okay." Seeing Youge's expression, Cindy also knew what he meant. He was such a stubborn old man. It seemed that she had not yet gained his trust: "Ten dollars in total."

"Here, exactly ten dollars."

Without looking back, he handed over the only ten dollars in his pocket and walked out of the store.

In an instant, Youge felt that his identity was not so good. He could still meet acquaintances, and they were acquaintances who would stick to him face to face. It was really troublesome.

If it was in his previous life, he would forget it. Wouldn't he know what happened in his previous life? In an organized action, beggars are all in collusion. If he went out and moved a little, some organization like the Beggars' Gang would appear and take him back.

It's better to find a place honestly and take a good look at the map. This is all he got after the information was cut in.

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