Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 45 Strange Person

After wandering alone on the street, the night here is a bit more peaceful. Except for this strange dust, there is no problem.

The coffin did not give any hints. I tried to touch it and it went through everything, just like a phantom.

"What kind of mission is this? It's better to find some low-level missions and fight ghosts."

Youge walked back and forth on the street five or six times. Except for the dust, there was still dust. No one came out at this point.

Just when Youge was about to find a place to rest, a heavy footstep sounded.

A tall figure walked slowly from the distant lights outside the gray street, and the red light on his head kept flashing like an eye.

"Huh? Is there really an alien?" After jumping onto a roof in a hurry, Youge's eyes followed the strange figure in.

"LV10: Clockwork Mechanical Surveyor-0013"

"The machine at the center of the clockwork? This kind of thing actually appears here? What is the surveyor going to do?" After discovering the identity of this strange figure, Youge was relieved.

"Report truthfully. I really don't know what the Golden Society is going to do. It seems that they are just a task publishing platform. Is there anyone deliberately targeting the Clockwork Center's creations?"

This time, Youge really guessed it right. The task publisher belongs to the Public Security Bureau, and the real target that appears now is the Clockwork Center's creations. In addition to the various signs found on the way, if an ordinary professional accepted the task, after wasting several hours, he would have been unable to bear to fight when he saw the strange figure that appeared.

If it weren't for Youge's caution and golden fingers, once he stepped into the design, he would have been someone else's pawn.

As for the grievances between the Clockwork Center and the Public Security Bureau, it is simply impossible to finish. The simplest one is about the public security in the city. The Clockwork Center believes that manufacturing mechanical products guarantees the safety of the city, while the Public Security Bureau believes that these cold creations are just toys that look fun. Of course, there are also countless interests involved.

In the end, it was attributed to the fact that mechanical creations could not really achieve the intelligence that people wanted, and finally came to an end.

Lying on the roof, Youge watched the surveyor walking around, and his trajectory just happened to draw the Gray Street into a rectangle.


Just as the surveyor under the street just opened a strange bracket device from his inside and stopped in the center of the street, countless black spears flew out from the roof opposite Youge and stabbed the surveyor.

The latter's back rose and fell, and an energy light screen was directly erected at the position of the scapula.

After a loud ding-dong sound, all the spears fell to the ground and turned into nothingness.

At this time, the attacker also revealed his figure, a tall man holding a black spear in both hands.

"Lv10: Black Market Killer-Dark; Attributes: Shadow, Corrosion"


Before Youge could taste it carefully, the killer Dark rushed directly to the clockwork surveyor who was still recovering his own facilities.

The clumsy machine that had seemed to be very clumsy from the moment it appeared until now, the moment the killer jumped off the roof, the outer shell that wrapped its body fell off completely, and a more slender mechanical body was revealed.

The inverted triangle face, light blue pupils, except for the trace of mechanical rotation on the ears, the whole body was full of salivating artistic sense.

"Lv10: Clockwork Center Standard Agile Robot-095"

And the killer who had just rushed over wanted to retreat but it was too late. Facing the robot rushing quickly, he could only raise his arms to resist.

"Oh, I failed to bite someone but got bitten instead, what a big loss!", You Ge, who was sitting on the roof, watched with relish. It was the first time he saw such a high-precision mechanical device fighting, and his skills were even more unpredictable than his own.

It looked like the same structure as the human body, with completely different movement trajectories, and there was no pause between each step and each stab.

Speaking of the two people's big movements, the crowd on this street was not awakened. In You Ge's sight, even if the two broke the window of a family, no one came out to see.

"There are problems everywhere." Although he was out of the battle, Youge felt even more troubled after noticing Sisi's problem.

"Hey, on the roof, I know you're still here. How about we kill it together? I will definitely give you a reward that will make you excited!"

With a chuckle, Youge was amused by the killer's words. Do you think I know nothing? Even if you help him, you should help the creature in the center of the clockwork.

At this time, 095 was also attracted by the killer's words, and the original attack had some room for turning around.

Because of this, the killer finally had a chance to breathe. After jumping away from several attacks, his breath dispersed and turned into a phantom and flashed behind 095.

On the other hand, 095 did not find anything unusual and was still looking for the killer who suddenly disappeared.

"Hide in the shadow? This is really a troublesome ability."

Before Youge finished exclaiming, 095's face changed.

After a strange device appeared on the inverted triangle face, the phantom hiding behind it began to fluctuate. At this time, 095, who noticed the problem, rotated his thigh at an angle and kicked behind.

The killer, who finally took a breath, was forced out again.

Seeing that he could not continue, the killer made up his mind and threw all the spears in his hands towards Youge.

"Are you planning to divert the trouble?" After jumping onto another roof again, Youge was about to fight back, but he saw those people who were still sleeping through the melted gap. There were black spots on their dark faces, and a wisp of dust floated out from their heads and dissipated in the air.

"What? The dust on Gray Street comes from humans?"

After jumping into the gap, Youge finally saw the person on the bed clearly after getting close. A pair of hands between the shadow and the reality held the person's cheek from behind his head, and the slightly moving fingers scraped off a little dust-like fine particles from his face, which then floated up and dissipated again.

"Soul Residue"

"It feels like humans are being kept in captivity. How could the Royal City allow such an existence?" Youge's mind flashed the "Gray Street Relic" that appeared before. It seemed that he was the biggest behind-the-scenes boss of this street.

At this time, a huge explosion suddenly sounded outside. Looking out of the window, the killer's clothes had become fragments, and one of 095's arms had melted for the most part.

The killer gasped heavily and once again formed a black spear in his hand.

"Why don't you retreat? It seems that the mission description of the Golden Society also requires killing all the aliens with one eye, so there should be similar rewards on the black market. This is worth thinking about. In this case, the reward should be directly offered for the clockwork machinery that appeared on Gray Street, while the mission of the Golden Society is more metaphorical."

"No matter how you look at it, you think you should help 095. It's not easy to go anywhere if you offend the Clockwork Center. Only these black market killers will accept such a mission. And the attributes of this killer are also very tempting."

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