Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 476: Wetland Alien

Spend a lot of money?

You Ge was stunned for a moment.

This is interesting. This is the time when he can escape from the royal city quickly without having to worry about anyone focusing too much on him.

God-given opportunity!

At this time, Gray Mist's sight also inspected the things that Kenny took out one by one. It was really of great help to the alien army of the Gray King: "It is absolutely destructive to plant structures. Eliminate plant characteristics and destroy plant internal defenses.”

"The properties of this material can be reproduced, so how can the Gray King's army target the plant properties."

The information flowing around Gray Mist was accompanied by human Kenny's shock at this Gray Mist. After the former's body emitted a unique pheromone, it spread to the sky above the Gray King's army.

"Gray Mist Re-engraving-Plant Destruction: By analyzing the information contained in imitating the opponent's ability, the same ability can be re-engraved."

So, has the auxiliary role of this group of humans been completely replaced? But I really want to know what kind of good thing the Royal City has given the Gray King, so that the opponent can send such an awesome treasure to attack the Pollen Wetland.

A side thought aroused Yu Ge's inner curiosity. Compared with the original rebellion in order to make him become the old noble, what Ackerman brought, it was really wonderful, but This is not the time to dwell on this curiosity: "Lislim, do you have the authority to command the Gray King's attack?"

"No. Even those who listen to us are only some more [interesting] aliens. Those aliens who can really make a difference ignore us completely."

"Do you have a plan for when to launch the attack?"

"Master Youge, if Master Pikeyou's little baby was not in the way, he would probably have started attacking by now."

Plan, there is no plan. For the aliens in the Gray King Territory, they have a huge advantage. Now as long as the enemy target is determined, how can they continue to wait? It is not an invasion, just do it directly. .

"Pikyu, did the ghouls outside meet the plants in the pollen swamp?"

"We met, hehe, it's just that they seemed a little hesitant and didn't directly charm them like they did to those native aliens in the forest."

Hesitation, maybe, but for You Ge, hesitation doesn't matter.

"Let your ghouls start the attack, and remember to give guidance to the army led by the Gray King. It would be good to divert the trouble to the east."

The only thing left to do next is fighting, and fighting in a furious manner. From this distance, it can definitely attract the attention of the royal city.

The people of the Eight-Eyed Rat can also take this opportunity to shrink with all their strength and organize resources to evacuate. There are also underground people. This group of people will be ostracized and abandoned sooner or later. It is better to get some out, and the free labor cannot be wasted.


Pike cut off the contact with You Ge, and just looked back at the ghoul in the forest behind him. The sparse sound directly resounded through the entire forest, attracting everyone's attention like a heavy rain.

"Priest Pikyou? This is it?"

Akum, the high priest of the ghoul of the royal city, was immediately touched by the sound. He was peaceful just now, but now he suddenly started to become restless?

"Oh~ It's nothing. Those plant things you mentioned that are not delicious at all seem to have come into contact with my little baby. Tsk, it seems that the contact was not smooth."

When things didn't go well, Pikyou bowed slightly, chuckled and took a few steps back. Without giving Akum a chance to continue speaking, he walked directly into the depths of the forest.

"Let's go take a look."

After Simuyou replied to the gray mist that could not see any fluctuations, he turned around and ran in the direction where Pikeyu left.


Is this about to start? There were also sparse conversations among the human team in the royal city.

To put it into detail, this group of people are all veterans who have dealt with countless attacks by the Pollen Wetland. Although they have not directly gone to the battlefield, they are familiar with the methods of the Pollen Wetland.


He also unfolded the equipment he and others had brought. There was definitely no way to retreat. In this critical situation, he didn’t care about whether something would be eaten or whether he would be harmonious with this group of aliens. If the things from the pollen wetland floated, Come over, what's waiting for them is really "uninterested".

"Master Priest, us?"

As the person with the most say here, Kenny didn't dare to look up at these big shots, but he couldn't wait to ask.

"It goes according to plan, we don't have to go too far into it."

Akum pointed in the direction of the forest. As the most special ghoul under his command, Most immediately flew away. Following the direction that Yu Ge and others left, Most's claws left traces on the trees. After a few traces, the entire body disappeared into the darkness of the forest.


deep in the forest,

You Ge closely followed Pike in front, running at full speed along the way, passing through countless trees, and finally saw the hazy area filled with countless pollen.

Countless wet vines covered with dark green mud covered the surrounding trees, the wet ground was filled with water stains, and there were stinky moss and algae all around.


There was a sound of being squeezed and broken. A ghoul body that could still see some of the remaining parts was already entangled and twisted by the vines underground. The fragmented body was accompanied by the last few creaking sounds, and moss scattered on the ground. After getting on, he disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Looking around, in the pollen-filled area, countless ghouls have already started a melee with various twisting plants,

Tree men waving branches and stones upright, vines shuttling in any position, mosses suddenly opening their mouths on the ground, algae constantly extending needles from the edges of leaves,

And a ferocious pumpkin with a human face supported by a soft vine?

All of them are huge, green human-shaped capture plants with various soft buds?

Dead tree aliens with various black eyeballs that are constantly piercing and shrinking, lions made entirely of plant bark? And various corpses covered with shrubs that can still see the appearance of the original species.

They are all professionals and aliens with plant attributes who have been charmed and turned over.

Biting and pulling the overwhelming ghouls,

From the sky to the ground, the ghouls were also crawling all over the plants that were considered enemies and were too big for them. Green juices were sprayed everywhere. Suddenly, the disturbed pollen mist was also blown away and diffused in the roar and battle.

"It doesn't look very effective. Your little baby is restrained."

You Ge waved the pollen in front of him. Facing this kind of plant, basically all biological species are restrained. They don't have too many weaknesses. They can only completely destroy the other party's body. Otherwise, the broken parts will turn into new plants after waiting for a while and appear again.

The vines and algae, even if they were torn into pieces, after falling back on the ground, new tiny buds would soon appear, absorbing nearby nutrients to grow, and then join the battle again.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the intelligence of these new plants is not very complete, and they will always attack crazily out of instinct.

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