Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 483 Abandoning the Identity of Hall Azathoth

"Without the issuance of land title, you can choose to optimize your living area."

After looking back and forth at the deep space aliens in Hudi for a long time, as the unrelated Hudi's devouring of the cosmic bubble stabilized and expanded, a message from Hudi's consciousness also appeared in Youge's spirit.

The wait is finally here,

Youge relaxed silently, and countless blank territory information appeared in front of him, like broken, shining glass shards, showing Youge all the things that fit the life of Youge's current rat people. area.

Two different options,

The first one is that as long as You Ge selects an existing and suitable territory, this territory will start to independently breed eight-eyed rat people exactly like You Ge's current subordinates, one by one, little mice, and pieces of information about the eight-eyed rat people. , without You Ge’s control, this place will be born and grow on its own.

It seems pretty good, but this is not what You Ge wants. These eight-eyed rat people are not You Ge's eight-eyed rat people. Rat people that are completely out of his control are really not in line with You Ge's original intention. .

Second, the matte land deed does not have to be chosen by Youge himself. After Youge determines where to really arrange his own territory, it will also be transformed into land that is also suitable for the survival of the rat people. Of course, this will not Ratmen will be born, and you can only rely on You Ge to expand the arrangement.

For a normal favored person, he would definitely choose the first one, but Youge, with the serial information as his backing, would not care at all whether there are suitable residents to move in.

Simply OK,

The Wuguang Pot Land, which was still devouring that universe, sent You Ge away in the blink of an eye.

The empty world is not a place where Youge can stay at will. If it weren't for the fact that the other party really sacrificed a universe and successfully summoned the arrival of Hudi, the consciousness belonging to Hudi would never let him do this. appear in this place.


Wangcheng New Town,

Hall's parents' home,

Just after Noel Azatos, the old and powerful Hall's father, left home, Yuge appeared in front of his twisted servant.

Needless to say, Liliana, who showed up in her original form, still understood what You Ge meant.

"Lord Youge."

Liliana lowered her body respectfully. She surrendered at You Ge's feet, completely losing the motherhood of her body.

"Well, come on, your replacement will arrive home before Noel comes back from strolling outside."

Liliana lowered her head and replied with a hum,

The past reverberated in her mind for a moment. These memories and companionship were all beautiful, but they felt a little boring when she recalled them.

From the beginning, the power of this servant has been growing at the same time as You Ge. She is powerful and does not have a body that can produce emotions like humans. When she transformed into a follower and used You Ge's power to get rid of After getting rid of the human control of the small belly chicken intestines in the past, this alternative feeling has been deepening.

She thought that when he hugged her, she would be as warm as before, but for this body, there was a faint temptation to eat him.

She thought he would have different wonderful memories when he rolled with her on the bed, but it turned out that it was all an illusion created by her memory.

She thought that she would make delicious meals for him every day so that the warm family in the past could become better. However, after the man gained power, he was still a little complacent. Maybe this is human nature. Liliana did not force anything. When Youge asked him to do it, When the choice was made, she nodded in agreement. Without the human body, she lost a lot of past feelings, and they were gradually fading away.

In her view, and in the view of You Ge and others, it was all a false hormonal emotion caused by the body's chemical reaction.

While it’s wonderful, it’s not necessarily something you can’t rely on.

As for Noel, instead of spending the rest of his life with a cooperative wife who cheats every day, it is better to create a wife who is the same as Liliana when she was an ordinary person without his knowledge, and the latter has Liliana. With all the memories of Na, she will love Noel even more and be more in harmony with him.

"And Hall Azatos."

You Ge, who appears here at this moment, no longer looks like Hall. He has the dark appearance of a faceless man.

Of course, people who know him well can call him You Ge or Hall, and they can even get part of his information from these two names, but in the future, these two names will be part of his past. , will all be part of his experience.

Looking outside, a friendly Hall Azatos with a smile was passing by.

This Hall is young, vibrant, energetic, with a healthy body and a wheat-like complexion. Everyone will have a pleasant feeling after seeing it. At this moment, he is going to find his father Noel, walking through this exposed place. Looking at some strange parts on the street, he looked at Noel who was communicating with some old neighbors in front of him.

When a person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven;

When Noel came to live here, he also let some neighbors and friends buy houses here cheaply.


Hall's face was filled with a smile, he looked from a distance, waved his arms and started to greet Noel.

"Ah?! Hall!"

Noel looked back at the familiar voice, and looked at the little son with surprise. He hadn't seen him for a long time, and he hadn't seen him smile like this for a long time.

"Father, I'm back for dinner today. The work of the clockwork center has been handed over to others. Let's go. Mother has come back from buying groceries."

"Ah? Ah?"

Noel's face was full of disbelief. His son actually put his arm around his shoulder?

"Father, I will come back to live in the future. And I have a girlfriend now. When we get married, father, you have to drink a few more glasses."


These two words made Noel's mind fill in many questions, girlfriend, son, change, future, etc. His son finally grew up, and his family finally had a successor!

"Hahaha! Good! Let's go home quickly! By the way, is your girlfriend coming today?"

"Yeah, she came back after finishing work in the new city, which is about the time when my mother finished cooking."

Looking at the smile of his son, Noel suddenly had many memories in his heart. When he was full of vigor and vitality, he met that beautiful figure and became restrained. Although it was not satisfactory later, it is great to have this son now.

In the darkness of the street corner, after watching this "artificial Hall" successfully contact Noel, Youge and Liliana also turned around and left here.

The only problem now is that "cheap second brother" of his. As long as he cooperates, everything here will no longer be a problem. As for the future, perhaps someone will use this to threaten or force Youge to retreat, but that has nothing to do with Youge at all.

Life and death are unpredictable. If you can help, it's great. If you can't, just accept your fate.

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