Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 58 The candidate appears

Three days later.

The first physical education class.

Speaking of high school students, this age is also the most prone to conflict, especially in physical education class. As the first physical education class after school, it is not only the easiest time to promote student relationships, but also the time to release hormones to attract women.

After a few days of simple familiarity, everyone knew the names of the two sturdy boys, Harry and David. As cousins ​​of similar age, they have always been inseparable and joined the rugby team at the same time.

Rugby, a sport with obvious violent tendencies, is an indispensable show for young people of this age who are full of desire for performance. Anyone who can successfully join the team is healthy and strong.

In this physical education class, except for You Ge who was bored and begging for money in the back, it was completely a show for these two people.

Coupled with the inexplicable passion of the physical education teacher for rugby, these two people stole the limelight.

Just when everyone completed their respective training tasks, things began to change.

Harry and David, hugging their cheerleading princess, began to inspect the crowd present. Unfortunately, Billy, who was fat and not good at sports, became their target.

"Hey, Fatty Billy, how much did you run just now? Did you and your friends stand in a circle in your habitat and masturbate to each other?"

The older David led the three people next to Billy to start a group mockery. Among them, only Youge looked tall, and no muscles could be seen under the clothes. The other two basically had slightly bulging muscles to make their bodies look stylish, but they were not as strong as David who was beyond his age.

Billy's face was flushed with shame. He knew his embarrassing situation at this time but was powerless to resist. Tom on the side jumped up and pointed at David: "Hey, keep your mouth clean! This is not your home, dirty garbage."

After all, it was the first day, and the teacher was also watching this side. With the girl in his arms, the two just cursed each other and did not fight.

Except for Billy and David who were slightly excited, Youge was watching the show as if he didn't curse himself.

"Tsk tsk, it's you, the prey that came to me on its own initiative. As the only two freshmen who successfully joined the football team, I wonder if you can liven up the atmosphere."

Shaking the black schoolbag that Youge had been carrying around, he whispered, "How about this person, are you satisfied?"

The black leather showed an OK hand shape, and countless palm lines began to appear around the schoolbag.

"Tsk tsk, don't worry, I'll throw you to him and you can do it yourself!"

While everyone was paying attention to the quarrel between the two, Youge quietly walked to the other side of David: "Get out, you hairless bastard, you don't even dare to fight with a body!"

The sudden shout made David completely at a loss for words.

Taking advantage of David's brief daze, Youge threw the schoolbag directly at David's face: "Poor child, take your father's schoolbag back and practice your fists by yourself. Don't let your princess drain you."

"Go back, poor child."

At this time, the other three people in the four-person group also began to cooperate with Youge.

The situation was so huge that Harry and David, who were relatively inexperienced, had no idea how to deal with it. In addition, after grabbing Youge's schoolbag, David felt like he was tickled by his hand. He wanted to leave here and open his schoolbag, and even ignored the fact that he was holding a schoolbag that brought him humiliation.

"David? David? Are you talking?" The girl in his arms saw David's dazed look and looked down on him.

After seeing the eyes of others around him and seeing that the member of the rugby team that he regarded as a glory was so unbearable, she threw David's arms and turned around and walked out.

This departure made David seem to have found a reason to leave. He abandoned his cousin and chased the girl without saying a word.

The schoolbag tightly held in his hand made everyone laugh.

"Hall, did he really take your schoolbag away?!" Billy was enthusiastic and remembered that it was his schoolbag.

"It's okay. There's nothing in it. I want to change my schoolbag recently. Let him take it."

Seeing Youge's indifferent look, Billy didn't say anything. It was indeed just a schoolbag.

Harry, the only one left, was also embarrassed at this time. He said something harsh and left here: "Hall, you wait!"

Wait, wait, I guess you won't wait until the day when you come to take revenge.

As for David, after he left, he completely forgot his purpose of chasing his girlfriend after disappearing from everyone's sight, and his whole body and mind were completely on the schoolbag.

He stepped out of his long legs and hid in the toilet quickly: "What is hidden? What is hidden! I want to see it, I want to see it, I want to open you!"

The moment the toilet cubicle was closed, David opened the zipper of his schoolbag like crazy.

"Nothing? Why is there nothing! There should be? There should be." What is there? David couldn't remember what it should be. After a trace of confusion in his eyes, he suddenly heard a sound, which seemed to be the sound of nails hitting the wall.

Compared with the sound that was also heard by Youge, it was completely different in the ears of ordinary people. David's mind began to be scattered. After sitting on the toilet, he put his hands deep into the empty schoolbag: "Hand, hand, hand"

If you look at it from the perspective of directly above, you will find that a dry finger peeled off the back of David's hand and started to drill in. There was no trace of blood on the broken wound until the palm was completely inserted and the wound healed again.

At this time, the schoolbag also changed into the shape of David's own schoolbag, and the white name tag outside also changed into vague handwriting of David's name.

After a long time, David's eyes returned to normal. Except for the occasional squirming palm prints under his clothes, no strange changes could be seen at all.

Picking up his schoolbag, David walked out of the cubicle and looked left and right in the huge mirror, his eyes full of joy.

And the people hiding in the dark in the convenience store also sensed the changes here from a distance: "Direction to the school? That boy Hall finally started to act. If he gets stuck by that thing, the school will be in bad luck. "

After bursts of laughter emitted from the darkness, the convenience store fell into silence again.

At this time, You Ge, the main character of this performance, was surrounded by three people, constantly praising: "Hall, that throw was really great, you look at their eyes and you don't know what happened, hahaha Haha, so interesting.”

"Hall, if they come to you, they must call us. How can the four of us be afraid of them? If he is not afraid of making things worse, we will definitely stay with him until the end."

"Oh, it's so good." All three of them said this. Does You Ge want to slap them in the face? As for David, that guy definitely played with a Level 5 gadget this time and it’s impossible not to kill you.

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