Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 678: Fakuyu's Madness

"Yes, it's your art. No one can take your art away again."

Fakeyu nodded, and the corners of the fish-man's mouth were filled with ridicule for Valais and for the artist who gradually appeared near this deep-sea road.

A group of artists completely lost in art and madness,

"Art and madness? Hey, art is endless, there is never the best, only better!"

The artist whose head was blended with the picture album, the artist who was stabbed in the chest by a stone sculpture and laughed continuously with blood, the artist who integrated half of his body into a huge painting, the artist who continued to carve crazily on his own body, and so on. , this road is surrounded by such scenes, all artists lost in madness in the carols of the past,

Endless, beyond sight.

At this moment, Fakiyu, who was far away from all this madness, completely saw the reality of all this, and the same kind of madness appeared in his heart.

It's just that this kind of madness is completely under his control. It is a kind of madness with conflicting attributes, making it impossible for him to focus on one thing exclusively, and he ends up in a semi-tangled madness.

"Hahahaha! I didn't expect it!"

Gradually he began to adapt, and the madness caused by his heart finally calmed down with the help of the red seal. After restraining all the countless madness pouring out of his heart, Fakeyu finally understood what happened to him. What happened?

After this song reached his ears, what followed was a scan of his own heart, but the interesting thing is that You Ge is also in his body at this moment. What is You Ge's madness?

Was it the madness of his human nature? No! No, after he swallowed the red seal and turned it into a real part of himself, and after all the human memories that were also swallowed by him became a part of him,

The crimson evil seed embodied in the end was regarded as the madness of Fakeyu by the power in this song.

It's okay to be crazy, it can make Fakeyu focus on one thing and be intoxicated with art just like these artists.

The two crazy ones are also good, giving people a fresh choice to indulge in.

But when three, four, five, six, countless madnesses, the different madnesses that exist in each human nature were placed in front of Fakiyu, he felt overwhelmed.

Infinite madness flowed in his eyes, just like the crazy artists surrounding him, which made him have countless disdain for this small crazy art that can only be expressed by individuals.

"Crazy? Art? Hahahahaha! Come on! You didn't expect that a person's madness can be so complicated, even worse than what's happening here!"

Although I don’t know if there is real consciousness in this place, Fakiyu, who has absorbed all the madness in his heart at this moment, has no fear at all. Catering to the main theme here, Fakiyu has completely restrained himself in the vigorous madness at this moment. was exposed again,

The elder Valais closest to him, who is a mystery and entangled with his art, is the first to bear the brunt of it.

"Come on, let me show you my crazy art! Hahahahaha!"

With bursts of crazy laughter, Fakeyu inserted his hands into Valais' body. The other two works of art that were originally just clinging to Valais were pressed hard against his body by Fakeyu. superior,

"Art, only art that truly belongs to you is art. Why don't you completely possess such a wonderful thing?" Fakeyou looked at Valais who was suddenly pressed, and whispered quietly: "Hug Are they not your art? Why are you afraid? So you are afraid of your art at this moment?"

Obsessed, disturbed, angry, doubtful, addicted, nostalgic,

Countless emotions flowed through Valais' eyes, and finally, with Fakeyu's whispers, he fiercely embraced these arts that belonged to him.

Just like a piece of dough,

With the consent of his subjective consciousness, Vallee's body was further integrated with his art.

"Yes, yes, that's it, so that they can completely belong to you and never be separated from you." Fakeyu's deep diver opened his mouth completely, and laughed crazily with his slender fangs exposed.

The human specimen behind Valais grew like this on his back. There was no gap between the chest and the back, the polyps and the body of the Gillman.

The third human specimen in his arms also had the same fusion effect after wrapping its arms around Valais' waist and leaning tightly against his chest.

Look straight up at 90 degrees with your face,

The specimen's eyes were fixed on Valais, and the specimen behind him rubbed his ears affectionately. The specimen that was the first to blend into Valais' waist was wrapped around his body, and the other two were connected through the gap. Between the specimens, he stretched out all his tentacles and stroked Valais' body.

"Yes! That's it, this is art, this is our ultimate art! Integrate with art! Make art completely your own! Isn't it like this? Isn't it like this?!"

Fakyou shouted loudly, his unique crazy voice echoing throughout the space,

Every inquiry, every inducement,

All the artists looked at Fakeyu's position,

“Be one with art!”

"Completely possess art!"

This concept is something that these artists have never thought of. In their eyes, art is indeed their creation, but when have they ever really thought of occupying art?

At this time, some technical artists on the technology side were inspired. They have always thought about making and giving. When facing their technical products, they have never thought of integrating themselves with the creation of these technical platforms.

"Thoroughly occupy art, so that it belongs to me alone. Only we can create and modify my art!"

Similarly, the same situation as Valais appeared, and these artists who existed here began to change.

And then, some artists who prefer sculptures and paintings also got new inspiration from Fakyu's voice. Own art? Integrate!

Yes! No one can take their art away!

This painting is mine! This sculpture is mine! Everything is mine!

No one can separate me from art! No one can stop us from being together!

Integrate again and again,

These artists have launched unprecedented fusion changes in this space, crazy fusion, crazy obsession, this kind of complete contact with their own art, this thorough sense of possession, instantly let their hearts have a lot of unprecedented sense of accomplishment.

"Hahaha! Right~ Do you feel it? This is your art. Now it completely belongs to you. No one can separate you from it anymore~"

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