Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 7: Lame-legged Hide

Crutch Head has lived in the old city since he was a child. After he was drunk and had his leg broken by a professional when he was young, he has stayed here. After decades, he has been doing well.

Occasionally, I can make a small profit by selling things in other areas on behalf of my neighbors.

As usual at home, I applied hot water to my lame leg. "Hey, I'm getting older, and this leg is getting more and more troublesome!"

Head has always had a dark spot on his joint. When I was young, I could still suppress it by relying on my professional strength. Now that I am older and my ability is declining, it is becoming more and more difficult.

"Dong dong dong!" I remembered the knock on the door.

"Come in, it's unlocked!" No one has ever visited Head in his daily life, and even his old arms and legs can't beat anyone.

"Lv3-Cruel Black"

You Ge, who came in with a weapon box in his arms, saw the mark on Heide's head at first glance. L3 is a neither high nor low level. Is he like Fink?

"Put it in the corner. Are you a relative of Taka?"

The only one who can give me weapons is the muscular girl Taka. Others are waiting for me to come to pick them up. Muscle sticks have different ideas from others!

"Taka's apprentice. Now he's just doing odd jobs." You Ge looked at the things in the house, which were all ordinary furniture without any special items.

"Taka said he could get some information from you!"

"Information, what do you want to know!" After packing up his legs, Head hobbled and sat in the sun: "As long as it's not too troublesome!"

"Black market dark blood master apprentice information."

"Just some information?" He took out a cigarette butt and lit it. Under the light, Head's hair was shiny.

"Just information!"

"Which one, or all of them. There are four Dark Blood Masters in the black market."

"Lv5, long curly hair, yellow eyes, rickets." When retrieving the vague judgment of the night of transformation from Hall's memory, Head interrupted Youge:

"Oh, it's him, Wes the Undertaker, No. 76, Sunshine Street, Black Market." Head gave a thoughtful look: "Wes's popularity is not good. In addition to relying on the battlefield to make money, from him None of the transformed people survived, not even a disabled person. Other fellow travelers were able to transform a few strangers, but this one really all died!"

"Occupation: Dark Blood Master, the ability is the most common known sequence of Dark Blood Masters." Seeing You Ge listening attentively, Heide did not stop:

"A corpse collector on the battlefield. He has been exposed to blood corroded by alien aura for many years. With his own talents, he has awakened into a dark blood master sequence professional. He has Lv5 form control - scalpel and rarely fights."

"Haha, young man, for the sake of Taka's apprentice, this consultation is free. I can also tell you that fighting is prohibited in the black market area. It is best to assassinate quickly and throw the body into the sewer. Otherwise, when those people find out, they will Very unlucky!" Heide said while taking a deep puff of the cigarette in his mouth: "You can go."

"Yeah", Youge nodded and immediately left Heide's house.

"Lv5 scalpel? Is it a form change of the ability that you master after entering the apprenticeship? It would be feasible to assassinate Weiss just like this!"

After the skill boxing was first developed, You Ge gained great confidence. With his flexible pace, You Ge could defeat a Level 5 professional who had never fought before.

After returning to his house, You Ge began to box. Wing Chun's advantage was fully reflected in short and close combat. The rapid attacks made him want to do something.

"Hey, I still can't let it go as I please."

Ever since he finished cleaning in the morning, Youge has always had a desire to fight in his heart. He always wanted to find someone to cut him off, but he had beaten him several times just now, which only fueled the desire.

You can't go looking for Wes in broad daylight. Even if it's a black market, there will still be a sheriff.

"Summon: Ip Man-Fist: Wing Chun (Control)"

He couldn't wait to enter the coffin, and after summoning Ip Man again, he began the road of self-abuse. He did not rely on the "blood" advantage of the professional, and was severely slapped on the face countless times by Ip Man.

"It hurts, it hurts!\

,"This time, Ye Wen's sudden change in attack method made You Ge not even understand what was happening. Because of the characteristics of his own blood, there was no blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.

The power condensed into threads was injected into Youge's face by Ip Man. The swollen area looked like a walnut!

After retreating to the back, You Ge didn't dare to touch his mouth with his hands.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! It hurts!"

After stopping, Ye Wen stopped moving, leaving Youge alone on the ground howling miserably.

"Come again!" After taking a breath, You Ge rushed forward again, grabbing Ye Wen tightly with sharp eyes like a razor blade.

Punch! defense! withdraw! Punch! Parry! The attacks between the two became more and more frequent, and You Ge became less impulsive in his heart.

"Skill Improvement: Boxing-Wing Chun (Mastery)"

You Ge did not observe the prompt from the "coffin", and Ye Wen's punches became full of threats. The seemingly soft punch even scratched his cheek and felt a sting.

"There is a trace of will in the boxing technique?!"

For ordinary people to practice boxing, they need to go through several years of training from the beginning to the completion. The most critical reason is physical fitness. As the saying goes, the poor in culture and the rich in martial arts mean that martial arts practitioners eat meat every day to replenish the energy they consume!

The professional system directly changed this process in Youge. The awakening of "blood" allowed Youge's body to surpass the limit. With the infusion of skills like a revelation, the only thing missing now is to integrate his will into the fist and let it be controlled by himself, rather than affecting himself!

In other words, the entry is knowledge, and then it is proficiency, proficiency, mastery, and master. The biggest advantage of entering the control level is that you can condense your will on the fist and become more flexible and powerful.

The fist moves casually. After feeling the changes of Youge, Ye Wen's fist also carries the charm of his own will. Under this subtle stimulation, Youge's will finally began to stabilize.

Youge, who was fighting with all his strength, also felt his own changes.

After a long time, after all, he was just entering this state. When his fist was weak, he was kicked away by Ye Wen. Ye Wen, who withdrew his hand and turned sideways, also turned into stars and scattered. This time, there was no matter of light and electricity being integrated into Youge's body.

"The master leads you to the door, but it's up to you to practice! Ouch! It hurts!"

When he got up from the ground, You Ge's whole body seemed to fall apart. After casually glancing at the bloody prompt.

He gritted his teeth, struggled to lie on the cold bed, and gradually fell asleep.

The "essence" entered his body, and the pain in his bones began to dissipate. When You Ge woke up, it was already late at night.

"Hmm? It seems that the level is about to break through?"

You Ge, who was refreshed again, stretched his waist and felt the change of the "blood" in his body.

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