Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 72 A drowning man's lifeline (Part 2)

With the departure of Leer in the base, the others became even more crazy. Since they were going to die, they had to let Youge suffer.

"Launch the missiles!"

"Use the earth-penetrating bombs. 01 is hiding underground!"

"All happened. Cover the area where he appeared and leave him nowhere to run!"



As Leer drove out of the base, dozens of missiles whizzed through the sky.

In just a blink of an eye, an explosion occurred in the distance.

"I hope it's okay." Leer stepped on the accelerator and picked up the communicator: "The security department has blocked the base. The core members have been infected. Cut off their power!"

Dust all the way,

From a distance, the scarecrow stood at the center of the explosion, motionless.

"It's okay."

As Leer approached the small shack, he bypassed the direction of the scarecrow from a distance, raised his hands from another direction, and then approached.

"Mr. Hall! I want to talk to you! Can you come out and see me?" Enduring the tingling sensation in his brain, Leer still insisted on approaching step by step.

To see or not, Youge was also thinking about this question.

Although he was a little angry about the missile attack just now, someone came up to him in a blink of an eye. What was he trying to do?

"Mr. Hall, was the missile launched by the people in the base because they were crazy? We have arrested them all!"

".", so it was his scarecrow that indirectly made the people crazy and caused him to be attacked by the missile.

Forget it, let's listen first and see what he wants to do with his cowardly look.

The soil under Le'er's feet surged, and Youge floated out of the ground in a blink of an eye.


"Hehe, Mr. Hall, I am Le'er, the person in charge of this base. This time I come to ask for your forgiveness!", with a flattering look on his face, he looked at Youge, who was half a head taller than him: "I hope to work under you, and my connections over the years will be used by you."

Come to surrender? This surprised Youge.

But it is also true that there are few aliens that have been encountered over the years who can maintain a human appearance and still be able to talk rationally like Youge.

This is also the biggest reason why Le'er chose to come.

"So, who do you represent now? Yourself or everyone behind you?!" Although someone surrendered and made Youge feel a little happy, he still had to ask.

". Now it's me, but! As long as the gentleman can make people who have seen the scarecrow not go crazy, the base here will be yours immediately!" After swallowing his saliva, Le'er explained everything: "Some people above have seen the scarecrow and are now in a deep sleep and have not gone crazy!"

Youge now completely understood, they are all people who cherish their lives.

It's not difficult to solve it after all, it's your own strength, but so many people can't be eliminated one by one, it's better to think of a way to wait for the opportunity.

"Sit down, let me see you." Since you plan to do this, let's take a look at the changes in Le'er first.

Sensing deeply,

There is really nothing special in Le'er's body. The only problem is in the brain, or in the consciousness.

A weak force from Youge's [Seal] entangled Le'er's consciousness, and when the connection between the two deepened, this force would be completely integrated.

At that time, Le'er was basically equivalent to a puppet of Youge.

However, because of Le'er's surrender, this force began to identify with Le'er.

While Youge was testing Le'er, this testing behavior was like the boss of this force recognizing the new younger brother. The power in Le'er's consciousness became docile, and even the original erosion and madness turned into another gentle fusion.

After being exposed to this information change, Youge immediately tried to change his attitude towards Le'er, hostility!

Just a change of thought, Le'er, who was still sitting on the ground, began to tremble all over, and a trace of self-destructive madness hit his heart.

"Mr. Hall!" After suppressing the pain, Le'er immediately knelt on the ground: "I really want to surrender to you."

"Yeah." With a thought, Youge also understood the erosion of ordinary people by his scarecrow. This kind of visual [information] infection after seeing alien life completely dominated the lives of these people.

In this way, you can make a beacon or something like that, and then let this Le'er or Thatcher take it to contact those human high-level people, and then set your goodwill to contact them once a month, and then you can control those people. Wait, if you add some special abilities, you can seduce those people even more.

The most intuitive one is [blood], but those people are so cherishing their lives, it is better to infuse a trace of [force] into the beacon, so that the people who touch it will be slightly strengthened. Then add your own job ability [blood] to repair life.

But speaking of it, it seems that the ability of professionals has various strengthening situations for the body itself, and these two are enough.

Fortunately, this promotion allowed me to establish a network on all my powers. After thinking for a long time, I might as well try it directly.

Ignoring Le'er who was still kneeling on the ground, Youge cut a piece of wood from the woods behind and poured his own strength into it.

Take the spiritual power that represents the [Seal] as the dominant one, and then connect it with [Power] and [Blood]. The three are integrated to achieve a balance, and then you can put your own will into it, and it becomes a simple beacon.

"Ler, grab it."

Leer, who was still immersed in fear just now, immediately raised his head and grabbed the wood handed over by You Ge after hearing Yu Ge's instructions.

What an obedient puppet.

Leer closed his eyes after holding the [Beacon], and the attribute power transmitted from the beacon traveled around and returned to the [Beacon] again.

"Almost zero consumption, the strengthening process only guided the human body's potential, and the attribute power did not even have any reaction on Leer's body." Leer grabbed the beacon again, and Youge repeatedly checked the power. Circulation: "The human body is not strong enough to withstand the attribute power. This eliminates the need for replenishment."



"You know Thatcher."

"Yes, the team that captured him before was also ours!" After being contacted by the [Beacon], Zhuler became more submissive, and his eyes were filled with a sense of admiration when he looked at You Ge. .

"Take this beacon and go find him. He will be your and my spokesperson from now on."

"Yes, sir!"

Spokesperson, Leer naturally understood the meaning of these three words and combined with the beacon in his hand, Leer knew clearly that in the future, those big shots would be on the same team as him.

"Go ahead."

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