Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 74 Information

"Speaking of which, is Lv10 eligible to leave the city alone?"

Thinking of the fragments left in the memory of the original owner Hall, it seems that there was a time when Hall really wanted to leave the city, but unfortunately he had no money, no ability, and no guards, so it was almost impossible to go out.

"Tsk, I was promoted to Lv10 in a month. Will Mr. Orange have other ideas about me?" Just when Youge was still thinking about whether to contact Mr. Orange, the terminal that had been injured had already lit up.

"Mr. Hall, congratulations on the promotion. Mr. Orange has prepared new information about the royal city for you. Please check it carefully!" 01's avatar flashed by.

"?", Youge's eyes flashed with surprise. It seems that he is indeed under the surveillance of Mr. Orange, but he doesn't know how much he knows about him.

As soon as the personal terminal is turned on, a flashing red mark will appear.


The first thing that appears is a paragraph from Mr. Orange,

"Hall, the existence of the personal terminal after connecting to the King City network is equivalent to a mobile information collector. It can not only detect abnormal areas nearby at all times, but also ensure the rapid response of the King City to emergencies. Therefore, most people's terminals are under the close monitoring of the Golden Association and the City Defense Army.

Once leaving the data network, the terminal will become an information recorder. Once connected to the network again, it will send the encountered information to the data center. In order to prevent some special types of [pollution], this kind of record is also limited to breath records.

Since these things Everything is made by me, so when transmitting information, I will filter out the situations that I don't want them to know.

The first access point of the watch terminal you use is the private terminal directly under the clockwork center. You don't need to worry about any of your information being released during the entire transmission.

Secondly, I am not interested in your secrets. The only thing I need is that you can grow into someone who can help me. Of course, if you have some technical discoveries, I am also very happy to discuss them together. "

This relatively short paragraph just answered Youge's question just now. Even if there are still doubts, the only thing Youge needs to do is to continue to improve himself until he can dominate himself. But in comparison, Mr. Orange's sincerity can still be seen. Even if Mr. Orange casually responds to a few words, Youge can only take it as true.

After skimming through this paragraph, it is about the "real" secret that only the elites of the royal city after Lv10 can know.

First, it is forbidden to use large-scale range abilities, such as [sound], [light], [super long vision], etc.

The reason is that high-level aliens will be abnormally fed back by these abilities, and more often they can only cause some unwarranted disasters for the Royal City. Devices such as the terminals of the Golden Club will automatically disconnect the data receiving and sending functions after leaving the specified range. Do not force them to be activated.

Then there are some special areas in the Royal City. For professionals above Lv10, just approaching these places is equivalent to invading and declaring war.

The first place is the depths of the slums occupied by pagans. Once you see the green mist, please retreat immediately.

The second is the underground facilities in the old city. As the birthplace of human beings in the Royal City, countless ancestors are buried here. Over the years, some strange things have always been born, so once you go deep and hear wailing, you must do what you can.

The third is the underground dividing line of the black market. The left foot represents order and the right foot represents chaos. If you want to make money quickly, you might as well try the right foot area. As long as you can survive, everything is yours.

The area outside the Royal City is changeable and no one knows what kind of problems will happen.

After the introduction of these information about the Royal City, there are some related guidance on the subsequent growth of Lv10.

Successfully advancing to Lv10 is also a great help for all forces. In order to attract professionals to join, some special guides will be set up to help new professionals to deal with future growth directions.

At the same time, basic professional knowledge will be opened to help newcomers, which is extremely tempting for those wild Lv10.

Naturally, there will be different treatments for professionals with different talents, which is reflected in the common product of the forces, the Royal City Academy.

Newcomers who are qualified to be favored by the top leaders of the forces will have the opportunity to choose to be selected into the academy for further study, and there will also be a mentor to become their special guide, which is much more professional than the "fast food guide" to attract newcomers to join.

The most important thing is that these newcomers sent to the academy will participate in a power competition held in the high spire. The winning force will not only have supreme honors, but also be able to get the attention of a member of the high spire. In other words, until the next competition begins, this force can do whatever it wants as long as it does not destroy the royal city!

As a city defense force that is mainly based on combat, it is the winner who has won the most first place in the competition in the past ten years. After winning, they did not do anything in the city and were always committed to building a new safe zone outside the city. They used the [attention] of the members of the High Spire to speed up the construction.

The attention of the members of the High Spire? After seeing this, Youge thought of Mr. Orange's plan for the new city area. So it seems that this is also something that Mr. Orange urgently needs? !

Youge was distracted by the things that this information reminded him of, and he was too lazy to continue reading. After quickly flipping to the bottom, he saw some brief introductions to the families of various forces in the royal city. The only thing that interested Youge was the descendants of the members of the High Spire. After all, they had a complete set of information about the highest level of human beings, which was a treasure of knowledge that others could not easily obtain no matter how hard they tried.

".Finally, it feels a bit like a human city?" After simply reading this information, Youge still felt a sense of disharmony based on his previous life: "After all, I came here too soon."

Dispelling the doubts in his mind, these questions became more and more complicated the more he thought about them, which was equivalent to social research. In this world of life and death, who would be bored enough to do social research.

"Hmm? Mr. Orange's letter." It came just in time. It happened that Youge closed the terminal and sent it: "Address? It seems to be nearby. Could it be that Mr. Orange came here?"

But think about it, there is no problem coming here. The address seems to be a clockwork factory in the old city.


"My lord!" Nina ran quickly from the opposite building, holding a feather duster in her hand.

"I'm going out, take care of the house."

Just now, when she heard the shout, Youge's expression changed, which made Nina think that she had something important to give her. She didn't expect that she had to go out again not long after coming back.

But Nina also knew that professionals like this must have their own things to do: "Okay, sir!"

"Yes." Naturally, she would call her little maid to come and see her from time to time, which was a kind of teasing that belonged to Youge's self-cognition.

Thanks to Forward2011, Guigui for the votes~

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