Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 78: First visit to Orson's house

Although the story is a story, Youge thought of some questions after listening to it. What happened to the Orson family? Where is his teacher? The high-level closed disciples just disappeared so easily? If it were just a story, it would be so anticlimactic. But if it is true, it is to attract some special people, such as professionals with the [earth] attribute.

"Hmm, Head, is there anyone still living in the Orson house now?"

"It's been abandoned. Although some drunken fanatics went in and lived there peacefully for a while, every time I think of that story, it still makes people feel scared. Plus there are so many houses in the old city, it's better to find a cleaner one. "

Abandoned? Scared by the story? If it's just some people who are afraid, that's easy to explain. If everyone who has lived there for so many years is afraid, then it's not just a story.

Looks like I have to go see it for myself.

In the old city at night, after the little maid at home fell asleep,

You Ge walked alone on the road to Orson's house. Except for the occasional scattered street lamps, the residents' houses near the lot closer to Orson's house became more and more dilapidated.

After passing the last corner, the shadow of the big tree was revealed in front of You Ge from the shelter of the house.

Except for the width that must be surrounded by three or four people, there is no problem with this distance.

As he walked in, the sound of rustling leaves also reached You Ge’s ears.

"It's so wide." You Ge stood silently under the tree. After knowing the story of the Orson family, it looked like a tree like this was meant to block some entrance. Didn't anyone try to dig it?

After circling around, there are also a few worn-out shovels scattered in some corners, which look like someone has dug them.

After finding nothing unusual, Youge walked towards the Orson family's house.

The first step on the doorstep? ! The lights on the second floor are on!

The second step on the doorstep? ! The lights on the first floor flickered and the figures looked longingly.

The third step on the doorstep? ! The door in front of You Ge suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man wearing a black suit appeared. The slightly upward curved beard on his mouth and the gold-wired monocle on one eye made this man look extremely gentlemanly.

In three steps, he saw that the abandoned house suddenly became so gorgeous. After a strange flash appeared in Youge's eyes, instead of retreating, he continued to walk up step by step. Since there was a change, it means there is something wrong here. There is something wrong. Of course I have to go up and have a look!

In front of the door, You Ge stared at the gentleman man of the same level as himself.

"Lv5: Wraith Green Orson;"

"Martin Orson, my son, you are finally back!" Green looked at You Ge and smiled slightly, then pulled his hand and welcomed You Ge in: "Mary! Jenny! Call your mother down quickly. , Martin is back!”

Martin Olson? son?

Could it be the kind of ghost that keeps changing the cycle of the last scene after death, so this is the scene before Orson's son returns home in the story that Head told?

Just as he was about to try to question Green, his left and right hands were held by two scantily clad young girls.

"Lv5: Wraith Mary Olsen; Lv5: Wraith Jenny Olsen"

These two girls were very charming. When they held hands, they pulled You Ge's arm into their chests. They were still coy when calling for their brother. They didn't look like they regarded themselves as sisters at all: "Brother! You I’m finally back, tell us about what’s going on in Wangcheng College! Hmm, we want to hear it.”

If a hungry ghost in lust encountered this situation, he would have fallen into trouble long ago.

Of course, it is not such a visual temptation, but in this greasy coquettish voice, apart from the mental confusion of the resentful spirit itself, a completely different [spiritual infection] quietly wrapped around Youge from under his feet, and the whispers In his head it sounded: "Martin Olsen! Martin Olsen! You're home!\

,"You Ge, who has dealt with resentful spirits, can naturally tell the difference between these two abilities. They are actually alien and not the auras of the three people in front of him. This strange feeling made You Ge calm down.

Regardless of what they wanted to do, the [Seal] on their hands flashed first, chewing up this power and feeding it back to You Ge.

"Or are these resentful spirits just bait? Then why not act with them! Find out who is behind the scenes, and then make a plan." After thinking about it, Yu Ge also had a slight smile on his face: "Oh, my dear Sisters, let’s talk about it, but my father and mother have been waiting for me for a long time, okay?”

Mary and Jenny's faces darkened, almost showing their true colors. The moment they left, they did not forget to shake their chests in front of You Ge: "Bad brother, you know that father and mother don't miss us at all. "

The two of them saw the sneer on Green's face again, turned around and ran away.

"Humph, sister didn't expect that this human being could endure our temptation. This time, I took advantage of my father and mother. I wonder how my brother will reward them." Jenny, who retreated to another room, sat on the bed angrily.

"Where's my sister? It's okay. We have been unable to catch it so many times, so I just gave it to my father and mother once." After closing the door, Mary hugged her sister tightly from behind, her slender face Rubbing the latter's face gently: "Let them play, we also have our own things~"

"Well, my sister is so bad."

Just as the sisters left, a "lady" slowly walked down from upstairs.

Some crystal-like accessories dotted the white medieval classical long skirt, and the wrinkles on her oval face did not affect her appearance, but instead highlighted her seductive charm.

"Lv5: Emma Olsen"

". Is this the case that the old one comes after the young one?", what else can Youge do? He waited for this "old woman" to sway along the way, caress her face, and then smiled lightly as she slowly walked down the more than ten steps.

Although Youge's direct gaze was slightly hot, Youge was always thinking about how to start: "If I continue to act with them, will they do some bloody group sex? Since they treat me like their son when they meet, can't they get into the role?"

Be patient, the bicycle becomes a motorcycle.

"Dear Martin, you are finally back. Mom misses you so much."

I feel like you all really miss me so much now. Youge held back her complaints and smiled: "Yes, mom, I miss you so much too~"

"Come~ let mom hug my baby son." After showing a little sadness on her face, Youge's second cheapest mother opened her arms to Youge, who was taller than her. Before she took a few steps, Emma's height began to lengthen a little bit. The moment she got closer, her entire waist lengthened by two times, just pointing her squeezed chest in front of Youge's face.

"Oh, mom, dad is still watching, don't do this." Youge stepped back quickly and pointed at Green, who was standing silently like a wooden stick.

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