Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 814: Living things and wisdom are nothing but matter


"Huh? Is there another human race?"

You Ge was at a loss for words and paid attention to the screams below, mechanical skeletons, green-skinned orcs, mecha humans, mechanical life, and spiritual life.

Waiting for everything after You Ge's appearance, from shock to joy to fear.

"TheRed actually exists?!!"

"God? Great?! Unknown?!"

"We don't want to die!"

Countless wails, countless regrets, and countless despair over the catastrophic situation caused by Youge's appearance at this time, all burst out.

"Death? This is not death, it's just that you have changed your appearance. Maybe it doesn't even count as a change. You still exist, and your information will not disappear. It is still hidden in the metamatter and scattered everywhere. When the time comes for reorganization, you will still be the same you!”

Death will never come,

Destruction will never exist,

Disappearance never appears,

You will never be annihilated!

Youge just wanted to feel the transfer of matter. He didn't have any idea of ​​​​destruction. In other words, he didn't have any idea of ​​​​destroying the other party. The only possibility in the end was to destroy this thing that already existed. The material composition has turned into more fragmented information elements that cannot be assembled by themselves.

In a blink of an eye,

In this huge war, all the enemy armies have become part of the earth. The earth is made of flesh, the earth is made of soil, and the earth is made of iron.

"TheRed! TheRed! TheRed!"

The Skaven, the Sequence Man, and the Horned Rat called out again. This unquestionable crushing made Yugodang end this long-lasting invasion.

"If the universe does not have the consciousness of favoring humanity, it means that it does not care about the demise of these beings. Good and bad are all its inner beings. If the universe is used as a defensive measure, wouldn't it be beautiful to have powerful material aggregation?"

Regardless of any tendency, You Ge began to wander aimlessly in this universe. Under the influence of the crimson matter, everything he went turned into the most basic meta-matter polymer that embodied random material attributes. All living things disappeared, all living things disappeared, and all the material manifestations changed in the so-called manifestation of wisdom turned into the beginning.

"This is the destruction of the universe! This is the disaster of wisdom! TheRed is the devil! TheRed is not salvation!"

Some of the information that was originally spread to invade the universe was completely overturned in Youge's aimless wandering. Everything that could be praised by intelligent creatures and follow the rules completely disappeared like dung.

One year, two years, three years.

Youge was still wandering like this, and he didn't stop until all the creatures he knew about in this universe that the Horned Rat told him completely disappeared.

Everything is gone, all the planets, all the galaxies, have turned into a vast expanse of land behind You Ge, starting from the first day You Ge came here and continuing until now.

"The universe doesn't have any manifestations. It even transforms the surrounding ether particles and transforms the space of the entire universe. Doesn't it have any intention, the will to destroy?"

You Ge remembered the situation when he borrowed the passage opened by Nurgle. The world of One Piece directly had a certain resistance to You Ge. Destroying a universe and changing a certain normal state of matter in the universe are completely different things.

"Destroying a universe, an act with a clear tendency, does not actually mean anything. Destroying creation is still just a sense of accomplishment based on the tendency of human nature."

Youge floated in the air, and this free crimson substance finally transformed into a faceless man in red in the continuous transformation.

"My God, this universe is completely under our control!" The big horned rat appeared from behind You Ge. The moment he knelt down, his admiration for You Ge completely occupied his heart. This is his greatness. , this is his god, this is the real power!

"And new life has begun to be conceived on the land of my god, and a new kingdom will be born again!"

For the first time, the Horned Rat felt this unique new life. Different from the battle between planets and universes, Yuge completely crushed everything, and then created a new country.

"Yeah." The faceless man in red nodded, turned around, and suddenly asked: "Do you like this?"

Still asking the same question, just like facing Elosili, she likes to stay by Youge's side and integrate with Youge, while the Big Horned Rat is a completely independent individual, and the connection with Youge is at the upper and lower levels at most. exist.

"I like it, and I am willing to destroy all rebellion for my god!"

The Great Horned Rat likes to destroy, and also likes to destroy all voices of resistance under the illumination of the crimson light. Occasionally, it spreads the light of the devil rat, and watches those who are entangled in human nature, because this power destroys itself again, all of this is So much beauty.

"Well, turn these into resource acquirers and select suitable subordinates to be included in the Crimson World. This place will eventually be completely destroyed!"

Kahayu's giant abyssal network has always been spreading in the universe. It is precisely because the horned rat initially acquired this world in the world of chaos that it is even more priority to be occupied by Kahayu's giant network.

"Whenever you see how gods destroy the universe, you may be able to notice the difference!"

"Maybe choose a suitable world to destroy? Let Kahayu weave a huge web of destruction to show the great destruction?"

Apart from the transformation of the external manifestation of matter, the only thing Yuge wants to know now is what the so-called destruction of the gods is, or is it the transformation of matter? Or is it another change of existence?

Perhaps it is impossible to know after seeing it.

"And that person, should I choose to go there to ask that person?"

The Toad God, a god with special kindness to living beings, Kahayu still has a thread in his hand to contact the other party. If he really needs an answer, he may really get the answer by following this clue.

"Kindness, maybe, the kindness that exists in that way is also defined by the other party, not by himself."

Yuge waved away the Great Horned Rat. As his subordinate who loves war and destruction, he has been devoted to it. This universe is just a resting place he chose at random.

And the universe that cooperates with the Nurgle Legion and fights with other chaotic kingdoms is the area that he really yearns for.

I don't know how long it took, but after waiting to regain consciousness, Youge had disappeared in this universe.

Back to Yishan City,

On this road of pursuit, although the time spent in the Lightless Pot Land was not much, it was relatively a week.

"My God!"

The attributes of Arnold the Strong Ratman have reached perfection, and the complete transformation exudes a powerful sense of power far beyond other ratmen.

"The Red!"

The red-clothed faceless man on Yishan City showed his will, and the numbers below immediately paid tribute to Youge!

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