Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 824: The sky above the royal city

"The lightless pot land of the deep sky layer." Black Crow Gu's words naturally made countless thoughts flash in You Ge's mind. Regardless of the limitations of the ground, being in the air is always the fastest and most convenient way.

In this way, the Ratmen in Plague Mountain City can finally spread out freely!

"Gu, what is above the royal city?"

The future of the rat people has already begun, and this huge and rich world has finally begun to have a good start. However, in comparison, Youge is also curious about the more distant royal city, and the city that has reached the Didn’t they in the so-called Thousand Kings City reach out to the deep space layer?

"Above the Royal City." When Hei Yagu suddenly asked You Ge about this, Hei Yagu's joy paused for a moment. The sky above the Royal City has always been a no-fly zone. Although he has never actually been up there, he can feel it through the depth of his blood. , also has some slight thoughts about the hidden deep space layer.

"It's an unknown existence. It may be the king of the royal city, or it may be an unknown existence." Hei Yagu only vaguely glimpsed the existence inside. Through the light and shadow of the deep space layer, he could only scratch the surface. I discovered the silhouette of a huge human figure, and there was a trace of reflection in the light-transmitting clouds.

"Shadow? Huge?"

You Ge made a brief note in his mind. Since it exists, it means there are traces to follow. Perhaps in the near future, this figure will take the initiative to reveal himself in front of them.

"I understand. You can discuss the next arrangements with Arnold. In addition, if you encounter any problems in the deep space layer, I think you can also seek help from Lord Gray King."

From the Gray King's interest in Black Crow Gu after he came in, we can see her thoughts. In this case, it is better to give a reasonable contact opportunity and sell the favor to the Gray King.

"Hehe, no problem. From today on, I will officially stay in Epidemic Mountain City~ I can't just occupy resources and not help little brother Hong~"

The Gray King laughed playfully, took out a handful of gray stones and handed them directly to Gu.

"If you have any questions, just crush it and I'll be there soon~"

"Ah! Thank you, Lord Gray King."

This thing is exactly what the Gray King gave Youge when he was in the royal city. It is the same medium that summons the king's power to help.

And Hei Yagu, who looked even more delighted, also took the stones. Each of these king's power media is equivalent to a life-saving back-up, which is definitely enough for him to safely explore the deep space layer many times.

"Hehe, it's okay. Are you all friends of Epidemic Mountain City? You can use these as you like. After you use them, you can ask me for them again." The Gray King was also very happy. As long as Black Crow Gu explores enough, then She can know more, just give her some power media, and even occasionally project her power into the past, so why not do it for her.


Hei Crowgu bowed slightly and backed away. The harvest from this trip did not require any reward from You Ge. It was enough to get this handful of stones.

"Lord Gray King, how is the situation in the Weeping Bone Mountains?"

When there were only two people left in the hall, You Ge silently asked some of his doubts to the other one.

"Ah~ them, hehe, little brother red~ they should still be alive and well~" The Gray King came to her old position, and the Gray King's throne that had not been dispersed was also placed there intact. Leave it alone. As he leaned on him, the Gray King laughed happily: "Hehehehe~ He's alive. Little brother Hong can go see them together when we have time~"

It's not over yet,

Obviously this is just the beginning of the Gray King. They need to take a little care to exist within the scope of their influence in the Weeping Bone Mountains. Now that they have completely gotten rid of the other party, how can it end so simply?

Moreover, killing the opponent is not the purpose of the Gray King. She wants to slowly destroy the Weeping Bone Mountain Range, destroy the self-righteous kings of the Weeping Bone Forest within it, and fully enjoy the joy of the other party trembling under her control!

"Well, Lord Gray King, the army of Epidemic Mountain City, can be called upon at any time. The reserves of rat men and serial men are enough to last more than a hundred years."

Whether it's war or material changes, You Ge has already gained his own new understanding, and now the Epidemic Mountain City can start to expand aggressively.

"Is this the world in the eyes of the king?" He was thinking about the affairs of Epidemic Mountain City, but looking at the performance of the Gray King in front of him, You Ge suddenly felt a lot more in his heart: "The flow of people around him has nothing to do with it. The material changes, and I just stretched out my fingers and stirred it up."

Then stir it up, otherwise the epidemic mountain city that evolved like this will be useless.

The final result, whether it is success or failure, actually does not matter.

"Hehe~ Okay, little brother Hong!"

The Gray King nodded, reserve, consume for hundreds of years, such words had to make her excited. All her men have been exhausted just for this time, and they are all outstanding talents she has accumulated over the past hundred years.

Now it's not bad to switch to this kind of batch of tool people. Compared with the training of aliens, this group of tool people is not the kind of inferior tool people that have no effect.

Pick some out, and then train them a little, this group of rat people and sequence people will definitely become sharp knives in your hands, oh no, they should be the sharp knives of Epidemic Mountain City~

What a wonderful epidemic mountain city,

The Gray King felt an unusual sense of relief in his heart. It was really nice here. Some things were just at your fingertips and you didn't need to start from scratch.

"Hehe, little brother Red, I'll go take a look~ I need to get familiar with your army~"

Having some ideas,

Gray King did not stay here any longer. The moment he disappeared, he went to look for Arnold. Compared to what Youge mentioned, she knew who to look for after the order was actually implemented.

"Illusion Mountain City"

Youge was left alone. The faceless man on the throne quietly dissipated, and the free crimson material floated. There was no fixed existence. If it was a human form, or an eyeball, or an animal, or a ratman, it would change back and forth in it.

"It seems that the city has been forgotten by me."

The power of the Lightless Pot Land and the Illusion Mountain City made Youge focus on this place. At this moment of relaxation, a city suddenly appeared in Youge's mind, the Blood Rain God City placed on the Skaven Continent.

The city that gave birth to the ratman and gave birth to the first ratman who fought for the entire Skaven Continent has been standing quietly on that continent.

"City, a living city."

As his thoughts flowed, Youge appeared again above the original city, which was cold and damp, with countless parasites and chaotic deformities growing in it.

"Dirty, disgusting, non-human area. After the ratmen left, it became more overgrown with weeds and full of abnormalities, but the city is still healthy, and the heart of the Blood Rain God City is still beating!"

Slowly falling, the blood rain all over the city became thicker, and an irresistible sense of intimacy was faintly transmitted from the city.

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