Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 831 Discovered

At this time, after the nobles shifted their target underground, a subtle fluctuation of the old scene appeared in the depths of the slums. In this place that no one had discovered, in this dirty place that countless noble forces had searched frantically, a familiar voice leaked out from a corner that had no signs of activity at all.

"Sir, are we going to continue hiding like this?"


Through the gap of this fluctuation, the people who asked were also seen clearly. They were members of the search team led by Dehar, and Dehar was holding the blocked Baden in his hand.

"Search! Search again carefully, these places are all places where the old scene has been contaminated!"

Just as they relaxed, another wave of people from the royal city came outside to search, and groups of people repeatedly explored everything in various places.

Immediately afterwards, Dehar, who was hiding, felt a wave of regret in his heart. Perhaps he had gone out long ago, and he would not have let the royal city be so alert. In their eyes, the people of the Royal City who were tainted by the old scene were equivalent to the beautiful old scenes of the Royal City. In addition, many humans had changed their undead attributes before they came into contact with the dead city. How could Dehar not be concerned?

The beautiful old scene and some undead who could be kept as pets were what Dehar wanted.

Besides, Baden was not under his control after he took him back, so he naturally had to plunder some spoils and take them back to enjoy himself.

"It was almost there, but I didn't expect that guy to spread the news directly! Damn it!"

It must be said that all the people in the dead city did not expect Youge to spread such important news. How many people kept the secret of the Tindalos hound's teeth privately because of fear, and how could they tell others like this!

Such a result can only be said to be an absolute surprise. The injured king attracted their attention outside, while they secretly acted inside and took Baden away.

With a heavy sigh, after the group of people outside left, Dehar did not dare to expose himself even for a moment.

Unfortunately, under this unknown situation, he was discovered by some more secretive existences. The most abundant thing in this dilapidated slum is various insects living in the corners. Just as Dehar just leaked his breath, a small spider that had finished hunting discovered this sudden abnormal movement.

The tiny spider legs crawled, and this little spider, which was not even a complete alien, remembered this scene at this time. After drilling through countless gaps and leaving this place, it quietly sent this information that she didn't even know what it was to another place.

Also in the slums,

At this time, with countless nobles searching everywhere, Youge also began his deployment. The Skaven Ratmen were sent to occupy a large number of hidden corners, but they were not for searching, but waiting in these places to see who would find those hiding dead city guys, so that they could appear at the first time.

"Lady Sofia, who do you think will be the final winner of this chaos?"

On a building in the slums,

Youge and Sofia stood side by side, with a harmonious atmosphere and calm faces, as if they were two partners who had cooperated for a long time.

And here was also Youge's primary suspicion, these guys would never leave the slums, even the forces in the old city were not as scattered as the slums, so easy to hide, of course, as long as they were not stupid.

"It's you. If this is not what you expected, then who else could it be?"

"Me? No, not me. Maybe it's someone from a random royal family, or maybe we didn't notice the lucky guy at all."

What Yuge wants to do is not something Sofia can imagine. This chaotic situation is just a process. How can we know what the ending will be for a performance that has not yet begun.

"But what will happen? Who knows what kind of changes time will make? Maybe we are already moving forward in the new time." Yuge looked at Sofia who was indifferent. Although he didn't know whether the other party knew anything about time, these strange words had already touched Sofia's heart.

Time, how do we know which time we are in at this time? They are just tiny things that go downstream under the great power of time.

"Why, TheRed isn't worried about himself at all? Maybe that person is also spying on your secrets?!" Although she was shocked, Sophia also provoked Youge, aiming at Youge's body at this time. Although it looked and even felt like a human body, she did not forget the fear and restraint she felt from Youge's red-clothed faceless body last time.

That feeling is definitely not ordinary!

"Maybe, if that were the case, I wouldn't have the thoughts I have now. I have disappeared a long time ago, so wouldn't I have these troubles now?"

Death, after understanding the meta-matter, although the power of human nature still dominated some of Youge's thoughts, he gradually began to lose the fear of death that humans have. Existence and non-existence are all a kind of inner human liberation. Why bother about whether one is dead or not?

"Oh? Lady Sophia, it seems that someone has finally discovered it!"

After a brief chat, a huge wave of old scenery finally flashed above the distant area of ​​the slum, and the vibrations began to become extremely hot in the eyes of all the humans gathered around.

"It's them! Send a signal quickly and catch the undead!"

Swish, swish, swish, all kinds of signals appeared above the slum in an instant, and the partners of the same power in other areas and more distant places also rushed here immediately.

"Spider tribe?"

And Yu Ge, who also came here with Sofia for the first time, also found that the main person who caused all this was a team of spider aliens that he had never seen before.

"Spider tribe, it's indeed them, I didn't expect this information to involve them"

Sophia also saw the aliens in the venue at this time, but compared with Yu Ge's incomprehensible performance, she had already known the existence of this group of spider tribes, a group of spider tribes that had followed for a long time, before Gulag became famous, and they were already here.

That familiar appearance,

They are.

Destiny Spiders, a mysterious spider tribe that accompanies destiny, and a group of alternative spiders that do not share the same beliefs as the spider tribe outside the city. Similarly, this is also the mysterious spider tribe that the spider tribe outside the city fears and is unwilling to mention!

"Oh? You know them?"

After hearing the words from Sophia's mouth, Youge looked at this collaborator curiously, as if everyone should share the so-called information and tell him where these spider tribes came from.

"Destiny Spiders, the most mysterious existence under the King's City, is said to be the most important alien race in the King's City!"

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