Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 834 Hostility

"It's a group of aliens in the slums!"

A shriek sounded, and the humans who had just reacted immediately separated a part of them and began to block the approach of the other party.

"Humans! This is no longer your territory~hahaha~"

The aliens shouted gloomily, and they didn't care who was here at all. There was also a king behind them, and not just one!

Corroded vines hovered on the ground, and countless stinking corpse water emerged from the ground. The depths of the slums that had long been occupied by aliens completely showed their proper appearance.

"Hand over the undead Baden, otherwise none of you will leave today!"

The force field of the aliens completely enveloped humans and undeads. This completely anti-human and incompatible attribute power spread all around every space.

"What is this? When did the royal city have such a..." Not only humans, but even Dehar was shocked. Such a power still hides such an existence in the royal city? This... The spies of the dead city didn't tell them this!

Even the Dead City, which constantly absorbs various aliens to expand its old scenery, has never hidden such aliens that are contrary to human existence!

A chill suddenly appeared in Dehar's heart.

If these beings had joined the war between the Royal City and the Dead City last time, they might have lost miserably.

After all, the winner of that battle was the Dead City.

"Retreat and don't face them head-on, leave them to humans!", and Dehar also saw the situation at this time. Although they are the most important members, it does not mean that others can be safe and sound. The target of this group of aliens is everyone present.

The battle circle tightened, and the remaining members of the Undead Hunting Team also cautiously began to look for a suitable retreat direction. This team, which has been in various searches and hostilities for a long time, also understood how to execute Dehar's orders.

"It's still a bit restrained. It's a pity that in the Royal City, we can't fight to our heart's content." Kahayu beside Youge looked at the more chaotic scene. Although it was mixed, it still did not affect too many streets.

"It's just a playful game, and they didn't decide the victory in the end." Slowly, Sophia also discovered the problem. This chaos was no longer the business of the people below. Some familiar people also appeared on the roofs that had not collapsed around them at this time.

"Ah~ It's Mr. Hall, no, it should be called The Red now~", a familiar existence, a fat fat man appeared beside Sophia and Youge.

President of the Golden Society Ackerman,

"Lord Ackerman." Youge gestured to him slightly. Compared with other people, this person has some important importance in Youge's heart. The treasure of this person and the potential represented by the power behind this person are what Youge desires.

"Hahaha, Sophia, when did you start to get together with him? What are you really going to do?" The changes in the new urban area under construction are now in everyone's eyes. The intervention of Fink and the other two naturally makes many people suspicious.

And along with Ackerman's inquiry at this time, those who also appeared here around also quietly looked at Sophia.

"Hmph, Fatty, that's an order from above. If you want to know, I don't suggest having a good chat with you!" Sophia looked at Ackerman with disgust. The fat on his body always made her feel sick.

"Hehe, an order from above, then I won't ask any more questions, hehe~"

Ackerman naturally knew whether it was an order from above. He just wanted to cause some trouble for Sophia in this place. Now that Gulag has become the king, it has been a long time since anyone has fought with Sophia, and suddenly he felt a little uncomfortable.

The body moved, and the fat and bloated body appeared lightly beside Kahayu. After a slight look, he turned his head and said to Youge: "TheRed, you are in trouble. The Golden Society has received some interesting commissions."

"Hmm? Mr. Ackerman, please speak."

"A lady has started to pay attention to you. Tsk, tsk, it's a big trouble." Ackerman turned out a bird model in his hand, and the small and exquisite bird model was bent left and right by Ackerman's big hand.

"Oh, that's a bit too much."

Ackerman was a little annoyed, but a trace of murderous aura flashed nakedly on a distant roof, passing through Yuge's figure and locking onto Ackerman.

An acquaintance, an acquaintance ignored by Yuge for a long time, Velvet's teacher, Ms. Raksha Bird!

And as this murderous aura gathered and transferred, it finally condensed on Sophia. Yes, whether it was Ackerman's non-cooperation or Yuge's indifference, how could she not know who was the person who prompted all this?

The treacherous and insidious Sophia, it was she who caused all this, and her disciples were once again in dire straits.


Ackerman smiled, as expected, this person has never been idle. Without Gulag as an opponent, now he has found another one to be hostile, fun and fun!

"The show is about to begin~"

After all, this naked killing intent is not fake, but unfortunately Ms. Rakshasa Bird cannot directly target Yuge or Sophia. Under Ackerman's instigation, she is even more angry and furious.

A white, hooked, pointed beaked, feathered beast bird appears from the sky, surrounded by a bone-chilling aura, and white aura flames begin to appear on the surrounding buildings instantly.

Rakshasa Bird!

With its wings flapping, the Rakshasa bird, which was transformed by the power above the head of the Rakshasa bird lady, immediately appeared among the people fighting in front of it. With its claws swiping, rows of aliens turned pale and stiff. With its hooked beak, the humans who blocked her way forward all had their eyes pecked out, their faces pale.

Following the direction of the team that rushed straight to the undead, staring at the slightly exposed Baden, the Rakshasa bird also ignited white flames around it. The force of the direct shot turned all the dead bodies behind it into pieces, and it faced the only obstacle in front of it, Dehar, and pecked hard.

"A bunch of damn garbage!"

The anger of the Rakshasa bird lady was completely vented here, and the force field that turned violent expanded wildly on the Rakshasa bird that manifested her power.

"No! Is she crazy? The power exploded here, are you really not afraid of being blamed?"

The voice of doubt had not disappeared, and the humans and aliens in the field suddenly found that they were still in the middle of this violent force field, and panic appeared. Does this guy really want to completely destroy this place?

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Before the voice was heard, the beings surrounding them stood up and dodged decisively.

In the moment when the air was cleared, only the locked Dehar and others were left to greet the flying White Flame Rakshasa!

"Die! Damn undead!"

A white light appeared, and the fluctuation of the force field directly covered everything around. The vision was blocked, the information was cut off, and no one could detect that in an instant, another fight followed!

"Catch, catch Baden!"

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