Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 85 Situation on the underground floor

Although Mary and others were curious about the sudden disappearance of Martin's body, they were not surprised.

After all, professionals have their own unique abilities.

After thinking for a moment, Mary said to You Ge: "Sir, there are three places to pay attention to underground. The first one is the ocean of tentacle plants that you can see when you go out. According to Lord Martin, the ocean is There's something special in the center and every once in a while he hangs around the periphery."

"Martin's alienation is also due to this sea of ​​tentacles?"

"Yes, sir. You also discovered the tentacles summoned by Martin just now. It was after he discovered the underground passage that it became gradually weirder."

At this time, Emma and Jenny from behind also pointed to the corpse whose heart was broken by Yu Ge and kept echoing: "Yes, yes! Look at those tentacle-like hearts, they were all made by Martin himself!"

Emma, ​​who had always been suppressed, also dispelled a trace of fear in her heart because of this instinctive echo, and said repeatedly: "The tentacles you and Green ate in the restaurant were also summoned by Martin. Fortunately, you didn't get caught. But that brainiac It turns out that Martin collected it from outside!”

"." You Ge really wanted to hit Emma to death with a stick. He had to mention this if he mentioned anything bad.

Seeing Youge's expression darken, Mary immediately covered Emma's mouth. Emma then realized that she had said something inappropriate, and her whole body shrank into a ball, becoming even more frightened.

In order to prevent Youge from focusing on the tentacle issue, Mary quickly followed Emma's words and changed the focus:

"Sir, those brain flowers are actually the roots of the tentacles on the outer edge of the ocean. I saw Martin once when he was picking them. He also takes these 'brain flowers' regularly to practice!"

Brain flower roots? You Ge thought it was some kind of animal that mutated after being invaded by pollution. This was quite interesting. Could it be that all those tentacles were intelligent?

"Did Martin ever say why he was hanging around on the periphery?"

"No, but every time he wandered around, he always kept mumbling, saying that he heard someone calling him!" Mary didn't know much about this, and it was impossible for Martin to take them with him every time he wandered around. Occasionally when I was wandering nearby, I saw Martin suddenly running over as if he had lost his soul.

Mary and the others didn't dare to ask too much about this, because they didn't want to become as stupid as Green if Martin's discomfort was revealed.

"My lord! My lord! I've seen Martin go in before!" Jenny, whose mood had stabilized, seemed to have thought of something with her eyes shining brightly!

"Sir, once Martin asked me to go to his room alone, I saw him suddenly rush into the sea of ​​tentacles, but it didn't take long for him to come back with torn clothes, and his body also grew well. "What the same tentacles." At this point, Jenny's face turned red: "It took a lot of effort from my boss for Martin to stop that day. Although his crazy look was weird, he was extremely powerful!"

tui~ This is Emma's thought at this time. Being called alone by Master Martin must have secretly seduced others. I hope this master will not be seduced by you. Who knows how he will say bad things about us secretly? .

As for Mary, she seemed to be used to this kind of thing. She pulled Jenny, who was about to climb up, and made no move.

"Then what? For example, have there been any abnormal phenomena or anything coming out of the sea of ​​tentacles?" Let her be angry, and You Ge will pretend that it never happened. Let’s talk about it later when we meet.

"No, right?" Mary looked at the other two people, and didn't seem to think of anything else: "No, that's all we know!"

"Well, let's talk about the other two things that need attention!"

"Yes, sir! This second place is a farm belonging to the underground people at the underground border. Martin sometimes goes to trade [food] and other things with them, but it is still a restricted area for us."

"Farm food trading? How did Martin trade?" The underground people actually built a farm here. Is this floor suitable for raising animals?

But when it came to food, Jenny couldn't help but interject: "Sir, it's the human-faced spider and the ghost scorpion!"

Jenny licked her lips with her tongue and continued: "The back of the human-faced spider is the most delicious part, especially the flesh on the human face is really tender and plump! As for the ghost scorpion, Martin only likes it. I really don't understand. Why does he buy those poisonous and ugly hooks every time?" After saying that, he pouted.

If Martin were still alive, he would be furious if he heard this. In order to improve his corrosive properties, he bought some exotic special toxins for research. It is really the ignorant who are not guilty.

"Sir, it is true, but Martin has a cooperative relationship with the farm. These raised aliens rely on the sea of ​​tentacles for a living. However, if they go there by themselves, they will inevitably suffer casualties. It just so happens that Martin can wander around the periphery, which makes both parties happy. Some cooperation has been reached, but only with Martin.”

You Ge had nothing to say about this. It seemed that the underground people had become objects that he had to clean up. Not to mention that there was no direction for cooperation between the two parties. Do you want him to collect tentacles for them every day like Martin? ? It's impossible to change.

"What about the last place?"

"The last a big bug!" When mentioning the bug, Mary showed a hint of fear on her face: "The purpose of Martin building the manor here is to isolate any direct contact with the bug."

Then Mary pointed to some corpses in the hall: "Most of these were killed after accidentally seeing the bug and [insectification]. Fortunately, the bug doesn't appear often, otherwise we can't survive here for a long time."

Insectification? A new word, but it describes it very clearly, but I don't know how deep this insectification is.

"Has Martin also been insectified?"

"Well, only the first time Martin's eyes turned bright yellow, but it was only for a moment!" Thinking of the first time he saw the bug, it was Martin who raised a cloud of dust to block everyone's sight, otherwise everyone except him would be dead.

After a short silence, Mary seemed to remember something: "If you see some small white bugs underground, don't crush them casually, otherwise you will summon the big bug!"

Youge really needs to pay attention to this point. If both sides can live in peace, Youge doesn't mind having an extra neighbor here, maybe he can help him in the future!

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