Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 855 No Attributes

It was an interesting discovery. With the inspiration from the power of time and destiny, Youge spent a lot of energy on this strong rat man and finally found what he wanted.

"It was really difficult to dig. If I were to trace back everything about this guy normally, it would take so long, and I would even need to use external forces to summarize the conclusion. The enemy would have run away long ago."

Finally, he got out of the endless information flow. If it weren't for the excellence of the crimson material, Youge would have been completely blown up by his consciousness, not to mention trying to sort out the countless information branches.

"Blind girl, Sidi, Skaven rat man, and a rat man in the royal city. This guy has a lot of disguises. If the amount of information wasn't so large, maybe he could have traced the beginning of this guy."

Without the innate excellence of Tindalos, Youge could only dig out a few identity information superficially, but he also had some in-depth understanding of the strong rat man who appeared in front of him now.

"Absorbing and disguising a long-dead strong ratman, some information of the king city ratman used for disguise, and combining it into a strong ratman identity template is really a good idea. This way, no matter how you look at it, you will be a perfect ratman."

He smiled silently in his heart, but unfortunately he was still discovered, and at the same time, he began to expose many shortcomings. The information and beliefs of the strong ratman were so empty and false, and the red seal and the cover of the crimson light of Youge were as obscure as a dead person.

This is really becoming more and more obvious in Youge's eyes, losing the madness and vitality that the ratman should have!

"Ah, my little fan, then can you lend me your ability for research?" Youge also exposed his purpose. The reason is very simple, that is, the active operation of the other party's professional root vein in his body. For so long, he has also paid attention to the only problem in his body. The professional root vein that has been entangled with him, this gift from the lightless pot land, has always existed in his body like a shackle.

Level, ability, and attributes are all reflected in him under the existence of this root vein.

It is indeed a good method to control his subordinates. For example, when imitating this road, at the beginning of the creation of the rat man, the energy attribute connection in the rat man's body is also inspired by this root vein.

But after all, it is not his own. Youge also thought about how to get rid of the shackles of this root vein. Unfortunately, no matter how he tried, he could not touch any edge of this root vein. He could only control it in absorbing energy, and basically there was no way.

"If I can get rid of the limitation of this root vein, can I get rid of the biggest limitation in level? This thing is like a hook that has been hooking my existence. There is always a point that hinders me."

With the mastery of the meta-matter information, Youge also noticed a problem in himself. Every time he promoted, it must represent the growth of this root vein. From another perspective, he is actually one of the nutrients of this root vein, and can even be regarded as a nutrient provider. Only when his root vein is strong can he absorb more and become stronger.

And the root vein is the most essence of all his power, but the only thing that is least controlled by him!

The power gathered, and the deep red substance that permeated the hall turned into a faceless man in red sitting on the throne. There was a brief silence until the strong rat man outside was cleaning the area that belonged to her daily responsibility, and a little surprise appeared in front of her.

There were no guards, no visitors. After she just finished sweeping the ground, the door in front of her slowly opened.

The head was slightly raised, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes. If other rat men saw this situation, they might have made some early warning reactions, but this guy showed no hesitation like a rat man at this time.

"Come in."

A deep announcement message came from the door to the strong rat man.

"The Red~"

At least she didn't feel that she was exposed. She pretended to be the tone and expression that the author had learned from other rat men these days, and walked through the door and the corridor in a frightened manner, and walked into the interior of the peak hall step by step.

"Do you miss the life in the royal city?" The faceless man in red walked down, crossed the distance in an instant, and appeared beside the rat man.

"Scare, scare, life in the mountain city is more comfortable." After a pause, he continued to laugh a few times, imitating the ratman.

"Really? My little fan blind girl? You've been in the mountain city for so long, don't you want to go back at all?"

Flashing up, Youge's tentacles carried the ratman's shoulders, and the slightly approaching body made the disguised strong ratman Snow tremble fiercely in his heart.

"Oh, and the identity of the dead Wangcheng ratman, and the identity of Xidi who died in the battle, how do you think I should call you?"

"You? Wangcheng betrayed me?!!!"

With so many secret identities, only a few high-level people in Wangcheng know. This is her disguise ability that she uses as a housekeeping skill, and she can even hide her feet in front of the king level. Except for those people who sold their identities, who can know!

"Selling out ~ yes and no, they just provided me with information about Xidi's identity, but before that, you exposed yourself first."

You Ge stared at the rat man standing up in front of him, and the diffused crimson substance bounced left and right on his body.

The strong rat man who had calmed down a little also looked at him for a long time without any resistance,

"Rose Blind Ant."

The outer layer of the rat-man camouflage fell off, and underneath the strong rat-man's coat were several pieces of royal city rat-man flesh that looked like they were spliced ​​together, and surrounding them was a curly naked body.

Pools of sour-smelling liquid flowed out of the flesh, until all the outer disguises were reduced to nothingness. The curly woman in the center stood up wearing several broken rat-man skins.

"Then why did you expose me?"

How could it be so simple to expose oneself with such good intentions and to investigate one's past identity?

"Nothing else, I just want to study your ability." The faceless man in red took out a set of clothes from nothingness, threw it casually on the Rose Blind Ant, and said with a smile: "Or you can try it. Can I force myself out?"

"Sir, what ability do you want to know?"

Rose Blind Ant did not have any other emotional feedback. She had already come to a conclusion in her heart, and began to wear the clothes given by the other party without any scruples.

"How did you change your professional roots, or tell me what the attributes of your professional roots are?"

Youge was very curious. The person in front of him had been disguised as a rat-man for a long time under his detection. Even after exploring the coffin, there was still no effective information.

"Professional roots without attributes."

Rose Blind Ant did not hesitate, and with a smile on her lips, she decisively answered You Ge's question.

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