Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 879 Secret Intervention

A void life without replenishment, the special power allows her to resist the existence of the lightless pot, but she uses it little by little, until there is nothing left in the end, perhaps even this life feature cannot be maintained.

"Hehe, so do you know the special power of the void?"

Youge was also quietly paying attention to Irene's operation, but after several extremely dangerous evasions, this operation of the kings' pursuit was also completely reflected in Youge's information reception.

"Tindaros's teeth are actually ineffective. It seems that they have really found a way."

The fear that existed in the invisible, after suddenly appearing and then suddenly dissipating, Youge did not notice any special changes at all. In addition, the number of kings did not change either, and Youge immediately confirmed the current situation.

"No, we can't let their hands go too smoothly. The extraordinary coverage rate in the royal city has just reached 50%. If they come back at this time, it is inevitable that someone will really see the problem here!"

"Irene! Irene Fernandez!"

While quietly disseminating completely different information, Youge began to call this person's real name.

"Do you really know how to use this power?"

"Do you want to control this power more realistically?"

"Do you really understand the power of the void?"

These three questions almost caught Irene, who was escaping.


However, Yuge did not answer the other party. After throwing the cognition from the power of the void to Irene, he sat on the sidelines again.

"You all should work harder. Irene is outside the city and Ackerman is inside the city. It depends on you."

At this moment,

Irene, who received the information from Yuge in her mind, did not realize what she had obtained. Before she could digest it, she rushed out again.

"This thing. It turned out to be such an existence. It can not only get rid of the time flow of this world, but also oppose all the forces of the whole world!"

The main reason why Irene chose to transform herself into a void life was actually because after contacting Tindaros, she began to doubt her cognition of her own existence. No matter how powerful she was, she was still subject to some powerful forces that could not be ignored.

But when she came into contact with the power of the void, the power that was completely unaffected by the lightless pot naturally received great praise from Irene.

But that was only a one-sided understanding of the power of the void, and it was not as intuitive and highly generalized as Youge's.

"Done! If I continue like this, I will be finished sooner or later. I might as well try it one last time!"

Irene, who had been fleeing, finally stopped. The encirclement of this group of kings kept narrowing her range, and did not even give Irene the opportunity to contact the royal city.

"The fusion of power has prompted this power to change and form a new manifestation."

"Now only this power can be used by me."

Looking at Irene's body, in addition to the power of the void and Tindaros, there is only the text information that binds Tindaros. Looking back, this is also the powerful text power that the Fernandez family has accumulated after countless years, and it is not as simple as it seems!

"Shadow, beam, circle, blade, speed, fusion."

After copying the text power from the ring and investing it in oneself, changes will occur. The void power, which was originally filled with the aura of the Fernandez family, had no resistance to Irene's taming and integration.

"Void Text"

The fluctuation appeared, and several kings who had just come forward were immediately forced back by the explosive power. This completely unexpected display immediately made many kings retreat a lot.

"This feeling is somewhat similar to the power of TheRed!"

The new void power completely exploded its due power. Compared with the original Youge's control of this power to activate the hole attribute and compete with the kings, Irene, who had regained the change, also found a different confidence.

She clearly sensed the difference between herself and these kings. As long as her power was enough, she could completely ignore the other party!

"So this is it, no wonder I can't escape."

A clear cognition appeared in Irene's mind, and the silk threads of her fate that were entangled in her body were picked out one by one by Irene.

"Finally it looks a bit like that, but this guy should be an existence that can be obtained, right?!" Youge nodded in the dark. He suddenly thought of some differences between himself and the other party for Irene's changes at this moment. It's a pity that his status as a favored person made the relationship between him and the Lightless Pot completely dead. But now Irene has also achieved an exceptional life existence, but she does not reject the power of the Lightless Pot, and will not be manipulated by the Lightless Pot at will.

"Let's talk about it if we have a chance to survive. It's not impossible to contact it at that time. Well, maybe I can also provide you with pure void energy to replenish your consumption!"

Detecting the void text power around Irene, Youge was not idle either. If this guy is getting more text power and combining the void, he may really be able to reach a certain level in the future.

Similarly, when Youge was sighing,

The kings also gathered around Irene, especially Irene's old acquaintance Dead Soul, who looked at each other seriously and said: "Congratulations on your final success!"

As an old acquaintance, the dead soul also knew what Irene was thinking when she was still in the human body. Unfortunately, the seemingly good void power did not show the power of its application at all, and the dead soul produced Disdainful.

"Hmph, yes, I succeeded, it's my time!"

A text appeared from Irene's body, twisted and confused, and flickered around all the kings.

Void text bundle!

The siege of the void power directly sealed the king's surroundings, and the isolation of different substances also gave the kings many headaches.

"King Zhi, if you don't take action, then she will really escape."

After just trying to feel the intensity of this isolation, the dead soul immediately turned around and urged King Weaver behind him.


King Zhi, who nodded in agreement, had no chance to continue fishing in troubled waters. The sudden explosion just now forced all the means of destiny in her body to come out. Now this isolation is also protecting her, but he doesn't want it. The lamb he got ran away again.

"What a pity, you are still subject to fate after all!"

"The Judgment of Reverse Destiny"

As long as Irene does not leave this world, fate will naturally follow her at any time. Unless there is a barrier like Yuge, and the existence of Wuguang Hudi will not come into contact with him, she will not be able to get rid of it easily!

The earth shook, and everything around began to smell dangerous like Irene. The first thing that appeared was a hot breath from the ground, which burned the void power under Irene's feet and distorted it for a while!

An extraordinary natural disaster from the Sunless Pot Land!

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