Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 883 Timeline

This is the OAA's seizure of authority over the Wuguang Pot Land.

But Wuguang Hudi didn't stop. The so-called material stability was aimed at such things. In the majestic will of Wuguang Hudi, the nature of attributes is actually a necessity, but there are some things that Wuguanghudi will never allow OAA to interfere with.

For example, there are king-level existences, such as the nodes of the original gods, and some special channels that represent the entire Aphotic Pot land used to devour and operate. The last one is the absolute isolation of the deep space layer, which does not allow the power of the OAA to be used by anyone. Ranzhi, even if a deep space alien wanted similar power, it would definitely be a transformed existence after being swallowed by the Aluminous Pot.

As the contest between the two sides began, the ordinary creatures caught in the middle also encountered this final notice.

The absolute material stabilization effect obtained by those above the king level will crush all the fully attribute-based powers from the Marvel world, while those below the king level will ignore it and give some tips to stay away from this power. .

As for the existence of the Desolate City, the Desolate King was among the first to know about this situation, so he did not allow any attribute-based power to fall into the Desolate City despite the hostility.

But Wang Cheng catalyzed everything without Yu Ge and Ackerman knowing it, and a violent reaction occurred.

The emergence of large-scale Marvel fragments and beings at this moment marks that the OAA's competition for the Wuguang Pot Land has entered a fierce stage. The kings involuntarily become enemies of the Marvel beings in the sky, and all the ordinary people who belong to the royal city Behind their backs, they began to secretly steal all the information from those Marvel beings who died or were scattered.

The complete application of abilities, the possibilities contained in abilities, the limit possibilities of this power before it was attributable, and other different manifestations were all turned into information and absorbed by the humans in the royal city.

"They are really starting to look more and more like humans in the Marvel world."

Youge, who was hiding and watching everything, naturally did not miss it. Although he did not receive the message from Wuguang Hudi, compared with those scattered in the sky, they were all densely packed with information material from the Marvel world. They were just like this. The absorption of human beings in the royal city needs to be taken seriously.

"Obviously it was intentional, but these guys are getting more and more energetic, and the Marvel presence in the sky is not as invincible and powerful as imagined."

There is a huge gap with the Marvel characters in his own memory. Although it may be that he has lost the blessing of Marvel after coming to the Wuguang Pot Land, it still makes Yu Ge have a lot of doubts.

"However, even if this is the case, it has nothing to do with me. The changes in the two worlds are coming to an end. The ordinary people in the royal city who are worthy of extraordinary achievements have all begun to accelerate. Why not do it?"

One day, two days, three days,

In this way, the earth is covered with material existences from the Marvel world, and the virtual film industry of the Marvel world that originally existed in the sky finally disappeared completely, leaving only bits and pieces of black matter that continued to flow inward. go.

That was just a matter of the last minute.

As the battle over the royal city and the beings from the Marvel world came to an end, in Yu Ge's eyes, the whole world was filled with green color information, covering up the material information of the entire matte pot land, and began to move towards the inner layer in a short time. spread.

"Is this the OAA's method? To completely send their own world into the Lightless Pot, and then attempt to occupy it?"

This is what You Ge feels most intuitively, but compared to the majesty of the Matting Pot Land, even if such a thing covers the entire land, it will still be the last struggle.

Given the existence of the Cold Wind Plain, once it breaks out, everything will become a delicious meal in the Matte Pot Land.

At this time, as the Wuguang Pot finally devoured the Marvel world, You Ge, who was outside, immediately felt a strong squeezing feeling.

It is the density of the matte pot land that is increasing, and the thick material is expanding the entire world, directly leaving the gaps where You Ge originally existed in the world without a place to stay.

"You are really outstanding. You have almost doubled in size. This time you are really devouring it."

Constantly being squeezed and rejected, Youge felt that it was more than twice as difficult to follow the connection and enter the matte pot. The edges of the more stable matte pot were unusually obvious.

"This is a limit set by human nature. Wu Guang Hu Di doesn't care about this at all."

"Well, there's also the inherent setting of the timeline. This is definitely OAA."

After finally traveling through it, You Ge felt a sense of passage in the surrounding material that was completely different from before, a change that was inherently limited, and all the information began to spread in one direction.

"Timeline passes"

"Huh? King City human. This guy, hahahaha! It's really an accident!"

The passage of the timeline inevitably represents an inherent setting. You can immediately guess who wants their future to be fixed and set. The existence of the king level does not care about the timeline. Even their invasion of OAA was completely stabilized by Wuguang Hudi. However, there is no one below the king level in this group. When they were set by the timeline, The one in the deep space directly threw down his palm, and all the timelines within the royal city were pulled away. The passage of the entire timeline was like a huge hole being bitten.

And it's not just that. The movement of humans in the Royal City is like an endless worm that devours everything. Wherever they go, a piece of the timeline will be bitten off. If the humans in the Royal City spread out, then the timeline will inevitably collapse.

But this is not something OAA can avoid. The one in the sky above the Royal City can't be cleared just because he wants to.

"Hahaha! Interesting, someone took the initiative to help me test the other party. It turns out that we can't directly target the humans in the Royal City. They are dangerous guys!"

Biting a hole in the timeline, powerful and interesting thing!

"But the ratmen are a change I haven't experienced. Under the accommodation of the clan attributes, the abilities of the Marvel world don't have much advantage. It's just that the appearance of the timeline makes them appear to be in a state of dissociation."

Super intuitive visual sense of dissociation of time,

A group of Skaven ratmen who are dissociated from time, the clan attributes make it difficult for them to accept the timeline. After all, they are not pure existences of the lightless pot land. The inherent third-party substance allows them to completely ignore the existence of the timeline, but if they continue to multiply and grow, then when the third-party substance becomes less, they can only go with the flow.

"Hahaha! No matter, they will let their own existence change."

It's good that Youge can pay attention to the ratmen, as for what they are doing, that's another story.

"But the changes in the royal city are still too many after all. Although I don't know what kind of changes have taken place in the inner world of the whole world, the current royal city is really sweet."

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