Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 885: Ratman's Retreat

But even Ackerman, who thought he was responsible for everything, didn't know what happened. Inexplicably, the aliens in the royal city all chose to retreat in this strange situation.

But this group of humans could only stir up trouble in the royal city, and finally became hostile to the nobles, and had nothing to do with the aliens. But for some nobles and dignitaries, they still thought of more deep-seated interests.

"Go, go investigate, what happened?!"

"Go track down the movements of the ratmen!"

"Is the secret gathering of the ratmen closed?"

"Where are the ratmen in the bar under the river bridge? Have they left?"

All the nobles who were concerned about the changes in the royal city at the moment were mobilized, Ackerman, and all the nobles who were concerned about the changes in the royal city at the moment were mobilized, in order to know why the ratmen left the royal city, and even the wise men in the high spire had no clue at all.

"The Red gave up the royal city?"

This was the only reason that the wise man got after step-by-step calculations and inferences to reasonably explain all this, but who would believe it? If others would change their plans due to the freedom of the humans in the Royal City, then Youge would definitely not be the first to be afraid.

"My Lord, all the ratmen have left, and all the tickets for the secret meeting are suspended."

After a moment of waiting, when this news reached everyone's ears, they could only accept this fact helplessly.

"Gulag, you should go to the Plague Mountain City for this matter."

With his thoughts completely unblocked, the wise man could only ask the Orange King, who had a special relationship with Youge, to go.


Of course, this meeting was not aimed at the ratmen. The growing humans in the Royal City were the real troubles for the people in the High Spire.

"They began to shake our foundation."

"Several new members of the Rock Family have also joined the New Royal City Movement."

"The Ouroboros, Remnant Beast, and Extreme Ice. Several families have also experienced the same situation."

The wise man crossed his hands and sat in front of everyone. As he spoke, his face became more gloomy. In reality, they don't mind humans doing this. Occasional chaos and outbreaks can stimulate the vitality of the royal city. Similarly, a lot of darkness will also flow into the inner royal city with the emergence of vitality.

This is a mutually beneficial result.

But when all the humans in the royal city began to devote themselves to this activity, let alone the current situation, the royal city, which had been shut down for a long time, could only be barely maintained by Gulag's machinery. And this group of machines that are only intelligent executions can never really replace the positions of humans. How can cold machines be more comfortable than humans?

The existence of 01 is just a special case. At least Gulag has no idea of ​​mass-producing humanized machines.

"How is the inner royal city recently?" The Ouroboros mentioned suddenly asked: "That thing."

Of course, there are more troublesome things than this one. The royal city has many plans secretly carried out. And the moment this voice came together, the idle people sitting around were directly sent out of the high spire by a force.

Whether it was what Ouroboros said or not, the following discussion had nothing to do with them.

"It's been found and is being remodeled."

The silent dead soul interrupted the topic, and his face covered by the shadow did not fluctuate at all. Compared with the turmoil in the city and the resistance everywhere, what these kings care most about is the Ten King City Instrument·Li that has been hidden in the Li Wang City.

The Ten King City Instrument·Li represents the instrument of the core existence of Li Wang City, but after all, it is a mortal body and can never surpass everything in the past.

Even if it is the accumulation of dark kings or the glory left by the Thousand Kings City, all of this cannot make Li Wang City move forward further.

"Are you sure?"

"The first batch of dark personalities have been sent in, but in the process of remodeling, these guys may not be able to resist the invasion of power and be completely annihilated."

"Successful? Is there any change?"

Questions arose, and everyone's eyes gathered together, all looking at the dead soul.

"It has a possibility that has never existed before, but the dark kings are unwilling to participate in it."

This is an unpredictable gamble. The dark kings are not 100% sure of the result. How can they take risks casually? In their opinion, there is so much time, why bother with the present moment? It is better to wait slowly.

At this moment, the Ouroboros said again:

"If the affairs of the inner city go smoothly, I don't mind the new city movement."



Nearly half of the kings don't care about the changes in the human beings in the city, and the remaining ones who didn't answer are only concerned about the few interesting humans they favor, and the new city movement is not a big deal.

"They will repeat, and the rebellion of the old nobles will be staged again."

Compared to boring changes, the wise men don't want to deal with the trivial matters that will come after this movement. The king's family, which will inevitably decline from the highest level, and the core nobles will be the biggest victims of this incident.

"They have enjoyed it long enough. It's time to change a group of people. The construction of the mechanical city and the impact of different concepts in the future royal city are a good choice."

Several kings smiled. This was originally more about pleasing the people in the royal city than practical significance. They liked to see such changes happen.


After deciding the future of the Royal City in a blink of an eye, the wise man knocked on the table in front of him and continued: "We need a leader. The chaotic concept only brought about a wave. We need someone who can spread this concept."

"Time, the impact of this concept is perfect only when it has a process."

Feeling the concept that is growing in the Royal City all the time, the dispute in the high spire ended instantly. Process, yes, let the humans in the Royal City handle it themselves, and they only need to change the rulers and follow this interesting change to give feedback.

"The King of Weaving will soon have results, maybe we can let him assist in the changes of the Ten Kings City's equipment."

After all, fate has everything possible. The fate of the humans in the Royal City is determined by them at will, and now they need to rely on the King of Weaving to find their fate.



The King of Weaving today can indeed help them. If the changes in the Ten Kings City's equipment can really achieve the imagined transformation, and even more so, it can allow the Dark Kings to perfectly integrate, this transformation will inevitably mean that the Kings of the Royal City will definitely make leaps and bounds.

At least they are all at the level of superiors.

In the Ten King City Equipment, the transformation of the original god ore, the Migo god-making technology, the promotion of the Dark King, and the future path of the King of the King of the King, all of these are what they really care about!

As for the New King City Movement, which is not a big deal in comparison, it is just a matter of idle talk and fun.

"However, those scattered extraordinary attributes need to be strictly controlled, and the grassroots of the King City still needs to operate normally!"

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