Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 896: Gu-like

"Can't touch. Once intertwined, my existence will be exposed, or even directly attacked by them."

Slowly retreating, although the king-level power can make You Ge aware, it is still not something he can completely see and understand. After the investigation was fruitless, You Ge finally gave up his powerless spying on this battle.

"I have to say that there is indeed a need to directly learn from the power system of Wuguang Hudi. This king-level existence cannot be as simple as existing, right?!"

As the king-level power intensified, Yuge from the outside continued to be immersed in the deep changes in the matter of the kings who tasted the lightless pot land and super-crystalline existence.

"Go on, you guys get up too!"

At this moment, seeing the entanglement of power between the Gray King and the two kings, the king-level existences of the Weeping Bone Forest behind him once again exploded in numbers, bringing up different material beings one by one, and all surrounded the Gray King. All around.

From a physical point of view, the existence and power of the Gray King are completely isolated in the sky, the earth, and even the air, and even the ether that carries them is squeezed.

But there was no rejection similar to You Ge's.

"You can't get out! I'm going to leave now! I can't defend this city anymore!" Looking at the cold atmosphere around him, the Gray King also started to get a little frustrated, and that guy Yu Ge said Knowing that you are peeking behind your back, do you really not care about the destruction of Epidemic Mountain City?

However, at this moment, these kings did not give the Gray King any chance to breathe. They finally caught this guy proactively. How could they not avenge the several times he was attacked and destroyed by this guy? !

Multiple forces collided again, and the mixed sparks of power also reverberated wildly in the intertwined edge.

The Epidemic Mountain City, which had expanded countless times during its evolution, was ruthlessly affected at this moment. It was unable to stop the spread of the power of the kings of the Crying Bone Forest. The land behind the Gray King instantly became a chaotic place of various king-level powers.

Immediately after large areas of underground people, rat people, and sequence people began to wail amidst the ruthless information pollution, this land instantly lost its former prosperity.

"Master Youge really doesn't plan to show up?"

In the rear, Lan Risa and others also heard the Gray King's roar just now. Compared with their lack of perception, the king could say that he must have noticed You Ge's appearance.

But why didn't he take action?

"Lord Lanrisa, if this continues, our place will really be ruined, once Lord Gray King is damaged."

Looking at the Gray King who was barely able to remain undefeated and managed to escape under the siege of various forces, the senior officials of Plague Mountain City were all sweating.

Just looking at such a terrifying existence made them unable to control their bodies.

"Let's do it!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Lan Risa finally gave the order. Regardless of whether You Ge came or was held back by something, Lan Risa no longer wanted to rely on the other party. Could it be that without him, they would really No way to survive?

This huge plague mountain city will not be destroyed without the deterrence of the Demon Spider Clan and without the help of You Ge!


Similarly, after learning about Lan Risa, Kahayu and others, Gu also had some concerns in his mind. With Kahayu gone, Pikeyu has never stayed here for a long time, and the other Fakeyu, who has appeared but didn't take Plague Mountain City seriously at all, will never appear here again.

They can only rely on themselves and can only use some abnormal means.

crow's nest tree,

Open the deep space layer of Epidemic Mountain City, expose the existence of the kings, and then attract more unknown horrors!

Fighting against the possibility that the epidemic mountain city will be dominated by fear in the future, they have to give it a last try.

As the blue in the sky disappeared, the stars that were originally hidden in the sky were all exposed. They were the eyes of predators shining in the deep space layer, and the reflected light showed up under the barrier of distance. Once this starlight-like effect is captured, it will be a nightmare!

At this moment, above the alien army, the exposure of the deep space layer also represents the exposure of underground creatures. The interweaving of information from both sides immediately caused the colors in the sky to change again.

"Empty Bird"

The group of deep space aliens closest to Epidemic Mountain City, with bald bodies, twisted wings, and beaks full of sharp teeth, rushed towards the most conspicuous king in the battle with strange screams. .

"The king of all. He really forgot about the deep space layer." Seeing the moment when the deep space layer was exposed, Youge also remembered the countless deep space vampires who fell in the Weeping Bone Mountains last time. matter.

Compared to the total number of king-level existences in the Weeping Bone Mountains, they are all king-level deep space aliens specially cultivated by the Wuguang Pot.

"Super crystals, these are the same. Compared with the king level of the ground, their crystal existence is more stable and pure!"

"Wait, this. This seems."

You Ge noticed a trace of uniqueness from this group of deep space aliens. It was a similar existence to the original deep space vampires, a kind of emotionless wisdom fluctuation!

An inherent display of no humanity at all!

"Is this such a thing?"

The existence of human nature is already within Yu Ge's understanding, and for the inner existence, the necessity of human nature is actually a burden, especially for the Lightless Pot Land, human nature is actually useless.

Is it best for the Lightless Pot Land to make itself like a person?

No, it's not!

And for the king, for the king level that is more important than the Lightless Pot Land, it seems that there is no need for human nature. For an absolute self-existence, why should there be feelings of pity, sadness, and love?

Richness is nothing more than human beings feeling good about themselves!

How do they know the ease and freedom without human existence?

"This is the real king. What's outside the deep space is just a playground for humanity? Or is it an experiment or illusion of human pollution?"

"Or is this equivalent to an experimental filtration? There are not so many human thoughts in the lightless pot. The outer layer is filtered, the inner layer is real, and occasionally there is a problem. The cold wind plain is a recycling device. So what?"

"It's good to have a simple and practical existence."

The conjecture about the possibility of this existence crossed his mind. The aliens from the deep space layer are indeed more direct. Without the absolute interference of the gods, the power they bring is more threatening.

"It looks like they are all in trouble. The aliens in the deep space layer are still pouring in. If there are dozens more of these ruthless king machines, they can actually sweep the entire alien army."

You Ge changed his posture, and the secrets of the deep space layer were more clearly revealed in front of him at this moment. Thinking of the yearning of the Gray King and others for the deep space layer, it is not unreasonable.

If they achieve the purer super crystal, they will definitely have a qualitative improvement.

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