Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 899: Lightless Layer

Slowly passed, when You Ge's humanity understood everything here, various changes also appeared in his heart.

"Something seems to have happened to the existence of the King's City. A mysterious force has begun to hinder my exploration. It doesn't look like the existence of a king. Maybe I should take advantage of the show to enter it. Hehe, this mysterious feeling seems a bit... It’s so amazing.”

"The Atogi family used their status as demi-humans to overcome human discrimination. That guy is interesting, and he can still hold back?"

"The rising human race seems to need to truly understand their existence and stimulate their dissatisfaction with the existence of the king? It seems that such an organization already exists, and even every human being has a deep understanding of the former royal city and the current royal capital. With extreme resistance.”

"Hehe~ Wonderful free will, any kind of ideas may appear, why do I need to create them?"

"At the Royal City Show, it seems that some people have set their sights on this grand ceremony and are blatantly rebelling against the supremacy of mankind!"

"I just need to add some fuel and jealousy~ Hehe, a small opportunity to let them know that they exist? And then stimulate their resistance~"

"A hundred years, a really interesting century!"

Laughter sounded continuously, and this charming human voice not only did not attract anyone's attention at this moment, but instead made everything hidden around it quickly become quiet.

The devil's laughter, the horror of the wastewater area, the poisonous woman Anna.

This is the reason why Youge's current body can survive to this day, and the bloody terror that completely rules this wastewater area under her moodiness.

Turning around and walking back, at your feet was the small metal corridor of the endless abyss, which was the main movement channel of the wastewater area.

It's all over the place, up, down, left, right, and right. If you don't pay attention, you might fall into the abyss.

The place where You Ge went was the nest of this identity, a huge room with countless machines hanging from it, suspended at the top of this area. Link here The road to the outside world.

"Anna, you are back. A total of ten people handed in wastewater essence with purity of 11 today."

A female mechanical voice sounded. Inside the lair, a mechanical alien that was carved into a mess of metal looked towards You Ge who walked in with flashing blue eyes.

This is the mechanical alien with this identity that I took in.

Collector 113234, this is her number and her name, a robot responsible for cleaning and collecting in the mechanical suspended city. When she was born out of her own will, she escaped from her proper job and became a wastewater area. A mechanical alien.

But now, it is a human abandoned child who was suddenly adopted, transformed and kneaded into a so-called level by his own hands, to replace himself in exploiting the humans who came to this bottom and relied on collecting waste water to survive.

"Yes, mother."

You Geyou controlled this body as usual, lying on the pile of discarded furry leather seats, looking at his mother beside him, without doing anything that was not appropriate for his status.

"Ten percent of wastewater, mother, the output in this area is a bit too stable."

There was a hint of ambition on Anna's face, but her mother continued firmly: "We don't have the right to step out of the aphotic layer, Anna. To obtain the pass, we need 9,451 drops of 11-purity wastewater. "

"There are so many more, mother, do you think we are too honest?"

A hint of cunning leaked out, and Anna's topic suddenly changed again.

"Mom, I heard that there is going to be a grand performance show above, and all kinds of forces can participate, hehe~ should we go and join in the fun~"

The body lying on its side is leaning against the metal body of the mother, and the fingers are rubbing casually on that part of the mother who does not know what part it is.

"Ana. We are not qualified."

Fluctuations flashed in the mother's eyes, and the aphotic layer reappeared. This was completely taboo for her, not to mention that she had no possibility at all. The existence of mechanical aliens completely relies on its own materials, such as this barren aphotic layer. Wanting to rely on one's own abilities to optimize one's own existence is simply a fool's errand.

"No, mother, I'll go alone. Hehe~" Anna walked down, looked at the three or four miserable humans coming up from below, and casually took a few drops of 11-purity wastewater from them.

This wastewater naturally produced from the evolution of the suspended city contains many strange properties, and the so-called eleventh purity is the most basic natural industrial poison that can directly kill Level 15 professionals.

For Level 25 Anna and Level 20 mother, this is just a tool for survival.

If a sense of crisis could unexpectedly arise, Anna and her mother might be able to directly obtain the 12-purity wastewater. As for higher-level ones, they are not something that can be brewed in their area.

At this time, Anna also stepped on a mechanical mechanism at her feet, a mechanism that linked the area she controlled.

"Mother, you are free. I hope no one will bother you again~ Hehehehe~"

The red light flashed, and the mother's blue pupils became extreme, and then turned blue again. She watched helplessly as she and the few poor people who were still collecting wastewater below fell into the abyss below.

"Goodbye, Anna."

And Anna, who grabbed a pipe and climbed up, disappeared in the mixed mechanical gaps of the lightless layer while moving left and right.

"Hehe~ The lightless layer mechanical maze that no one dares to go to is actually just a straight road for me." Without outsiders, Anna revealed a bit of Youge's indifference. The reason why this huge mechanical suspended city made countless lower-level humans dare not enter and exit at will was because it was surrounded by more terrifying mechanical structures. Perhaps they would inadvertently enter the nest of another terrifying alien, or encounter some unknown mechanical guard area, etc. The unknown completely restricted the lightless layer, and even other layers from directly crossing the normal entrance and exit channels and going directly to the upper layer.

But now, Youge is freely shuttling in the gaps, the lightless layer, the dark light layer, the shallow light layer, and the floating light layer.

In one breath, he walked out of the nightmare of all the lower-level humans in the so-called impossibility.

"Hehe~ This road seems to be able to be sold to some interesting beings. I'd better give it to them." Quietly, a trace of information was twisted by Youge. In the territory of the poisonous woman that was completely destroyed, several information scrolls entangled by iron nets appeared. Hanging on them were the possible routes of this passage out of the lightless layer.

"Come on, my lovely little friends, when you found me outside, it caused a huge sensation. I don't know if you will believe this beautiful possibility."

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