Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 906 Gulag's Playground

Mechanical City,

As Youge thought, there is indeed a core that can control the entire city.

Of course, it is impossible to be defenseless here,

But today, 01, who is here to observe all the free people fighting in the city, also noticed Anna who was constantly moving inward.

"Smart guy, you didn't take action resolutely. Following that pipeline, you can indeed find my location."

A three-dimensional map of the mechanical city, on which are marked the routes of all the humans who are constantly moving inward, either crooked or up and down, but the result is that they are constantly approaching here.

"Five little guys, the free people this time are not all fools. But what are you going to do? In the end, only one person can meet the adults."

Yes, 01 said that he could meet the adults after the end, but he didn't say that everyone could meet after the end.

Click, click, click, click,

01, who controls all this, is not idle. The place where the core exists began to change rapidly under the sound of the machine. Teams of mechanical guards appeared, and after surrounding the entire periphery, they entered an absolute defensive posture.

"Come on, these are limited-level lv30 mechanical guards. Except for weapons, the rest are dispatched according to your ability index."

He started to do bad things quietly. He would not let this group of free people come here smoothly.

At this moment, Youge also noticed a little bit of different information changes while continuing to move forward, just like the originally calm lake water was stirred up, and the layers of information changes quietly rippled outward.

"01, this guy started to make small moves."

And this layer of information changes also allowed Youge to actively lock his direction. It was just above him. He only needed to continue to walk a few thousand meters to get close to the existence of the core.

"Isn't it just me who wants to go here?" After changing his direction, Youge also began to think. If he was alone, 01 should have a high probability of taking the initiative to attack.

If there were many people, the other party would arrange many small traps to test and hinder them.

"Maybe. There are many smart people. How could I be the only one who found the problem here? It's better to wait a little and see which interesting humans will appear here."

Similarly, the humans heading here from other directions finally began to approach here in the long shrinking.

Except for the four people of Youge, there are one woman and three men.

Compared to Youge's quiet pursuit of information flow, these four people were injured. It was not easy to get here. Even if they could see the battle in the distance and even knew not to touch the giants casually, they still had to go through many battles on the way.

It was not easy at all.

In order to find the pipeline leading to the core, they also needed to turn over the group of machines and determine their direction.

A student of the Royal City Noble Academy, the only woman in uniform, the first human to approach the core after Youge. Relying on the convenience of his metal ability, the last section of the distance was much faster.

"There, huh? It's the mechanical guard!"

The female student just realized that the position she had drilled out of was wrong, and she was pulled back by Anna who flashed behind her. This small vibration also made the scanning sight of the group of mechanical guards focus on the position of the two people just now.

"Don't go out~"

After Anna pulled back, she quietly retreated countless times. Looking at the blade facing her, she naturally knew what it meant.

"You? It's you!"

For Anna, who was highlighted by the old man, it can be said that no one here doesn't know her. Of course, this female student also let down her guard after flashing countless thoughts.

If the other party really wanted to mess with her, it would have been the perfect time just now. Push her in directly! Instead of pulling her back.

"Hehe~Don't worry, there should be others. Let's wait patiently~"

Anna laughed. This charming expression and action made the female student's eyes instantly have a lot of emotions. The victims from the lightless layer were not decent at all!

One, two, three.

After the next three men of different colors arrived here, no one else showed up in the next ten minutes.

"A semi-mechanically transformed human, a seemingly pure noble but ordinary, and a guy who looks like a civilian but has an extremely gloomy look."

If you can think of coming here, you must not treat each other as normal humans. Although the goal is the same, the meeting of five people at this moment makes the atmosphere more serious.

"Did you find anything?", looking at the first few people who came, the last gloomy civilian who appeared, asked the other four.

"The core is surrounded by mechanical guards in every direction.", Anna smiled, what did she find? She found everything, but she didn't go in: "The deployment of mechanical guards on the left will be much less, and it seems that that place is not the way to go in. Our best breakthrough point should be above, so that the protection of the mechanical guards will be a little slower."

Looking at the frowns on the faces of these people, Anna continued, "There is no shift change, no change. Within half an hour, these guards are completely on the periphery. The slightest vibration will trigger their vigilance, but no guard will leave their position to actively search."

"So do you have any good way to deceive them?"

Anna smiled at the semi-mechanically transformed human. This guy seemed to be a little moved, and he must have thought of something.

"This is the standard garrison defense guard of the clockwork center. Only after the enemy appears, emergency defense will be carried out. The biggest problem is that they will perform emergency self-destruction in the form of encirclement."

A faint light appeared on the mechanical arm, and a column of information similar to that of the mechanical guard outside appeared on his information light screen.

"Emergency self-destruction: The built-in special soluble metal will invade the enemy after extremely rapid softening, wrapping the other party and destroying it together"

However, compared with the guards here, the guards on this light screen have no weapons behind them. They are just stationed guards in a stable queue arrangement.

"Weapons, the guards here have many more weapons."

The civilian man pointed outside through the gap where he was hiding. The weapon with several metal colors kept warning him of danger!

"Original God Ore Weapon."

Someone knew the details. Anna didn't need to say anything. The noble had already said it.

"It is said that the Original God Ore has been used steadily in the capital privately. It seems that the Clockwork Center has completed the research on this?"

The noble looked at the cyborg and waited for the other party's reply with a calm look.

925, 926 were posted in reverse and cannot be deleted. They were switched.

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