"I'll go up, you'll support him, and he'll look for opportunities."

Although it was the first time to see such a perfect woman, the noble's mind was still fresh. This was not a place for romance. Coupled with the reminder from the old man last time, this disaster victim from the aphotic layer was willing to take the initiative. Taking action can make them feel a little more at ease.


Finally, the cyborg finally agreed. Compared to the others, the power of this Aphotic Layer victim would indeed be more convincing. With her taking action, the chance of success would increase.

After seeing that both of them agreed, the noble took the lead to go to that side, silently looked at the group of guards surrounding the core, and began to calculate how he should take action.

"The mechanical city area on the left has a heavy structure. If destroyed, it will hinder the mechanical guards. I have seen your ability. You are responsible for protection and interference. I will attack and control the position changes of the mechanical guards in the field."

"Once the mechanical guard is alone, it will be left to you."

Simple and intuitive tactics, it all depends on the effect.


The three of them were sure at the same time. The moment the noble jumped out, the scans of the guards were all focused on him. They saw a flash of blue fireworks, and more than ten icy streaks immediately appeared where the noble was. force field rays.

Familiar things are more condensed, more penetrating, and far more powerful than when Yu Ge and Fink had them.

"Damn, so fast!"

In the eyes of the noble, this was a complete surprise. This extremely penetrating ray far exceeded his knowledge of mechanical guards, and it was only a small ray. Who knew what would happen next? It will be more troublesome.

"Go on, I'll protect you~"

Naturally, You Ge also appeared, and the defensive measures of the blood crystal appeared. The spider claws on it began to kill various cold rays aimed at them while waving continuously.


After turning over, the nobleman quickly approached a certain distance and reached the perfect attack point. A song of orange flames flew up and destroyed the mechanical support in the sky. A large piece of scrap copper and iron fell down. inside.

site division,

This direction just makes it impossible for the mechanical guard's scan to reach the location where they were hiding, and it also makes it easier for the cyborg to take action.

"Attack blocked, information locked, force field transformed!"

Naturally, this group of guards did not stop. The cold force field rays immediately turned into blazing heat. As they shot rapidly, they instantly melted many puncture holes and shot back in the direction of the nobles.

"Hee hee, what an interesting little guy." A large number of blood crystals appeared and began to be set up in rows on the road of pursuit. Perhaps this is the benefit of the existence of physical matter. It is not so easy for flames or other attribute powers to have more substantial defense like blood.

A crisp sound appeared. Although the condensation of blood crystals did not completely block it, it gave the nobles a chance to breathe and continue to change direction.

Large areas of mechanical ruins began to fall,

Then, as the nobles quickly rotated around the field, the mechanical guards surrounding the core existence also began to shift slightly from left to right. In addition, metal falling from the sky would hit them, and the surrounding changes also began. It evolved smoothly as the nobles imagined.

"Force field weapon, straight-line attack, garrison guard, slow speed and fast rotation"

Also during this trial, they also became familiar with the attack mode of this group of guards. As the cyborg tried to invade a guard in an attempt to destroy it, it seemed that everything was so simple and smooth.

"Huh? He's here?" At this moment, while You Ge repeatedly erected blood crystal protection everywhere, a slightly different feeling finally appeared on the guards.

It's 01.

The originally slow-moving guards began to change rapidly, their mechanical parts operating at extremely high speeds, and all the heavy armor on their bodies was abandoned.

After discarding the maximum defense, the real mechanical structure hidden in the body finally leaked out. On the humanoid structure, there was a thirty centimeter bulge on the chest. This was the force field launcher they just used.

"How could this be! Someone is controlling them, there is definitely someone! Otherwise, they would not be able to do this"

The first person who didn't believe these changes was the cyborg in the center of the clockwork. Just now, he was planning to steal the original God weapon from the slow-moving guard after his invasion. In the blink of an eye, this guy also transformed. got up.

The original God weapon hidden behind was finally exposed, a reduced version of a wide-faced spear, and after being activated in their hands, it immediately turned into a spear as tall as the mechanical guard.

Transformed from range to melee.

"Free citizens." 01's voice sounded, full of ridicule, and continued: "Congratulations on coming to the most important place of this competition, but unfortunately, your good days have come to an end~"

All the mechanical guards turned their guns, and even the two teammates who were still hiding behind were targeted by the guards and began a frenzied siege.

"He is really a scary guy. Once these weapons are touched, I will either die or be injured."

You Ge's consciousness flowed, and the gun blade that passed in front of him was not fake at all. Even the blood crystal he raised showed no resistance at all and instantly turned into powder.

"I quit! I got ten treasures!"

As the crisis approached, the cyborg instantly gave up the idea of ​​staying here. With a roar, the treasure in his hand turned into light and disappeared in the surroundings.

"Good choice, you are safe for the time being."

With a more intense ridicule, 01 also instantly transferred this person out.

But this is not all. After a female scream, everyone turned around, and the civilian took out the small lamp from the blood of the female student with only her head left.

"Ten, I also choose to leave."

The same situation, until only Youge and the noble were left in the venue, the atmosphere became extremely awkward.

This noble, neither collected treasures nor small lamps, and in this inevitable situation, it was exactly the same as Youge.

However, it was like this, Youge spoke first,

"Go, this place is a death trap, they are only temporarily safe. It's not like you can get it." She looked pitiful, crying in the eyes of the nobles, but then she said angrily: "A bunch of liars, they can only tease our trash, taking out the treasure will shrink the whole city, destroying the small lights will make humans bigger, and the final result will inevitably become a giant in this city without life or death, hehe, we have nowhere to escape, damn the high-level, damn self-righteous!"

"This! Are you sure?!"

"Go away! Disgusting nobles, I would rather die than have anything to do with you!"

It seemed that the last complaint before death broke out, and finally a large number of blood crystals appeared under Anna's feet, bringing layers of power to cover all the mechanical guards controlled by 01.

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