Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 941: Kong's Vision

This is also a kind of super-limited existence that does not need to be experienced. Youge's existence can also create countless void energies at will. Under his excretion and splitting, the abandoned part naturally becomes the existence of "void energy".

Abandoning the understanding of human nature and obeying the logical thinking of the self, this change of creating void is actually one of his own abilities, turning into a void existence, an instinctive ability, as long as he can perceive and recognize the destruction of himself.

"It's like a means of backup destruction, turning into a connection in the coffin, or turning oneself into nothingness, completely annihilated, but can be drawn from nothingness again and nourish oneself again."

"Is this the way of survival of real existence?"

Instinct, the inevitable control of one's own existence, can choose how to turn into decay after death, rather than being passively waited by nature, or even letting it wait at will, which is also part of self-control.

And this is also the main means of attack of Youge's existence, and this is also one of the ways that Wuguanghu uses the existence of the cold wind plain to destroy all foreign substances and turn them into its own nutrients.

Of course, if the opponent is strong enough, or even a true body of a god, this method cannot be executed at will.

"It seems that this is also the main method of destruction for my existence now. I use my own super-limit ability to destroy the opponent's resistance and finally turn it into nothingness. It is not like the flow of material existence, and there is a possibility of reversal."

Nothingness, what a vain word.

You Ge seemed to be mocking, helpless, interesting, and calm without any thoughts. Then, as he continued to drift, he continued to devour countless existences in the void that were lower than him.

"It's time. After drifting for millions of years, I. I. should also seek something different."

He thought of something in his heart. The core of the superior and the projection of that person recorded in his body have now accompanied him safely for millions of years. The occasional fiddling and stimulation are just the simple flow of the internal existence of matter. But for You Ge's existence, this flow is just flow. He has not found any opportunity for him to take advantage of it,

even the core of the superior.

But after long-term contact, Youge also gained enough understanding of this hole beast, which is now easier to learn. This allows him to absorb and constantly plunder the other party's existence, and the secret of the other party's existence is slowly revealed.

The hole beast, the existence of the hole beyond the limit, compared with the one-sided understanding at the beginning, can now more clearly obtain more information belonging to the other party's real existence from the material information of the other party's deep existence.

Just like in Youge's operation, the so-called promotion and enrichment of the hole attribute are all one-sided in the one-sided addition of the hole attribute, and there is no trace of touching the reality of the hole existence.

"It's just to let me come into contact with this kind of existence. The existence of the coffin does not mean that a kind of limit can be attached to the other party at will, not to mention that I didn't have any ability to bear it at that time."

The core existence of the hole beast,

This guy's essential existence is like a predator who punches holes at will, looking for a suitable invasion world in the endless void, invading the other party's body by punching holes, causing damage, swallowing and plundering.

It is completely different from Youge's vision of the world and various existences in the void.

The vision of the hole,

Everything is a hole. Once there is any hole-like existence, there is a possibility of him invading, and its super-limit existence, the super-limit hole, is a deeper destruction on this basis, attempting to plunder the transcendent unknown inside the lightless pot land, and is finally destroyed by the existence of the lightless pot land.

"Hole-shaped threat, super-limit hole. If I have such a thing, I must change my vision cognition, not as easy as my current existence, internal and external infinity and super-limit evil."

After crossing the periphery of the strange world and surviving in the narrow cracks of various void existences, Youge had some new ideas in his mind,

"The vision of the self, the most subjective method of carrying the expression of the self and the external influence,"

"My existence may not be impossible to make such a change in my vision."

Youge's self, just like the incarnation and existence in the past, changes the self in a part of his existence. This operation is enough for Youge to accept the change of this vision.

Moreover, Youge's control over himself now does not need to be differentiated and changed. A part of his self-existence is transformed into the existence of the hole vision. In terms of human understanding, it is like a person's eyes, and the scenery seen on the left and right is different.

The left side is colorful, and the right side is hazy.

Myopia, eyeball usage habits, and natural left-right differences are such changes.

Continue to drift, but this time Youge's goal is not without purpose. This time he naturally merges with the existence of the hole in the void, while slowly drifting towards the existence of the chaotic kingdom.

This is an idea he has already determined, but he has not really completed the brief analysis of the existence of the hole beast, so he has not raised the intention to go there immediately.

"The hole vision, the boundary between nothingness and existence, the gap between existence and nothingness, are all composed of infinite holes, not to mention. Their existence is not perfect."

Or is it a matter of the existence of horizons? For an amorphous, self-controlled existence like You Ge, this horizon is still full of countless holes, and it creates a form of confrontation with other beings in the sense of human nature. So, then? Confrontation can only be carried out through their different transcendental manifestations.

Something touched my heart,

Using the existence of the hole's vision to look at the existences that were also floating in the void, Youge quietly began to penetrate into the existence of the other party during this slow floating.

virtual beast,

This is a broad term used by Youge to describe these existences. Of course, when it comes to the existence of planning, he also summarizes his own definition like a virtual beast.

And the various types of appearances made him prefer to use the self-righteous definition of beasts instead of humans to distinguish them.

Following the use of Kong's vision to enter the body of this void beast, it began to plunder and occupy the opponent's existence.

"The existence of a single transfinite is absolutely suppressed. Kong's special transfiniteness is indeed extraordinary."

Just wandering at will, the opponent's body is like a burrow extending in all directions, allowing You Ge to wander wantonly, even sneaking close to the opponent's core. Under You Ge's own transcendent existence, it did not cause any ripples.

"It's just that such an existence begins to infinitely increase its transcendent types, and it is not the road to the infinite level. Just like compared to the Matte Pot Land, today I am still a Lv49 level existence. Including my existence beyond the limits, it still doesn’t break through.”

"And this so-called one is just short of the last step to achieve transcendence and become the so-called "King", or to achieve an existence that far exceeds what has been shown before. It is not just about accumulating abilities."

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