Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 966 The Complete Core of the Universe

Separation, escape, fear.

"Indeed, sometimes, pure destruction and annihilation seem more comfortable than fusion." Various terrifying faces flashed on the chaotic human nature, and they vented their emotions crazily outside the indifference of Youge's existence: "Hahaha, hehe, the process of success, hehe, the result of success, no, these are not important, what is important is the existence that makes me feel happy."

It is rare for mixed human nature to achieve unity, but this unity of thinking and ideas is not the unity of emotions.

Similarly, mixed with various emotional ups and downs, that is part of the joy of chaotic human nature, the pity that flashed in an instant, fully revealed the sadness for the miserable state of the target universe at this moment.

This is one of the joys of chaotic human nature.

But no matter how it is displayed, Youge, who is motionless in the center, is also tightly locked in the heart of the target universe being swallowed up.

The huge dark continent's long tongue stirred frantically in the other party's existence, sucking those material existences into its mouth bit by bit, and along with the familiar non-material existences being sucked in, Youge's body outside also instantly drilled into the swallowing mouth.

"Nothing! Where did you go?!"

With a flash, even the entanglement of information did not find any traces. The swallowed non-material instantly disappeared in the huge mouth, and the dark universe that continued to swallow was still constantly demanding the other party's existence.


Immediately turned his head and looked. This time Youge was completely locked in the long tongue's demand. As long as another non-material existence entered the big mouth, Youge would follow the non-material existence no matter what and drill into the interior of the dark universe.

"Here it comes!"

The defeat of the target universe is actually not far away. This has begun to leak more and more frequently, indicating that the other party can no longer continue to hold on under the existence of the dark universe. After a large number of non-materials appeared one after another, Youge instantly transformed himself into an information existence and drilled into the non-material.

"Is this the dark aura?"

The same thing disappeared. After Youge's perception of the outside world changed, he was still in a space with a very strong dark aura.

"The core of the universe? The core of the dark aura?"

The non-matter that he possessed was constantly polluted and transformed. Youge, who was quietly circulating and hiding in it, naturally saw those more solid non-matter gatherings. This space. This place is completely blocked from the outside world, and even information cannot be transmitted. It is the core position hidden in the depths of the dark universe.

"It's really hard to find a place. This kind of space where traces have completely disappeared is really impossible to find."

No traces are left, no information is left, and it may not even be a real thing. For those who don't know, isn't it a false existence?

It was also the first time that Youge took the initiative to enter the complete isolation core existence alone. It was a completely different experience from the existence in the chaotic country that slipped into the core along the pipeline.

It can even be said that he was completely isolated from everything in the outside world, so that Youge can only feel this piece of dark aura now, without any other existence, and any external existence that is inseparable from him.

"So, how did you find it? It is an extraordinary thing that the Chaos Kingdom can penetrate such an existence."

Compared to himself, Youge did not gather such a mysterious place in his body, but compared to himself, in fact, every existence of Youge is equal to the mysterious place in the world.

And at this moment, even if Youge exerts the power of separation, he cannot separate the other party at will. There is absolute self-control here, not as free as the outer universe.

"Interesting, but you still need to transfer the existence of the dark breath after all. There is no rush. I'd better study your next swallowing of that universe first!"

Swallowing the non-matter is just a beginning. Youge follows the non-matter to find the hidden core existence of the dark universe. Then what needs to be done next is how the dark universe swallows the core of the target universe, and how the core existence of both sides will carry out the next action!

The plunder of the dark universe continues, and everything inside the two sides is fighting madly. Gradually, everything in the target universe shows a sense of ruin, and the battle between the two sides completely becomes a unilateral feeding activity of the dark universe.

As countless material existences were swept to the Dark Continent, the existence of the target universe shrank visibly, and everything was completely swallowed by the Dark Universe.

"Here it comes!"

And Youge's target finally appeared at this time. The core of the target universe, the thing that Youge had no way to find, finally appeared in front of him.

Just like a fruit with its skin peeled off, the core existence that was exposed nakedly in front of him truly showed the secrets from the deepest part of the universe.

"It seems to be another existence that denies itself... Such an existence..."

For the first time, the complete core existence was observed in this way. Its mere existence there showed countless charms, far from the charm of power and greatness, an absolute attraction that cannot be ignored!

As if it could fill some unknown, it brought Youge more... unspeakable!

"This kind of thing... I really want to occupy the other party..."

Unprecedented discovery, now Youge sees many things that he could not find before. From the perspective of existence, this core is more infinite than his existence, just like anything can be shaped under the existence of the other party, a truly infinite level of performance.

It can even be said that it can shape Youge's existence, and any possibility can exist under this infinite possibility.

But the only interesting thing is that such an existence cannot create itself, but can only follow the changes and fill the whole world with slow growth. Just like the gap between the target universe and the dark universe, their progress has countless possibilities, but they have not escaped the established changes.

And once new unknown changes are added, they will have infinite changes.

Lack of independent unknown creativity?

No, there is just no key point that allows them to show the possibility of creation!

Moreover, if they want to open up a more possible future, what they need is not one or two so-called powerful existences, but more different changes.

"The natural gap... Is the infinite level of existence the limit that I cannot break through?"

As he became more deeply aware of its existence, Youge's heart also had more gaps. The infinite level, even if it cannot change autonomously and there is no so-called intelligent consciousness in the universe, is also an infinite level of existence.

"And... this is only the external infinite display, not its true inner mystery of being deprived..."

It is obvious that there is still a difference. For the dark universe and that great existence, what they want to plunder is not the so-called infinity.

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