Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 969: Space Rations

Finally welcomed their return,

Youge's tentacles penetrated deep into their bodies and easily detected their existence. Apart from the interference of the external material existence of the Matte Pot, their existence was also the closest to Youge, which also allowed them to be protected from the Matte Pot. The main reason for complete manipulation.

There is You Ge in their existence!

"The proximity of existence, you, us..."

Being in existence awakened them. After the four of them got close to You Ge essentially, they also began to learn to devour the material existence of the powerful lightless pot land.

"Different existences, even if we are so close, our existences are still different."

Elosili turned into a touch of entanglement and wrapped around Youge, laughing and getting intimate with Youge's existence.

"Lord Youge ~ You are back!"

This is the scent she is familiar with, this is the scent she has felt since she was born, this is the real Youge, and this is what she expects to rely on.

Liliana, on the other hand, maintains her human form as a servant of her power, completely surrendering to Youge as his most loyal slave, just like Dagon and the great man behind him.

Immediately after the last two existences were completed, Lislim stood guard on both sides of Yuge's existence.

"Lord Youge!"

Expectation, joy, excitement,

They also found where they belonged, and found the connections recorded deep in their blood and existence. It was Youge's existence that shaped their existence this time, and they are finally back!

In turn, under the material manifestation of the outside world, they also restored their past external expressions. Elosili penetrated into Youge's body, and Lislim turned into two pieces of stone on top of Youge's material existence. Finally, after getting closer, Liliana chose to stay down for a long time and hid in the shadow under You Ge.

"Gods, now we have initially entered the existence of gods. Everything has no restrictions on us. Under the given existence, we can create all existences. Existence is reasonable, even if it is to create a god."

Just like You Ge pulled these people directly from the ordinary level to control their own existence, creation no longer limits You Ge.

"Then it's time for us to eat."

The expansion and growth of existence does not matter whether they want it or not. The universe in front of them is their food, devouring each other's existence to strengthen their own existence.

One earth, one solar system, one galaxy,

Human beings, life, matter,

You Ge is like a moth that is constantly devouring everything in this universe, small and slow but enough for him to see his own continuous growth.

And for a universe that is just a majestic existence, when there is no enough hostility, the devouring of these small existences inside is nothing more than a spark.

"Such devouring is indeed very slow."

Until a huge man in red clothes with a face as large as the Milky Way appeared, and there were several sounds of recognition from his family members around him.

Too slow, not rich enough, not concentrated enough, and endless.

"It's time to face the existence of this universe."

In the ordinary universe, even if they create millions or billions of attacks, it is still not enough for them. The devouring of existence seems to have no pressure on any living being that can control existence.

"It's like...the universe is our food?"

No surprise,

Drilling into the existence of the universe, the other party had never seen such a gangster who broke in directly. Before the existence could react, he was bitten hard by You Ge.

In the absence of existence, the universe will naturally collapse.

Sip after sip, until the final spread of matterless matter represented the universe, Yu Ge and his family finally completed their first full meal.

"It's time to go back!"

Simple growth and devouring, the dissipation of a ration does not mean anything, but one existence still emerges in You Ge's heart, and that is the existence of the Kingdom of Chaos. What is his existence?

The connection of existence, the faster transfer, just like the instinctive operation, everything no longer restricts him.

After crossing countless distances, You Ge once again returned to the chaotic whirlpool that had calmed down the war.

"Hehehe, as expected, the one who is proud in the end is really the Horned Rat."

The Kingdom of Chaos in Youge's eyes has turned into a carnival for one person at this moment. The ubiquitous intention of destruction has completely eliminated the need for any war. The four evil gods are hiding in the Kingdom of Chaos. Their incarnations have long been destroyed by the Great Horned Rat. For the sake of the past, various will trends from the Kingdom of Chaos have made the Horned Rat an incomparable god of destruction.

God of the Realm of Chaos.

"If the Horned Rat... takes control of his own existence... Hahahaha~ It seems very interesting!"

Youge's chaotic human existence above himself exploded with incomparable vitality at this moment. In the endless devouring, he had already lost any distinction in power. The power he was most familiar with was also transformed into part of his self.

The existence of power is under his control. The existence of power is perfectly controlled by him. The existence of power is completely integrated into his existence.

This is the power of Youge today. What is interesting is that the existence of power is endless. As long as someone uses this power, it will expand. Whether it is death or dissipation, the existence of this power has been expanded.

Just a simple use of existence.

A dispensable game.

At this moment, You Ge's tentacles also penetrated into the existence of the Great Horned Rat in the ethereal existence, quietly instilling ideas beyond his cognition, causing the Great Horned Rat who was addicted to destruction and couldn't extricate himself to suddenly freeze. After the wave of destruction.

"My existence? The existence of the Kingdom of Chaos?!"

The sudden elevation of the field of vision gave the horned rat no time to react, and it was filled with countless information that suddenly broke into its cognition.

He was in a trance and couldn't even stand firm. The chaotic aura made everyone aware of the changes in the horned rat. However, for a mastermind behind it, You Ge had already thought of this situation. He only slightly He instilled enough information for the horned rat to carry, and then he needed to explore his own understanding of existence, the kingdom of chaos, etc.

"who is it?!"

The horned rat woke up in an instant, and when he felt the sudden attack due to his undue strength, he immediately guessed that someone must be secretly doing something behind his back.

But how could he, who was far inferior to You Ge, discover this?

"I know it's you! Humph! The method of this method is you! Why! Why!"

But it's not difficult to guess. The Horned Rat is very aware of the changes caused by the arrival of this information. The absolute impact will destroy all current meanings, and he? He also broke away from the joy of destruction and became that vain and empty horned rat again.

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