Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 971 Stealing and Devouring

"With the completely uncontrolled destruction, this evil god will also make the whole situation completely beyond the control of the Chaos Kingdom."

"And I only need to continue to absorb and devour those beings in this vortex to strengthen myself."

This is Youge's purpose. A mouthful of soup in this vortex is also an extremely huge existence. Countless millions of universes are flowing in the chaos vortex. The Great Horned Rat has only destroyed less than a hundred universes. As Mara was born purely for the destruction of the universe, he is more targeted at the structure of the universe than the Great Horned Rat.

With just a simple drilling, he has given everything in the universe the power of destruction. All directions are beginning to collapse under the control of destruction. Those transcendental existences and the remedies released by the universe have completely turned into nutrients for destruction like water drift.

"The universe is really the food of the established existence. If there is no will in the universe, it only knows how to remedy and use its own inherent methods to fight against the enemy, without the slightest countermeasure of self-healing transcendent means."

"And if it has will, it is either a puppet of the other party or it is the transcendence of the universe that has escaped."

You Ge also looked at the universe that was hung with the power of destruction. Even if the other party has a way to restrain it, the universe does not know these flexibility and can only be broken into pieces in the collapse.

Of course, this is also You Ge's feeding time. The feeding of the chaos vortex requires it to be pulled into the inside, and You Ge can be stuck on the way and continue to absorb everything.

Slow and long feeding,

Hundreds of universes, thousands of universes, tens of thousands of universes,

"A total of 96.75 million ordinary universes..." Ordinary universes, this is just the number of ordinary universes. The God of Destruction Mara also spent a lot of time to destroy this existence. When flowing to the core of the chaos vortex, one by one, more than 90% of them were also swallowed by You Ge.

"You will gain something, at least you won't be so frivolous."

Continuing to devour, Youge's existence is becoming more and more undeniable as it continues to expand. Compared with the past, he now finally feels a little great.

"There are more extraordinary universes, and high-level universes that also breed the existence of local gods, just like the elven god imprisoned by Nurgle. These universes also need Mara to go all out to destroy them."

"But... the existence of these universes is not something you can take away at will~"

Unlike the ordinary universes that cannot resist, the forces within these extraordinary universes are also constantly resisting the channels imposed on the core existence of the other party by the Chaos Kingdom. Although they are not as completely resisted as they thought, they will not allow the Chaos Kingdom to plunder unscrupulously.

"How can we not attract the attention of the Chaos Kingdom and directly plunder the existence of the universe?"

Although only 10% of the existence of the universe was left to the Chaos Kingdom, that was only the material existence of the universe. The real core existence was still under the control of the Chaos Kingdom's pipeline. This was the main reason why Youge dared to play so unscrupulously.

"Eating half of the core existence of an extraordinary universe is far more than anything in an ordinary universe."

While thinking, Youge watched the every move of the God of Destruction Mara. Now, under Youge's indoctrination, he has developed independent human thinking, the desire for destruction, and the divine self, which has shown a complete existence under Youge's urging.

"Just like the Great Horned Rat, giving a certain favor and power to existence is a kind of divine supremacy."

"This guy's use is limited to this. If he touches existence, it will be unforgivable for the Chaos Kingdom. And I am still looking forward to him bringing trouble to the Chaos Kingdom in the end, there is no need to change him."

"After all, sneaking around can't last long. It's time for so many extraordinary universes to really step into it."

It has been dormant for long enough, and the current situation has also satisfied his hope that there will be a situation that can delay the existence of the Chaos Kingdom. The resistance of these extraordinary universes and the Chaos Kingdom are also slowly losing balance in the stalemate.

"It seems that Mara's role is really not to be underestimated. Destroying everything in this universe also puts pressure on the existence of the universe. If the core completely abandons the existence of the universe and is exposed to the outside world, it will be at a greater disadvantage."

"If I join at this time, the balance will be broken again. Humph, there is indeed no protection from the great existence, but do I need it now?"

"My existence is not condensed into one. This situation is more suitable for me to play freely!"

"Failure and being swallowed up, this will be a more interesting game."

Youge walked into the universe that was harmed by Mara, an extraordinary universe, a universe that constantly fights against the destruction brought by Mara. It's a pity that the existence of power lacks the foundation that can be on par with Mara, and it constantly turns into the other party's fun in the retreat.

In turn, the appearance of Youge is even more irresistible. The combination of malice and chaotic human nature that permeates the world completely gives a fatal blow to all life. Following the appearance of the hole, these resistance forces are even more unable to hide.

The one-sided situation was revealed instantly.

"Go, my followers, show your greatness without restraint."

In the endless dark universe, Liliana shuttled through the shadows everywhere, and countless eyes appeared in the cracks of the darkness, peeping at all existences and pulling them in. Crimson entangled tentacles appeared, clinging to every existence that saw it, sensed it, and touched it, twisting, permeating, and pulling them into endless tentacles. And the fear of stone, like Medusa, everything was unstoppable under the drive of petrification, whether it was energy or matter, whether it was air or space, everything was exposed in petrification.

Following Youge in this attack that was more terrifying than destruction, he also came to the existence of the core of the universe.

This time, the warnings from both sides did not cause any concern from Youge. The existence of the hole was like the hole beast that wanted to devour the lightless pot, showing Youge countless possibilities.

Of course, Youge also knew what to do. He had no desire for the side of the Chaos Kingdom pipeline entanglement. On the other side, the extraordinary universe was completely unable to take care of. He began to devour, one mouthful after another. The huge and full existence was directly swallowed by Youge, instantly bringing him the same level of satisfaction of existence.

With just one mouthful, Youge can reach the part of the greatness of the extraordinary universe.

Another mouthful, another mouthful, taking advantage of the stalemate between the universe and the Chaos Kingdom, after swallowing enough existence to satisfy Youge and not causing the universe to collapse directly, Youge directly implemented a tactical retreat.

This is just a universe. There are countless extraordinary universes waiting for Youge in the chaos vortex.

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