Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 973 The Destruction of Chaos

The destruction of the prophecy, everything flows into the chaos vortex,

Everything is destroyed by the destruction god Mara, these are just the false fate created by the chaos that transcends everything, even the chaos kingdom is just a part of it to complete this false fate.

"Powerless resistance is still a false thing after all."

These universes can't escape the fate of destruction after all, and the only difference is Mara's final step-by-step approach.

Yu Ge and other existences no longer care about these, occasionally thinking of the connection with the existence of the big horned rat, this person has long disappeared in the chaos, and left this piece of predetermined fate with his own resentment.

And with the arrival of destruction step by step, finally everything in the chaos turned into fragments under Mara's feet, and flowed into the center little by little with the suction of the vortex.

"The last you, Mara, so do you want to determine your fate? Accompany the destruction to destruction?"

The chaos vortex swallowed crazily, and everything here turned into nothingness, and Mara, who was quietly injected with human existence by Yu Ge, was also indifferent at this moment.

Chaos is calling him, like the final peace of fate, indicating that he has completed his mission.

But the human nature that no one knows is also quietly swaying in it. The natural resistance above human nature is constantly instigating him not to accept his fate. The existence of the other party is just the other party, not the mission he recognizes. He can make more choices, so why bother to continue to complete this meaningless destruction.

However, the desire for destruction that he has always been unable to forget tells him that this final destruction is the real destruction. Only he can return everything to nothingness without leaving any trace.

"So do you follow your own heart, or follow this destiny from chaos?"

Youge is still talking to himself outside the world, watching Mara's entanglement, and he just needs to make a choice.

"Hehe~ Lord Youge, will he self-destruct? His existence is born for this, hehe, Lord Youge, if you are gone, I will accompany you to destruction." A streamlined tentacles aggregate extends from Youge's existence, and a vague tentacle woman's head leans on Youge's side and quietly tells her thoughts.

"I... you have to continue to exist even if I am gone. My existence will exist in your existence, in your memory, and in your past."

Yuge's red footstep-like existence brushed against Elosli's woman-like cheek while floating. Yuge agreed with the other party's attachment and gave the greatest recognition to the other party's existence.

"Your existence is my existence, even if I become nothingness."

"Lord Yuge, let us help him destroy everything. Since the destiny is like this, why not catalyze it directly!", Lislim's existence appeared, the stone's wanton existence floated around Yuge, and a more indescribable existence showed their inner desire to fight.

"You want to destroy everything here?"

Yuge looked at Lislim's existence, and the fusion of the two was divided into two independent existences, one side of pity and the other side of radicalism, constantly showing that they wanted to rush into the center of this game to feel the real fun of this game.

"He's too long-winded!"

Unlike Elosli's softness, the former will only focus on Yuge when she is by Yuge's side, while the latter wants to resolve all the problems for Yuge. This troublesome Mara can't give a perfect ending performance to Lord Yuge.

"Yes, he is a little long-winded, but you see, his humanity is boiling, the desire for destruction has burned out, waiting for his humanity to be more perfectly manifested, and that extreme performance will completely stimulate the consequences of all this."

The Mara in Yuge's eyes is different. He is constantly fighting between heaven and man, sitting in powerless resistance, but behind this resistance must be his final outbreak of self.

"Liliana, what do you think?"

Accompany, or dependence, Yuge did not go to Liliana's existence to pursue the other party's true feelings. As a dependent who has integrated into his own darkness, he has always been silent and opened his countless dark eyes behind Yuge, secretly peeping at everything in the dark corners of endless existence.

"Wait, self-destruction, Mara has reached the end."

Words, phrases, a complete sentence, in Liliana's thousands of eyes, countless changes of Mara are reflected,

Anger, sadness, hatred, calmness... Every breath and fluctuation revealed by Mara are recorded by her eyes, and one by one in the reflection of her eyes, she shows all the problems observed for Yuge, Lislim, and Elosli.

"Hehehe~ Liliana, your eyes are so cute, Lord Yuge, look at that sad Mara, why is he sad?"

Elosli understands the existence of Mara and the situation of Mara at the moment, but Mara's entanglement and hesitation are what Elosli does not want to understand. Although she said it, it is just an indifferent expression.

It doesn't matter whether you understand it or not.

The understanding of human nature and the curiosity about human nature are far less than paying attention to Lord Yuge's thoughts, whether he wants to destroy or redeem the other party.

"Mara, this is his choice."

"We can change his mind, but his choice will be his most exciting scene."

"Lislim, how do you want to destroy him?"

The existence of Yuge and others was quietly changing, from Mara to Chaos. The center of the huge vortex was a huge pipe tentacle like Chaos. Countless pipes stretched out from the smoke of Chaos, or fell, or infinitely derived around, or constantly devoured the fragments at the end of the vortex in the rotation of the vortex.

"We want to eat it!" It was not just Lislim's desire, Elosli also felt the pleasure of devouring the other party while staring at each other. It was like a sudden idea. Lislim said: "Mara's choice, Lord Yuge, it is better to eat Chaos, Mara does not have to make a choice, so he saves all troubles!"

A direct and unprovoked idea, this is Lislim's final thought about all the changes in Chaos and Mara.

Why should it be related to Mara's feelings, why should it be related to Chaos's persistence, all these things will be destroyed, and disappear, why should there be ethical logic for the existence of human nature? !


You Ge did not refute anything. If you want to eat, then eat.

Elosli on her body stretched out countless tentacles, wrapped around those pipes and continued to penetrate them.

Lislim's stone swept across all the existences of Chaos, and they were constantly crushed in the petrification.

And Liliana quietly spread in the darkness of Chaos, and countless eye-shaped dark existences appeared wherever her eyes stared.

Chaos is about to perish!

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