Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 975: Inside the Crimson

Touch of entanglement,

What is that?

It is the eyelashes at the corner of your eyes, the traces of your sight, the residual light and shadow in your sight.

It is her favor for you.

The hair is twisting, and a strange feeling appears on the skin, as if the air is passing by, and the gentle touch makes you gradually addicted.

It is the tenderness beyond the touch, the sweetness of the residual aftertaste, and the warmth that has never been in memory.

The pervasive and ubiquitous tenderness pulls you into her arms, and the deep comfort constantly soothes everything about you. Gradually, you gather your limbs and wrap yourself tightly. The self that is curled into a ball undergoes unknown changes in sleep.

The first time you wake up, the tender skin makes you happy,

The second time you wake up, the light body makes you happy,

The third time you wake up, the entangled desire makes you hungry.

This is her favor. She will let you find the most desired sustenance, nakedly penetrate into the other's existence, eliminate the loneliness of human nature, break the inner barriers, turn into a fulfilled self, and get the most satisfying redemption!

The Stone of Terror,

There are many small stones left in the abyss. The gray appearance does not have a trace of crimson luster. The slightly convex edges and irregular curves always make some intruders feel a little curious.

And the intruders will pick them up unintentionally, and unconsciously see them stuffed into their clothes in their dreams.

Or keep a memory, or desire, or be bored,

When they wake up from the dream,

The things in the abyss have long been forgotten, but the touch of the small stones still exists.

They will keep looking, and keep looking for the faint residual memory that cannot be touched in the past, but cannot be found after the vague remaining feelings.

Until the desire turned into hunger,

some debris floated from his body,

the tear glands began to drop stone powder, the body was excreting fine stones, the familiar residence was occupied, and finally turned into a rich unrecognizable.

If you find a room occupied by stone, don't go there, there will be a faint wailing, and it will constantly tell its own story in your ear. The whispers that cannot be shaken off, the desire for touch that cannot be broken off, will become a new nightmare that entangles everything about you!

Peeping Eyes,

"There is nothing here." The intruder walked into darkness unknowingly.

"Who are you?" The intruder seemed to have discovered something.

"Help me, how can I get out?" The intruder wandered for a long time.

"I want to go back."

The intruder saw a pair of eyes, he knew there was someone here, but he could only passively be teased by the other party and lost in the darkness.

"Who are you?"

A pair of eyes appeared in the darkness, and the intruder staggered forward.

There is no distance in the darkness, and the intruder tried hard to catch up.

The eyes in the darkness have brilliance, and the eyes in the darkness are unusually beautiful.

Huge eyes, tiny eyeballs, round, square, triangular, diamond

Purple, white, black, blue, green.

Human pupils, beast thunder pupils, pale pupils, dark pupils, deep pupils

Densely packed, sometimes far and sometimes near, the endless eyes in the darkness surrounded the intruder,

"Who are you?"

The intruder asked the other party,

"I am you"

The intruder answered his own question,

The intruder's eyes began to gain brilliance in the darkness, flashing over everything.

"Who are you?"

Another question came from afar, attracting the intruder's sight, quietly looking back in the darkness, silently peeping in the darkness.

"Help me."

The intruder did not answer, he quietly retreated in the darkness, he was looking for his destination.

"I want to leave here"

There was no response, whether it was the intruder or the new voice, until a pair of eyes emitted new brilliance again.

Deep red,

His appearance is like a long-lost friend, familiarly interspersed in the crowd, coming alone and leaving alone.

No one will remember who he is, no one knows what he looks like,

The remaining traces of red cannot bring a trace of memory, and the vague existence seems to be just a dream.

Someone will also uncover his red, and the lucky person who noticed his appearance will see a deep hole under the touch of red,

This is a gift,

This "hole of the other world" will open in his eyes, allowing him to see the truth of everything, the flaws of the world, the fear of human nature, and the essence of all things, from appearance to disappearance.

Some people will pay attention to his feet, some people will like his colors, some people will feel anger, sadness, joy, and happiness, and some people will hate his appearance,

He will give gifts, like unexpected surprises, to those who see him.

Ordinary, boring, simple, he will also give others something else,

An old, yellowed scroll,

A twisted pattern engraved on a solidified red seal, like a "twisted human body line" that hinders opening,

It is said that the truth of all this is recorded here, and the existence of all this is recorded here. Here are all the sorrows in the world, as well as all the salvation and liberation. But if you want to open it, you need to dedicate, dedicate humanity, dedicate your own emotions, otherwise all this will be borne by you.

It seems to be a price, it seems to be paid, but this is the crimson scroll.

He has many names, but he doesn't need names. Those who know him are aware of his existence.

He occasionally appears,

quietly appearing in the afterglow, seemingly a little blurry, but also real.

Just like the crimson brilliance, it has always been indicating his arrival.

But don't call him, don't stare at him. Although he didn't refuse these, can you really bear the consequences?

Red cloth clothes, hole-shaped face, malicious bearing, chaotic human nature, all of these are not the fear that humans can bear, not to mention the boundless existence. All you see is the red you want to see.

That is not an existence you can bear.

There are also desperate people who will call for his existence. The crimson luster has always existed in every possibility. He will also respond to the call, just like a tentacle flicking at will, and his existence appears in the response.

He will give salvation in response to the call. The boundless and huge existence falls from the sky, the malicious tentacles and eyes open in the air, and the huge Hell Star is like his mansion, becoming a terrifying omen.

But the caller will not perish.

After redemption, the caller will live alone in his desire. He will hate the boundless hell star alone until the world is destroyed, and he will perish with existence.

There are also ignorant people who see his traces, and his kindness is recorded in books. These more real existences are recorded in a code.

Salvation, destruction, rebirth, creation, etc. all record his past.

But this code also records more mysterious existences, including information from gods, acquisition of power, connection with the world, and a deep red crack.

The thick deep red code,

A leather shackle closes it,

The dark red and somewhat purple book cover has countless wrinkles under the shackles.

It is placed in the center of a hall. Some people know where it is, and many people know where it is. This group of people have an obvious trace, a twisted red seal pattern.

Maybe he/she/it is by your side.

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